(Kyle Becker) A British medical research institute has discovered that the Oxford-developed AstraZeneca vaccine, a jab that uses a ‘trojan horse’ delivery system based on a weakened viral strain, is potentially connected to an uptick in a serious neurological disorder called Guillain-Barré syndrome (GBS).
“Privacy” Search Engine DuckDuckGo Smoked Over Hidden Tracking Agreement With Microsoft
(Activist Post) DuckDuckGo, the search engine which claims to offer “real privacy” because it doesn’t track searches or store users’ history, has come under fire after a security researcher discovered that the mobile DuckDuckGo browser app contains a third-party tracker from Microsoft.
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Mask Mandates Caused MORE COVID Deaths, Study Alleges.
(Natalie Winters) Mask mandates caused higher COVID-19 death rates, according to the bombshell claims made in a new medical journal report analyzing fatality rates across the state of Kansas.
“THE TRUTH ABOUT JANUARY 6th” Documentary Premieres Today on The Gateway Pundit. Narrated by Political Prisoner Jake Lang from Inside Solitary Confinement
(Cara Castronuova) The highly anticipated documentary “The Truth About January 6th” premieres today on The Gateway Pundit! This groundbreaking documentary contains never-before-seen footage of and commentary on January 6th.
Monkeypox: Technocracy’s Next Wave Of Crimes Against Humanity
(Patrick Wood) I am currently traveling the country with Drs. Judy Mikovits, Richard Fleming and Reiner Fuellmich. Our one-day conference topic in nine cities focuses on the case for crimes against humanity having been committed by leaders of Big Pharma and the biosecurity cartel. Indeed, there are a multitude of potentially criminal violations at national and international levels. But now, meet monkeypox!
The WEF Wants to “recalibrate” Human Rights
(Activist Post) Speaking to a panel at the World Economic Forum (WEF), Australian eSafety commissioner and WEF member Julie Inman Grant told panellists that they might need to recalibrate people’s human rights online.
Reminder: “Smart Ocean” Technologies and Deep Sea Mining for “Conflict Minerals” Aren’t Eco-Friendly
(B.N. Frank) Mining for ingredients needed to make electric vehicles (EV) and other wireless devices and infrastructure has environmental consequences whether the mining is done on land (see 1, 2, 3) or in the ocean (see 1, 2). These ingredients are often referred to as “conflict minerals” (see 1, 2, 3, 4) which seems appropriate. Adding insult to injury, what proponents continue to refer to as “green technologies” often emit high levels of biologically and environmentally harmful radiation. All of the above is already wreaking havoc on land. Now the oceans are at serious risk for being destroyed as well.
Revealed: Fauci’s Recent, $10m Monkeypox Grant.
(Natalie Winters) A nthony Fauci’s National Institutes of Health agency was funding research to identify treatments for monkeypox shortly before the virus began spreading in a global outbreak.
The FBI Is Investigating American Parents As Domestic Terrorists
(Emerald Robinson) Reps. Jim Jordan and Mike Johnson co-signed a letter to AG Merrick Garland informing him that whistleblowers had confirmed the FBI was actually investigating concerned parents as “domestic terrorists” using a so-called “threat tag” created by the FBI’s Counterterrorism Division.
Sweden and Finland: Tips of the Globalist Iceberg?
(Jeremiah Johnson) The applications tendered by Sweden and Finland to join NATO form a narrow point of focus that has transfixed the world’s attention. The applications are the latest attempts at a steadily-continuing encroachment over the past three decades, since the official dissolution of the Soviet Union back in 1992. Should Ukraine join NATO, it would serve as the coup de grace, marking the crossing of a line that Russia has spelled out in no uncertain terms.
Regulator: Half Of America Faces Power Blackouts This Summer
(Activist Post) Tens of millions of Americans could be thrown into a summer of hell as a megadrought, heatwaves, and reduced power generation could trigger widespread rolling electricity blackouts from the Great Lakes to the West Coast, according to Bloomberg, citing a new report from the North American Electric Reliability Corporation (NERC), a regulatory body that manages grid stability.
Bill Gates’ Media Control Dream
(Keean Bexte) The Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation has doled out over $319 million in grants, awards, and charity to media organizations, including $38 million to so-called “investigative journalism” centres.
After Azov Dropped Nazi Insignia From Uniform, Media Hypes New ‘Unicorn LGBTQ’ Patch
(Paul Joseph Watson) Distracting from the embarrassment?
California to Make Prescribing Ivermectin for Covid a Crime
(JD Rucker) The powers-that-be are so desperate to get everyone jabbed eventually, they are doing everything in their power to prevent people from receiving drugs that reveal Covid is treatable.
The Scene from Philadelphia – While Our Leaders Send Billions to Ukraine (VIDEO)
(Larry Johnson) This video was shot on Kennsington Avenue in Philadelphia and posted back in August 2021. It is both searing and sickening.