Some Highlights From the Interview“The only reason why I agreed to do this interview is because I feel an obligation to share with everyone that was affected on the blog. I feel that responsibility to be that transparency we talk about. We want to give others who may have been misled an opportunity to heal.”-Brian Kelly“There were times when the hurt was so bad, you almost thought you wouldn’t come through it.”
“We all stopped writing and Heather came up with a plan that we would all go dark.” –Dani“We were lured here to Morocco as a job to take down the 5D media platform…”
“Through my daughter I was able to see the things that I wasn’t able to see before…”
“The filings had an effect that triggered a lot of people. They spoke to many of us and people felt it. Don’t regret what you’ve done if you’ve done it while walking in empowerment.” –Lisa“The love, the connection, the togetherness that we NOW have as a group brings tears to my eyes. It’s like a Phoenix rising.”- Mel B“I knew in my heart that when the exposure, when the evidence was there that Lisa wouldn’t just stand there and go with the flow. I knew she would do something about it. I have been waiting for you guys to talk about it. It takes a lot of courage to go in and get into a story the way you guys have. People will look into this and may blame you that the OPPT didn’t deliver what it was supposed to deliver. You got in and got your hands dirty, and people will judge you for having that dirt on your hands, instead of thanking you for doing the work that they didn’t have to do” –Mel V
HopeGirls Account of the Final Days:
Another View of Restinga from one of the Apartment complexes nearby.
In chaos theory, the butterfly effect is the sensitive dependence on initial conditions in which a small change in one state of a deterministic nonlinear system can result in large differences in a later state. The concept is, if a butterfly flaps its wings, then weeks later a hurricane may result.
Our Plans and How you Can Help:
The One Network has repurposed to report the news the main stream media will not report. Currently the One Network provides a platform that represents both the evolution of the 5D Media Network and a collaboration between independent, alternative media voices who share a common world view. If you enjoy our shows, please consider sponsoring us for only $10 AUD a month. Click here to see our amazing promotional video and become a sponsor today! the-one––us/
Fix the World is a services organization that implements humanitarian projects that can change the planet. We help people with ideas organize them into projects to help them get funded and implemented. We are here in Morocco to set up our headquarters where we plan to bring in project managers from all over the world to help them implement their projects. In addition, we are here to set up a free energy lab to distribute QEG’s and other alternative energy devices directly to the people of Africa. Please consider visiting our fundraising campaign for our business start up here or you can also sponsor FTW by making a monthly recurring donation here FTW is also now accepting Bitcoin donations!
Dani Arnold McKenny is the creator of two popular websites, ‘Removing the Shackles’ and ‘Transpicuous News’. Dani along with her amazing research team have joined the ONE NETWORK to bring you a weekly update on what the mainstream news is really saying, what is being omitted and connecting dots as only D can. To support Dani and her family so that she can keep doing this amazing work, please consider a donation to her blog here:
Joe Renaud says
First off, a correction, it's called "Uniform" Commercial Code and not, "Universal".
Secondly, Heather Anne Tucci never had her filings officially adjudicated in any legal courtroom. That's why they were ineffective and had no teeth within the legal system.
A legal court must hear the arguments from the filings with a judgement and that was never done so now people know why all these lawyers are laughing in our faces when we mad claims that these filings somehow have caused the entire legal world to obey filings that were never adjudicated in any legal courtroom.
Until that is done nothing will change and the very reactions from the courts and government authorities show beyond a shadow of any doubt that those filings had no aurthorized or official standing.