(Arjun Walia) It’s amazing how much money is scraped off of each paycheck, and how much money multiple small and big businesses pay. We are told that it’s necessary; that this is the money going towards various programs that are responsible for building our schools, employing people for necessary services and infrastructure, among many other things. It’s truly amazing how much money governments rake in from taxes.
Globalists (Deep State) Are Bringing Their One World Currency Plans Out Into The Open
(Brandon Smith) People often ask me when they should begin to worry about the agenda for the “global economic reset” and the controlled demolition of the economy? If economic collapse is a process rather than an event, at what point in the process will we start to feel direct consequences?
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Oregon Bill Would Create Banking Alternative for Cannabis Industry, Bypass Federal Reserve
(Michael Maharrey) A bill filed in the Oregon House would establish limited state-chartered banks to serve the cannabis industry. Final passage of this legislation would remove a major federal roadblock in front of the developing industry in the state and further nullify federal prohibition in practice. Rep. Pam Marsh (D) and Rep. Ken Helm (D) introduced House Bill 3169 (HB3169) on Feb. 28. The legislation would create a self-contained, state chartered banking system for the cannabis industry in Oregon.
We Have Spent $32 Million Per Hour on War Since 2001
(Stephanie Savell) This March marked the 16th anniversary of the U.S.-led invasion of Iraq. In 2003, President George W. Bush and his advisers based their case for war on the idea that Saddam Hussein, then dictator of Iraq, possessed weapons of mass destruction — weapons that have never been found. Nevertheless, all these years later, Bush’s “Global War on Terror” continues — in Iraq and in many other countries.
The True Size Of The U.S. National Debt, Including Unfunded Liabilities, Is 222 Trillion Dollars
(Michael Snyder) The United States is on a path to financial ruin, and everyone can see what is happening, but nobody can seem to come up with a way to stop it. According to the U.S. Treasury, the federal government is currently 22 trillion dollars in debt, and that represents the single largest debt in the history of the planet.
Just Before The Great Recession, Mountains Of Unsold Goods Piled Up In U.S. Warehouses – And Now It Is Happening Again
(Michael Snyder) When economic conditions initially begin to slow down, businesses continue to order goods like they normally would but those goods don’t sell as quickly as they previously did. As a result, inventory levels begin to rise, and that is precisely what is happening right now.
Can We Do Without Money?
(Anthony Migchels) As it is clear that money throughout most of history has been the key source of domination by the ‘hidden’ World Government, it is natural that many conclude that money itself is the problem, and that it must go.
How The Federal Reserve Quietly Bankrupted The US Pension System
(Stephanie Pomboy) Actions have consequences. Even for the Fed.
It Begins: Russia, China, and India Are Now All Dumping the US Dollar
(RT News) Economic sanctions, endless wars, and dirty politics has major countries ditching the US dollar in a hurry—which will not end well for the US.
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HIDDEN MESSAGES: The World in 2019 According to the Economist Magazine
(Vigilant Citizen) A look at the cryptic symbolism found on the cover of the Economist’s “The World in 2019” which includes the Four Horsemen of the Apocalypse. What are they trying to tell us?
Is The Federal Reserve Actually TRYING To Cause A Stock Market Crash?
(Michael Snyder) The Federal Reserve has decided not to come to the rescue this time.
These Countries Are Quickly and Quietly Dumping the Dollar
(Robert Wheeler) Over the past few months, there has been a steady uptick in the number of countries dumping significant portions of their dollar holdings. This is causing many people to worry whether or not the US economy is in for a massive shock sooner, later, or somewhere in between.
The Truth Behind Money and the City of London
(Richard Small) Some of you might be aware that the City of London is the financial powerhouse of the world, not Wall Street as some might think. But did you know that the City of London, is completely devolved from the rest of London and the entire country? Related City of London’s Ownership of American Colonies — […]
62 Percent Of All U.S. Jobs Do Not Pay Enough To Support A Middle Class Life
(Michael Snyder) We just got more evidence that the middle class in America is rapidly disappearing. According to a shocking new study that was just released, 62 percent of all jobs in the United States do not pay enough to support a middle class life.
Middle Class Destroyed: 50 Percent Of All American Workers Make Less Than $30,533 A Year
(Michael Snyder) The middle class in America has been declining for decades, and we continue to get even more evidence of the catastrophic damage that has already been done. According to the Social Security Administration, the median yearly wage in the United States is just $30,533 at this point.