(LAUREN THOMAS) Traffic at stores on Black Friday fell by 52.1% compared with last year, as Americans by and large eschewed heading to malls and queuing up in lines for shopping online, according to preliminary data from Sensormatic Solutions.
President Trump’s Economy Continues to Break Records – DOW Passes 30,000 for First Time in History
(Joe Hoft) President Trump does it again. The DOW broke 30,000 for the first time ever as the Trump economy roars back from the China coronavirus shutdowns.
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AOC’s Bright Idea: ‘To Get The Virus Under Control, We Need To Pay People To Stay Home’
(Hank Berrien) On Thursday, Rep. Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez (D-NY), who apparently thinks there is a money tree that will offer an inexhaustible supply of funding for any leftist Bright Idea™ in her head that she would like to implement, decided that the way to solve the coronavirus pandemic is to pay Americans to stay home.
How Much Fraud Could There Be?
(Anthony J. Ciani) Many have dismissed election fraud based on claims that there is no fraud, that the amount is small and incapable of changing results, and that the amount required to change results would necessitate an easily discovered coordinated effort. Three months ago, these same people claimed that President Trump would steal the election through fraud. They produced nothing to back their assertions, but they could have made estimates to show the minimal capacity for fraud. How much fraud could there be, and can it be corrected before the vote is certified?
Bitcoin’s Sudden Acceptance As Global Finance Changes
(Neenah Payne) In the October 19, 2020 video The Bitcoin Life Raft: The End of Monetary & Fiscal Policy As We Know It Raoul Pal, CEO and Co-Founder of Real Vision, discusses the end of the US dollar and the growing shift to digital currencies by Facebook, governments, and global institutions to address the escalating financial crises. Pal says that Central Bank Digital Currencies (CBDCs) will be game changers. He believes they will be rolled out over the next three years and after mass adoption in five years, there will be no cash. However, Pal explains that while the CBDCs will solve several important problems, they will also force people to give up their privacy and freedom. He shows that CBDCs will also be a threat to your savings.
The New Gold-Backed Monetary System and Blockchain-based Free Speech Platform
Two major issues coalescing in our world at this present moment is that of the coming gold standard/gold-backed global monetary system and the troubling prevalence of digital censorship. […]
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Donald Trump Demands Change: ‘Too Much Income Disparity’ After COVID-19
(Charlie Spiering) President Donald Trump criticized America’s top billionaires on Saturday for massively increasing their net worth during the coronavirus pandemic.
Gold, Silver and the Federal Reserve: a Transitioning Economy
While the world is currently filled with no shortage of crises that hold our daily attention, something even bigger than most folks can even imagine has been taking place in the background. The current Administration, in tandem with countless others, has taken the bull by the horns and nationalized the Federal Reserve banking system, essentially neutering the central bank cartel.
Trump Administration to Release Names of Businesses That Received Large PPP Loans
(Zachary Stieber) The Trump administration, in a sharp reversal, is releasing the names of some businesses that received money from a federal government program created to alleviate burdens during virus-fueled lockdowns.
Documentary on $100 Trillion Stolen By Wall Street, Recoverable by Trump
Former CIA spy Robert David Steele teamed up with numerous Wall Street insiders, attorney’s and financial experts to put together a documentary that exposes a practice by Wall Street known as Naked Short Selling. This process is done to intentionally steal money from companies and bankrupt them. Firms have been able to document at least […]
A Resource-Based Economy and Two Roads to the Future: Service-to-Others or Service-to-Self
(Mickey Megistus) If you’re doing the research (and the proper spiritual inner-work) while looking at all the pieces on the board, you can see, and verify, that humanity is currently making its gradual transition to a resource-based economy where money will no longer be needed.
RDS To Trump: Reclaim the $50 Trillion Stolen by Wall Street! (Video)
Former CIA spy Robert David Steele has taken up a massive and important project of revealing how Wall Street uses a process known as Naked Short Selling to steal from companies and investors to the tune of trillions of dollars. Robert has been working with Wall Street insiders (even some whose identity must be protected) who […]
The Fed Is Running Out of Bubbles to Create
(Klajdi Bregu) The Fed came out with a series of unprecedented measures on March 22, 2020. They announced the Fed will buy an unlimited amount of Treasurys and mortgage-backed securities (MBS), or as Peter Schiff refers to it, “QE infinity.” This has been very positively welcomed by many in the mainstream media and by businesses. Yet, what many are ignoring is that the Fed has to do this to keep the bubbles that it has created going. Recently, I wrote that the Fed has created many structural problems in the mortgage market, corporate bond market, and the car loan market. These issues have only been “waiting” for such a situation to come to the surface and severely hurt the economy.
This is What Economic Collapse Looks Like
(Michael Snyder) Approximately ten million Americans have filed new claims for unemployment benefits over the past two weeks. To put that in perspective, the all-time record for a single week before this coronavirus pandemic hit was just 695,000. So needless to say, 6.6 million claims in a single week puts us in uncharted territory. Just check out this chart. We have never seen a week like this before, and we may never see a week quite this bad again. Of course millions more jobs will be lost in the months ahead as this pandemic stretches on, but it is hard to imagine another spike like we just had. When you add the last two weeks together, somewhere around 10 million Americans have filed new unemployment claims during that time period…
Fed Will Make up to $4 Trillion in Loans to Businesses to Rescue the U.S. Economy, Mnuchin Says
(Greg Robb) Treasury secretary says Fed will play key role in helping businesses hurt by coronavirus