(Patty McMurray) Rob Hoogland, a resident of Surrey, British Columbia, is the brave father of a young teenage girl who has been essentially stolen from him by the medical community and by the Canadian courts. Rob, whose daughter decided in 7th grade that she wanted to be a boy, believed that at 14-years-old, she was too young to make the decision to medically transition to a male.
Related Biden Executive Order Forces Taxpayers To Cover Cost Of Military Transgender Surgeries
by Patty McMurray, March, 13th, 2021
The doctors, school officials, and now the Supreme Court have decided that her father does not have the authority to make that decision, and furthermore, he is to always refer to his daughter by “his” proper pronouns or he will face legal action.
The Rair Foundation explains – Hoogland noticed changes in his daughter around sixth grade when she started to act more like a tomboy. She was hanging out more and more with boys around the same age and was getting into a little trouble. Hoogland sent her to a school counselor in hopes that some of that behavior would be remedied.
According to Hoogland’s original court application (which has since been pulled from the internet), his daughter began to identify as male after having seen the pro-transgender video “Handsome and Majestic” while at school.
Hoogland’s daughter expressed to her father that she would be appearing in the yearbook for seventh grade under the name of a male, and not her own name. Hoogland was angered that the school would go along with the delusion and expressed his concerns at the time. To his shock, it was later revealed in a court affidavit that the school counselor had arranged the change be made in the yearbook and in numerous meetings with the child. It was the school that began to pressure her to transition into a male. The child’s parents were not made aware of the changes per British Columbia’s Sexual Orientation and Gender Identity (SOGI) policy. The school further accommodated the child by referring to her by this new male name and allowing the child to now use the bathroom designated for males.
“They’re not thinking ahead, they’re making decisions based on feelings, that’s what children do. They don’t make decisions based on playing the tape forward and thinking down the road. Kids aren’t thinking at that age about having families or having children,” Hoogland stated.
Hoogland’s ex-wife told him she had been looking into finding professional counseling for their daughter and that she would soon be seeing Dr. Wallace Wong who deals in gender dysphoria. It wasn’t until much later that the father found out Wong had been recommended by the school directly, and not found through the mother’s research. The daughter was to be treated for depression, but instead, Wong began pushing his cross-sex ideology onto her instead.
Dr. Wong is the author of “When Kathy is Keith.”
On Tuesday, Mr. Hoogland is set to be arrested for violating the terms of the court which prohibit him from speaking out about the ghoulish behavior of the doctors, school counselors, and the justice system in Canada that has stripped him of his parental rights.
Here is his incredible story:
Mass Resistance interviewed Mr. Hoogland this week. Here is a transcript from their interview:
I’m thinking about these doctors. Here I am facing time in prison. And these two doctors who are so proud of the work that they do in transitioning children are actually cowards hiding behind children. They are continuing to commit what I consider crimes against humanity. And they are using the government to silence me so that I can’t call them out on this. If they are so proud of it, why are they in hiding? Why won’t they come out and tell everybody how great it is what they are doing?
This speaks volumes as to what they’re trying to cover up. They don’t want you to know what they’re doing with your children. And by disguising it as a “policy” they don’t have to tell parents what’s going on with it. What they will tell you is that it is used to protect children from their parents. How insane is that? Because, they are saying, “Parents are biased, parents will discriminate, parents will do all these terrible things because they don’t agree that their child who is a girl, is really a boy. So we need to protect these children from their parents.”
They’re taking kids during school time out to get [hormone] shots. Parents don’t know what’s going on until it’s too late. They’re not even informing parents that their child is being “transitioned” anymore.
Rapists get two years in prison. I’m looking at five years. Put that into perspective. That tells you how important this is to the government in their experimenting on children.
But these kids are going to be handed a life sentence. It’s irreversible. They will be sterile. They won’t have families. A lot of them will eventually choose to commit suicide because you’re compounding their mental health issues with this. They’ve been falsely told that they can change from a girl to a boy, which is impossible, and now they’re somewhere in the middle. So my five years is nothing compared to the prison these kids are being put into for the rest of their lives.
There’s that moment where a court tells the parent who’s against this that their child’s going to be given cross-sex hormones regardless of what they want. And that moment is such a defeating moment because you know that your child is now going to be irreversibly damaged. And to sit and watch that happen knowing it was completely avoidable is the worst feeling for a parent.
A lot of people are still in denial about all this. They’ll hear my story and say, “Rob must be exaggerating. It can’t be like that. This is Canada. There’s no way this can be happening.”
You guys at MassResistance are one of the leading examples of how we need to fight this, because we’re beyond diplomacy on this matter. We’re at war. And people have to wake up. We’re not going to “negotiate” with them anymore. It’s like negotiating with terrorists who are experimenting with your children. You can’t do it. So people need to stop pretending that’s a path forward. This is a war for the lives of our children and future generations. That’s why I love what you guys do at MassResistance because you recognize this is a war.
Those who think that this madness will never come to the United States, or other countries, are deluding themselves.
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