(Michael Snyder) As communities all over America shut down in order to help prevent the spread of the coronavirus, job losses are already starting to rise to extremely alarming levels. As you will see below, almost one out of every five households in the U.S. has already experienced “a layoff or a reduction in work hours” because of this pandemic.
Trump Orders HUD to Suspend Evictions and Foreclosures
(Brett Samuels and Sylvan Lane) President Trump on Wednesday directed the Department of Housing and Urban Development (HUD) to suspend evictions and foreclosures through April as Americans grapple with the fallout of the coronavirus.
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For The 3rd Time This Month, We Just Witnessed The Largest Single Day Point Crash In Stock Market History
(Michael Snyder) We are literally witnessing history in the making. For the third time in the last six trading sessions, we have witnessed the largest single day point crash in stock market history. Let that sink in for a moment. On March 9th, the Dow set a new record by falling 2,013 points.
Cash for Coronavirus: White House Working to Send Checks to Americans to Fight Coronavirus’ Economic Impact: Mnuchin
(Mark Moore and Steven Nelson) Treasury Secretary Steven Mnuchin said Tuesday the Trump administration is working with Congress on a plan that would send checks to Americans in an effort to blunt the coronavirus pandemic’s effect on the economy.
RDS on Coronavirus Blessing, Q Anon, Debt Jubilee, Financial Reset & More (Video)
RDS on Coronavirus Blessing, Q Anon, Debt Jubilee, Financial Reset & More (Video)
4 Ways Coronavirus is Helping to Takedown the Deep State
(Justin Deschamps) Is the coronavirus being used as a part of a Deep State takedown operation, coordinated by whitehats or positive forces that have infiltrated the NWO cabal criminal syndicate network? Rumors continue to circulate that the Covid-19 pandemic is indeed being used to take down the Cabal.
MIT Scientist Claims Coronavirus is a “Deep State Fraud”
(Paul Joseph Watson) Says hysteria is being fueled to manipulate financial markets.
Out Of Time: U.S. Cases Explode As The Coronavirus Pandemic Reaches A Tipping Point
(Michael Snyder) If you thought that we had more time before this coronavirus pandemic exploded out of control in the United States, I am sorry to say that you are out of luck. In all of the major nations in the western world, the number of confirmed cases escalated dramatically over the past few days.
Market Massacre: Oil Crashes 30%, VIX Explodes As S&P Craters Limit Down
(Zero Hedge) Update (2020ET): And there it is: for the first time since the financial crisis, the emini S&P future has hit the limit down band of -5%, something it failed to do even during the May 2010 flash crash.
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UNW Weekly Report (March 1st – 7th) Communism, Socialism, and the Transitional Economy
(Ryan DeLarme) There is a grotesque amount of historic inaccuracy and general ignorance surrounding the realities of Socialism and Communism. I would add that this is not an argument favoring Capitalism by any stretch, all of these systems are flawed and should have been rendered obsolete at LEAST 40 years ago by the state of technology (largely classified to protect the US petrodollar).
The Unstoppable Coronavirus vs. The “All-Powerful” Federal Reserve
(Michael Snyder) Has the Federal Reserve finally met an opponent that it won’t be able to defeat? Ever since the last financial crisis, unprecedented intervention by the Fed at key moments has kept the economy and the financial system relatively stable.
Burger Robot to Replace Fast Food Workers With a Wage of $3 an Hour
(Aaron Kesel) If your job is working at a restaurant flipping burgers you may soon find yourself replaced by a robot that works for only $3 an hour.
Central Bankers’ Core Mission Now Includes Climate Change
(Zero Hedge) The Fed, ECB, Bank of England, and Bank of Japan have now embraced climate change as part of their mission.
ECONOMY: Stock Market More Overpriced and Perilous Than Anytime in History
(David Haggith) I’m not going to predict when and how the US stock market will crash as I did by laying out the stages of its fall for 2018. That was easy, but the times are different now.
A History Of Inflationary Money: From 1844 To Nixon
(Alasdair Macleod) So that we can understand the financial and banking challenges ahead of us, this article provides an historical and technical background. But we must first get an important definition right, and that is the cause of the periodic cycle of boom and bust. The cycle of economic activity is not a trade or business cycle, but a credit cycle. It is caused by fractional reserve banking and by banks loaning money into existence. The effect on business is then observed but is not the underlying cause.