IOU Money: The Greatest SCAM Never Told — You Need to See This (Video)
Stock Market Crashes: Dow Dumps Over 750 Points — Takes Out February Crash Lows
(Zero Hedge) The Dow Jones Industrials is now down over 3300 points from its highs, and has broken below February’s spike-crash lows to the lowest since Nov 20th..
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China Moves to Destroy US Dollar As They Launch the Gold-backed Petro-Yuan
(Matt Agorist) China has just launched the petro-yuan, a gold-backed currency directly challenging the US dollar signaling the beginning of the end of the American greenback.
Trade Wars, Global Market Turmoil & Dow Drops Over 700 Points Again, Latest (Video)
Trade Wars, Global Market Turmoil & Dow Drops Over 700 Points Again, Latest
The Stock Market Falls Another 724 Points! What In The World Is Happening On Wall Street?
(Michael Snyder) We just witnessed the 5th largest single day stock market crash in U.S. history. On Thursday the Dow Jones Industrial Average plunged 724 points, and many believe that this is just the beginning of another huge wave down for stock prices. After this latest dramatic decline, the Dow is now down 3.1 percent so far in 2018, and overall it is down 9.99 percent from the all-time high in January. A 10 percent decline is officially considered to be “correction” territory, and that means that we are just about there.
How and Why “The Money Masters” Took Control (Full Documentary)
(Justin Deschamps) The question of money, what it is, where it comes from and why we need to use it—goes largely unanswered in our modern world. We are indoctrinated into a system that is so fundamental to our way of life, with little to no intrinsic knowledge of why. There is a very good reason for this and can be understood once the context of who we are within the legal system is acknowledged.