A video blogger claims that there are hidden messages in the new $100 dollar bill which warn of future nuclear devastation in the United States.
Back in 2002, it emerged that when a $20 dollar bill was folded in a certain way it revealed images that resembled the 9/11 attacks, a story that caused quite a stir at the time since the notes were issued three years beforehand in 1998.
Are the hidden images in the new $100 bill a chilling prophecy of future events, or just another example of how people are obsessed with doomsday fantasies that require a huge leap in imagination and logic to believe?
Source: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ut6tsUuajlo
The original video:
Anonymous says
A part of the message of Cosmic Awareness – October 13, 2013
• When one is in fear it is easy indeed to manipulate, for the fear response is of such a nature and has been bred into human consciousness for so long that it seems to be natural and right.
• Fear: “False Evidence Appearing Real”. Thus those in power with such a knowledge, such an awareness of how to control and manipulate will use fear to their advantage, will ensnare the majority, for humanity has been bred to be fearful and simply to respond to those messages of fear that demand certain actions be taken
• There are many who are offering these messages at this time where it seems that there is no choice, that this is what is happening, that this is the reality of the experience on the physical. There are those who are tired now of such choices and such manipulation.
• The choices that they face may be that they wish a new world, a new paradigm, a new order of things that no longer give such control and power to these manipulators. This is the new balanced and harmonized planet A/B that this Awareness has so long talked about, and that one can begin to re-create this physical dualistic reality to be one of balance, harmony and hope, one that is in alignment with Mother Earth and her consciousness as well as Divine Consciousness.
• But one must not jump into the fear-inducing response. One must hold that this is the planetary experience they wish to have and when information comes forward, to make clear choices, that “not for me”, that this is not for me, that I choose to believe we are progressing, we are moving forward.
• Then of course there is that which is the fifth dimensional consciousness that is becoming stronger and stronger for many individuals. That they take such negative information and simply apply their higher consciousness and create the planet A scenario interlaying on top of the planet A/B scenarios, overlaying the planet A/B scenario so that they start to see more and more every day that they are on planet A, they are at the fifth dimensional level of cognition and awareness, and that they make their choices always from this enlightened, illuminated level of consciousness. That they will begin to see more and more how the planet they are creating for themselves is truly planet A, truly that which so many are wishing to achieve and to call into their lives.
• At this time this Awareness wishes to offer another acronym. The acronym is for the word “faith”. So many are told to live in faith, that all will be well, that everything will work out.
• And this vague concept of having faith is indeed something that many find hard to have, for they do not understand what it is. It is intransient. Indeed it is that which seems to be beyond one, but it is not at all beyond one, and thus this Awareness offers a new acronym that may be of assistance for those who are struggling with their faith. The faith that all will be well, that their lives will be infused with Spirit and with the Divine and that they are indeed moving to a bright new future.
• Faith: Following Awareness Inside Towards Healing. That one can also understand faith is Following Awareness Inside Towards Home, one's spiritual home, one's spiritual Helios or Light.
• That as one truly begins to assess their world from that level of inner awareness, inner feeling of what is or is not, one is led away from those attempts to misguide and misinform. One will look at information such as that which has been recently released and realize that this information is being used to manipulate mass consciousness and that one can choose to buy into it or not.
• Following one's inner awareness allows one to make choices that are in defiance of the mass choices that are being made by the majority of human beings at this time. It allows them to step beyond the line drawn into the sand and into a new way of thinking, a new way of feeling, a new way of being.
Anonymous says
Hmmm. Criticism on playing on people's fear. Then turns around and use that fear to push spiritual views??
What's the definition of hipocrite again??
I know I know I'm going to hell. But so are you for wanting me to go hell.
Anonymous says
You are making yourself look ignorant Mr. Going to hell. If you really were going to hell you would know. They (not so nice other realms/dimensional beings) let you know because its torture for you and fun for them. So if you find yourself conversating with Lucifer, don't let him commit you to hell.
Anonymous says
We are in deep shit as soon that as missile launches and that liberty bell rings it will kill millions of people in new york it would be safe if they evacuated the city and not come back for a few years it's frightening to witness something powerful as this but more frightening knowing the blind fate coming for nyc <:-{
Anonymous says
Don't worry its probably the order of the 300 or illuminati. Remember we are all sheep in this world and we all get fleeced by the government, just like 9/11.