(Dennis Fetcho) “7/11”, or more appropriately, “SEVEN” and “ELEVEN”, provides us with multiple means of masking Pi into a 26 digit Letter/Number/Sound philosophical system. This article will shed some light as to the complexity of these operations, their means of execution, and the implications and opportunities for creating myriad “anchors” within the Alphabet.
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Source – The Illuminatus Observor
by Dennis Fetcho, December 4th, 2010
“7/11” and the Acroamatic Cipher
Lets first review some of the basic elements of the Construction. A primary element is that known as “the Acroamatic Cipher”. Says Manley P. Hall in Secret Teachings of All Ages,
“The religious and philosophical writings of all nations abound with acroamatic cryptograms, that is, parables and allegories. The acroamatic is unique in that the document containing it may be translated or reprinted without affecting the cryptogram. Parables and allegories have been used since remote antiquity to present moral truths in an attractive and understandable manner. The acroamatic cryptogram is a pictorial cipher drawn in words and its symbolism must be so interpreted. The Old and New Testaments of the Jews, the writings of Plato and Aristotle, Homer’s Odyssey and Iliad, Virgil’s Æneid, The Metamorphosis of Apuleius, and Æsop’s Fables are outstanding examples of acroamatic cryptography in which are concealed the deepest and most sublime truths of ancient mystical philosophy…
…The creation myths of the world are acroamatic cryptograms, and the deities of the various pantheons are only cryptic characters which, if properly understood, become the constituents of a divine alphabet.”
As embodied in Speculative Freemasonry, this search for “the Truth” comprised a search for “the Lost Word”. This “Lost Word” was encoded as a “divine Alphabet”.
As Manley P. Hall explains, the various “creation myths of the world” abound with “acoamatic ciphers” that are, in turn, concealing a “sacred Alphabet”. In the story of “Adam and Eve”, we are able to demonstrate precisely what was meant by a “divine Alphabet”.
If we use the Letter M and divide it, we create the sequence I V I.
This sequence is simply reordered to V-II. Being “Hebrew”, it is read “backwards”, wherein the “tale” reveals its Letter.
II = PI = 3.141 = 1413 = ADM
ADM and EVE is an acroamatic cipher for the “Roman” or “Greek” letter M.
Since V-II is a form of “crypted M”, we note then that the SEVEN is, too, a form of “cipher” for the Letter M. In this case, we note that when we break the M into its constituent components, M = I V I, it is “Pi” as “ADM” that “surrounds” EVE. Hence in the word S-EVE-N, we note that S is located at number 3 while N is located at number 14.
S-EVE-N simply is another form of presentation for the Letter M.
Equally, since EL (L) is, too, located at number 3, the word EL-EVE-N demonstrates clear that EL-EVE-N is a form of cipher for the Letter M.
All of these representations and ciphers form “conceptual links” and “anchors” that, through an elevated understanding of the Construct, begin to reveal themselves as representative of “the Word”.
The Key to “the Word” is Pi.
The Precession of the Equinoxes and Freemasonry
One of the “Great Keys” to understanding the Speculative Masonic Arts, as well as the larger Western esoteric traditions, to include Esoteric Christianity, is that which is known as “the Precession of the Equinoxes”.
In short, the Earth wobbles on its axis like a top, shifting one degree every 72 years. The total time to complete one rotation on its axis is known as “Plato’s Great Year”.
Says Higgins in “The Beginning of Freemasonry”,
“If the ultimate and all-sustaining secret of Freemasonry may be openly expressed in a few words, it will be these:
“The entire course of nature is manifested in cycles. Some of these are scientifically real, others are but appearances based upon the presence and position of the observer upon the earth, away from which they have no true existence. For instance, there is no night except we are temporarily on the shadow side of our globe during its diurnal rotation. There is this movement of the earth on its axis; there is the annual revolution that we term the year; and there is the stupendous cycle called the precession of the equinoxes, which requires nearly 26,000 years for its accomplishment….
“…By careful computation we are able to reconstruct this really divine system, and we find that the exact proportions relating to celestial correlations in question were lavishly and exclusively in the architecture and temples of old, in all the culture lands of the world, both east and west.”
“The Great Pyramid” of Egypt is, perhaps, the most studied of all ancient architectures relative to Western esoteric traditions, especially as these traditions pertain to Freemasonry. Some celestial constants that are embed into the Great Pyramid include the following:
- The length of a base side is 9,131 Pyramid Inches measured at the mean socket level, or 365.24 Pyramid Cubits, which is the number of days in a year [9,131/25 = 365.24, accurate to 5 digits]. The perimeter of the base divided by 100 = 365.24, the number of days in a year. [9 131 Pyramid Inches * 4 / 100, accurate to 5 digits]
- The length of the antechamber of the King’s Chamber times Pi = length of a sidereal year [116.26471 Pyramid Inches * 3.14159 = 365.25636 days, accurate to 8 digits]
- The sum of the pyramid’s two base diagonals in Pyramid Inches = length of the Precession of the Equinoxes (25,827 years)
- Due to the angle of the sides of the pyramid vs. its latitude, it casts no shadow at noon during the spring equinox. – Source: Tim Strouse.com
When creating the “verbal” component of the larger “philosophical Construction”, the “precession number that was/is used is that of Plato, or 25920. When 25920 is divided by 2, this figure enables us to arrive at a “conceptual diameter”, or what is known as a “Pi Proportion”.
The “Precession of the Equinoxes” as a “Pi Proportion” may be viewed simply as two circles squared and divided by 10.
(360^2)/10 = (360*360) = 129600/10 = 12,960 Years
12960 Years * 2 = 25920 Years = Platonic Cycle
In this case, the operative number is “6^2” or 6*6 or 36.
When we sum the digits from 1:11, we show that 1+2+3+4+5+6+7+8+9+10+11 = 66.
The term “66” is a cryptogram for 6*6.
The Great Key remains “Pi”, which in this case is being represented by 360 degrees of a circle, or 6*6, or 66 and 11 for short.
Anchor Points in the Alphabet – The Number 7
We now turn to the idea of “anchors in the Alphabet”. Another term for “anchors” is “Pi Start Points”, but “anchors” is an appropriate conceptual definition.
Our primary “anchor” is simply to divide the Alphabet in half.
In a 26 digit sequence Alphabet, a division by 2 would arrive at “13”. This is the Letter M. “M” starts the sequence 131415 which is, of course, Pi (3.1415).
The secondary anchor is to simply divide the Alphabet again in half.
The homonym code here is “If you got it, do you have it?”
In this case, the Letters being encoded are the Letters G and T. The operative word is “GOT”. In this case, we divided the Alphabet in half and arrived at M.NO. When we divide the Alphabet in half a second time, we arrive at the Letters of G and T.
At the letters “G” and “T”, we have exactly 6 Letters to the right and left of each respective letter.
—–6——G – —-6—-
—–6——-T ——6—–
This “6*6*6*6” encodes the “Precession of the Equinoxes” in that 6*6*6*6 = 1296, while equally encoding the period from Winter Solstice to Spring Equinox to Summer Solstice to Fall Equinox, and so forth.
The design of the Alphabet is directly encoding the same “celestial observations” as is hinted at in the design of the Pyramids.
The “homonym code” is a play on words. If we “G-T” the Alphabet, we first divide the Alphabet in “half”, and then, when we divide the Alphabet in “half” again, we arrive at the Letters G-T. The play on words, then, is the coy link of “have” to “halve”.
If you “G-T” the Alphabet, do you “halve it”?
The answer, then, is of course “Yes”, if I G-T the Alphabet, I must “halve it”. Set into profane speech, the phrase becomes “If you got it, do you have it?”. With a wink of the eye, an esoteric code set against “truth” reveals itself simply and effectively.
More importantly, the Letters “G” and “T” appear on the “7 digit” of each of their respective halves.
The way that the “7” becomes a “Pi Start Point”, or “anchor point”, is through fusing the Letters G and T to the seasons. T is the Winter and Summer Solstice while G is the Spring and Fall Equinox. Since each of these days traditionally fell on the 22 day of their respective, the fraction of 22/7 reveals 3.1428571.
“7” represents an anchor point for Pi when the traditional dates for the Sun’s celestial marking points is invoked.
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The Letters B-T and “11”
We could not that the Letters B and T have values of 2 and 20 respective, and that the sum of 2+20=22 and thus to divide 22 by 2 we arrive back at 11 shows a relationship of B and T to 11, but this form of logic would not be the design and intent of the Letters B and T.
However, just as G and T as the word “GOT” and “GET” hint at a more hidden esoteric code, so too do the Letters B and T as the word BET and BETTER, hints at a more hidden esoteric code.
The way this works is through a manipulation of the “Master Number”, which is 11.
The “Master Number” of “11” reveals that the sum of 1:11 is 66, and 66 is 6*6=36.
Manipulations of the Number 36 include the following:
1) The Sum of 1:8 = 36 = 6*6
2) The Sum of 1:11 = 66 = 6*6
3) The Square of 36 = 6*6
4) The Multiple of 4*9=36=6*6
When we use the Letters B and T, aka, the “BT” er way. This “BT” way, of course, must invoke the Master Number in some way.
This is accomplished through setting one start point at T and the other at B. If we count 4 digits to right of T and 4 digits to the left of B, our end point is X.
T – U V W – X – Y Z A – B
The Letter X is 11 digits in from the start of the second half of the Alphabet.
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 0 11
When we count 9 from the Left of T and 9 from the Right of B, our end point is the Letter K.
B – C D E F G H I J – K – L M N O P Q R S – T
The Letter K is the 11th Letter from the start of the Alphabet.
Through the Letters BT, using a 4*9 count, we arrive at an 11*11 (K-X) representation of the Master Number.
Since 11 is 66, then K-X reveals 11-11, or 66-66, or 6*6*10*6*6 = 12960 years.
This is, again, the Pi Proportion to the Precession of the Equinoxes.
In this way does 7/11 hide or reveal starting points for “the Word” or “Pi”
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Stillness in the Storm Editor: Why did we post this?
The news is important to all people because it is where we come to know new things about the world, which leads to the development of more life goals that lead to life wisdom. The news also serves as a social connection tool, as we tend to relate to those who know about and believe the things we do. With the power of an open truth-seeking mind in hand, the individual can grow wise and the collective can prosper.
– Justin
Not sure how to make sense of this? Want to learn how to discern like a pro? Read this essential guide to discernment, analysis of claims, and understanding the truth in a world of deception: 4 Key Steps of Discernment – Advanced Truth-Seeking Tools.
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