(Tim Brown) The narrative regarding CONvid-19 has been utterly debunked and yet, the media and lying politicians continue to try and advance their agenda with it. Investigative journalist Spiro Skouras recently interviewed James Perloff regarding what’s taken place this year with CONvid and what we can expect to see in the near future.
NWO Deep State
FBI Director Christopher Wray Has Been Hiding His Connections to a Russian Energy Company Likely Connected to Uranium One
(Gregory Van Dyke) We’ve uncovered that Christopher Wray has connections to a Russian energy company. Per a review of Wray’s bio at the firm he represented before coming to the FBI, King and Spalding, Wray represented a Russian energy company.
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CLAIM: Ongoing Underground Military Operations, D.U.M.B.S. and Adrenochrome Facilities Dismantled
(Justin Deschamps) Rumors continue to circulate that alliance forces are taking down deep state child sex abuse facilities and tunnels.
Fauci Says He Altered Public Scientific Estimates Based on Opinion Polls
(Daniel Payne) Dr. Anthony Fauci appeared to admit last week that he has deliberately misled the public regarding the coronavirus — for the second time since the pandemic began.
Controversial Bill Gates-Funded Plan to Dim the Sun’s Rays Moves Forward Quietly
(SARAH TAYLOR) A bizarre-sounding plan to save Earth funded by tech guru Bill Gates is “quietly” moving forward.
Mitch McConnell Has Family Ties to Bank of China, Top Chinese Shipping Firm
(Gabriel Keane) As news breaks Tuesday of Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell’s praise for the United States’ election “process” and declaration of “congratulations” for “President-elect Joe Biden,” the Kentucky senator’s extensive family ties to China have resurfaced as a topic of conversation.
PROPAGANDA: Millions Of Your Dollars Unconstitutionally Spent By Pentagon To Invade Christmas Movies To Promote Military, Incest & A Host Of Other Agendas
(TIM BROWN) I don’t know if there is ever going to be anyone with the guys to stop signing spending bills that show a flagrant disregard for the American people’s money or the US Constitution, but here’s another example of why DC needs to either be reigned in or abolished and a new form of government put in its place, as founding father Thomas Jefferson wrote in the Declaration of Independence. The Pentagon spent millions of dollars from Americans, without authorization per the Constitution, to literally invade Christmas movies this year to promote the military, and a few other agendas.
Did Edward Snowden Commit Crimes In Releasing Information on the Deep State’s Illegal Collection of Data on Americans?
(Joe Hoft) Many are calling for the pardon of Edward Snowden for uncovering the spying of all Americans by the Deep State.
The Institutionalization of Election Fraud
(Jon N. Hall) Many Americans, including this writer, contend that the 2020 presidential election is being stolen. About 70 percent of Republicans and even some Democrats believe that such a theft is happening. But despite considerable evidence, they cannot prove their case and put a number on the full extent of this alleged fraud.
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We Are in the Middle of a Global Experiment Using Injectable Bio-Electronics That Leads Directly to the Mark of the Beast
(HAF) Look around you, what do you see? Airlines mandating you receive a vaccine before flying, sport stadiums telling you that an Immunity Passport will be needed to attend events, countries like Israel and the nations of Europe using Green, Yellow and Red restricted zones.
Top Catholic Cardinal Warns COVID-19 Being Used to Usher in “Evil” Great Reset
(Paul Joseph Watson) A top ranking Catholic Cardinal has warned that the COVID-19 pandemic is being exploited by proponents of “The Great Reset” to “advance their evil agenda.”
The Only Thing Covid-19 Test Kits Are Good for is Illegally Collecting and Surveilling Human DNA
(Lance D Johnson) Lock downs, business restrictions, mask mandates and social distancing guidelines promised safety from “the virus.” Human populations were taught that collective avoidance was the most empathetic response, and local and state governments stepped in to enforce this mentality.
Obamas, Clintons and communist China all linked to SolarWinds
(Ethan Huff) News about the SolarWinds Orion hack is generating a lot of questions about what this company is and who is behind it. What we know so far is that its corporate ties include gems like communist China, the Clintons and the Obamas.
Luciferase Quantum Dot COVID-19 Vaccinations – The Bill and Melinda Gates Satanic Agenda
(Derek Knauss) Luciferase Quantum Dot COVID-19 Vaccinations – The Bill and Melinda Gates Satanic Agenda
NOT GOOD: Joe Biden COVID-19 Martial Law Plan Revealed
(The People’s Voice) It was never about the election it was always about the Globalist depopulation plan. I thought we had more time but there is no time left. My work here on this web site is done. This may be my last post. Soon the boarders will be sealed and no one will escape from this death camp.