(Mike Adams) The lying fake news media wants you to believe that all students demand immediate gun control. But that’s false, of course. In truth, the media is censoring pro-liberty students and denying them any right to be heard.
Related WATCH: Hero FL Survivor Exposes CNN Scripting of Town Hall Meeting on Gun Control
by Mike Adams, March 24th, 2018
But some young students are taking matters into their own hands and speaking out through Twitter and other means. Here’s one such student the mainstream media hopes you never get to hear.
Via Gateway Pundit:
CJ Pearson, a 15-year-old high school sophomore, is going viral for a history lesson on the Second Amendment directed at his peers who were attending the March For Our Lives.
The well-spoken Georgia teen’s video has been viewed nearly 40,000 times.
“Today hundreds of thousands of young people are going to take to the streets to march for gun control because they have been fed this false narrative that the Second Amendment is discardable, the constitution is obsolete and that guns are inherently bad. That argument, that narrative — is B.S.,” Pearson argued.
Pearson explained that he believes young people in his generation are too focused on deciding their political views based on emotion instead of logic and reason.
“My message to my fellow young people is to remember what we learned in history class. Remember Hitler? Joseph Stalin? Even some modern examples — Kim Jong Un and so forth and so on? The people that these regimes have oppressed I am sure would kill to have something like the Second Amendment, and I am sure that the Holocaust would have been a very different thing if those that Hitler sought to oppress had had the means to defend themselves. First they come for our guns, then they come for our liberty,” Pearson explained.
Pearson stated that in America we have had the privilege of not having dictators like Hitler and Stalin come to power due to our Second Amendment.
“If any leader ever sought to plant the seeds of tyranny in this country they would be met with resistance. Resistance made possible by the Second Amendment. History not learned from is history bound to be repeated, and so when you sit here and argue that the Second Amendment is the worst thing to happen to America and that we need to just throw it out the window — I am going to look you in the eye and say that is B.S.,” Pearson said. “Guns don’t kill people, people kill people, and that is a fact.”
The high school student urged people to remember that a good guy with a gun stopped a school shooting just this week in Maryland.
“The right to the carry and bear arms is what keeps America free and keeps our liberties intact. I will fight for it every single day and other young people should too,” Pearson concluded.
Pearson has been blogging about politics since he was just eight years old. He has been a popular and fierce supporter of President Donald Trump, despite growing up in a Democratic family. He has been named to both Red Alert’s 30 under 30 and the Daily Dot’s 20 under 20.
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even though i see your requirement of leaving addy and name an attempt at dissuading critique/criticism on your articles i will acquiesce… after living in a situation where nearly everyone had an assault rifle, i don’t accept them as needed, unless it is to kill a person. rotten hunting weapon, great killing machine. most of those that are clamoring for their “right” to carry a person killer have never actually had to live under that reality. but then again i guess one opinion “trumps” the others. i did not fight to live under an idiots need to have a person killer. the time might actually come when that will be the case… i hope i am dead and gone before then, that ain’t living. this argument for combat weapons available to nearly all in our society is either based upon ignorance, stupidity,… or a part of a plan to destroy us. as if an ar-15 is going to be any f-ing help in any govt assault, citizens uprising, self defense against the state et., al…. perhaps we would do much better to just EVOLVE. that is the point in the end, right? so evolve and be a part of the conscious evolution that is waiting for us to catch-up and join in. as to sits being so big as to front this young man makes sits like the rest, cnn, fox, blah blah blah… be bigger. be better. be responsible. don’t be dicks.
michael a. bracamonte, USN 69-72
riverine force, mekong delta,
vietnam 70-71
The point of having guns isn’t for personal defense, per say, although that is a valid reason. The second amendment was created to protect the citizenry from the government, by forming a well armed militia, equal in military strength and power.