(Joe Hoft) Verified Voting may be the worst pick to perform the audit in New Hampshire’s Windham County based on its associates alone. Remember, birds of a feather flock together.
by Joe Hoft, May 2nd, 2021
It was announced last week that the auditor picked to perform an audit in New Hampshire’s Windham County was Verified Voting:
We reported last week that New Hampshire officials selected Verified Voting, the same entity that said the Arizona election fraud claims were fake and worked to try to get the Maricopa County audit shut down!
This letter denouncing the New Hampshire audit WAS SIGNED by Mark Lindeman from Verified Voting!
Mr. Linderman already tried to stop the Arizona audit, why would he do anything different in New Hampshire?
The April 13, 2021 letter sent to the Arizona Senate’s president, Karen Fann, attacking Cyber Ninjas and the entire forensic audit, included a team of shady characters as signatories: the Brennan Center for Justice, Verified Voting, and RSM Election Solutions. The Carter Center, founded by Jimmy and Rosalynn Carter, the fourth entity which signed on, is the most reputable, lending credence to the other three nefarious characters.
Brennan Center for Justice
The Brennan Center for Justice out of NYU Law in Manhattan – the Democrats’ most trusted election integrity outfit in the country – is most well-known for being the front-of-the-pack attack dog, barking incessantly that there is no such thing as voter fraud. It has issued massive numbers of opinions on that subject over the years, OpEd’s, testimony, lead articles in fake news outlets.
Whenever an honest, hardworking voter integrity group comes along, like J. Christian Adams’ the Public Interest Legal Foundation (PILF), to legally challenge an election due to voter and/or election fraud, it is always the Brennan Center that shows up in amicus briefs and court appearances, to aggressively prove to the court that there is no such thing as voter fraud and election fraud is a myth.
The Brennan Center is also the go-to place when a Democrat needs to assert to the public – with scientific proof and statistics galore – that his or her campaign and election were lily-white because there’s no such thing as voter fraud.
Its mission is:
to build an America that is democratic, just, and free — for all. The Brennan Center for Justice is an independent, nonpartisan law and policy organization that works to reform, revitalize, and when necessary, defend our country’s systems of democracy and justice.“
It is a “think tank,” “advocacy group” and a “cutting-edge communications hub,” all rolled into one. It’s a 501(c)(3) nonprofit charity and, although the law requires it to be nonpartisan, it is anything but. Its election opinions and public policy recommendations always seem to, coincidentally, match exactly what progressive Democrats want to see happen in America with our elections. According to Influence Watch:
The Brennan Center for Justice claims to be nonpartisan for tax reasons. However, critics have pointed out that this “nonpartisan” Center for Justice leaves “unstated” the fact that group “pursues a left-wing agenda,” which through its efforts “exposes as a charade its assertions that it is a nonpartisan organization dedicated to the promotion of democracy and equal justice for all.”
The Brennan Center took in a whopping $84.5 million in revenue in 2020. Its president, Michael Waldman, was paid an unbelievable $475,027 in compensation in 2019. This is a nonprofit flush with revenue, secretive wealthy donors, state & federal granting streams, future promises of more to come, and private, progressive billionaire’s eager to join the ranks of those Americans wanting to remake our Constitutional Republic into a socialist nightmare.
Its most famous board member, board co-chair Patricia Bauman, is a partner in George Soros’s Democracy Alliance, a secretive billionaire’s club whose only reason for existence is to fund nonprofits, those which the DA chooses, of course.
The Brennan Center is a well-paid George Soros puppet. It has been, for years, more than a Soros puppet, it is his Democracy Alliance’s lead election integrity nonprofit, the one which sets the election integrity agenda for all the Democrat-controlled nonprofits in the business of supporting ‘fair and just’ elections for our democracy. It gets the extra-large cash gifts – grant awards – from the Democracy Alliance for that reason.
As such, all of the policy papers, the well-researched white papers, the studied election statistics, the action alerts, and public policy updates that the Brennan Center spits out on a very regular basis – to the entire U.S. nonprofit community – push the agenda of its secret, progressive donors.
That agenda is dubbed as “election integrity.” It is, in reality, the slow-track way to secretly turn our elections into a partisan, rigged system, benefiting, of course, the Democrats and their socialist partners. This is not a myth, this has actually been underway for decades, at least since 2005 when Soros and friends created the Democracy Alliance in order to fund and control U.S. nonprofits.
If you need a policy paper on why the country needs ID-less voting, absentee ballots for all, driver’s licenses for illegal aliens, early voting, automatic voter registration, ballot harvesting in three easy steps, the Brennan Center is the place to go.
Yet another nonprofit in the Soros / Democracy Alliance universe, it is a 501(c)(3) bagman for its progressive billionaire taskmasters. The Brennan Center delivers on election integrity, as it dutifully twists the knife into our Constitution, slowly and quietly destroying any possibility of free, fair, transparent, trustworthy, and secure elections.
RSM Election Solutions
Now, this guy, Ryan Macias, who signed the letter in Arizona, owns RSM Election Solutions. He used to be the acting director of the U.S. Election Assistance Commission Voting System Testing and Certification Program. The EAC, for those who don’t know it, is a totally corrupted and politically compromised agency, with appointments to the EAC and its Board of Advisors made purely on partisan, political grounds. We discovered this when we identified that the two firms selected by the Maricopa County Board of Supervisors to perform their audits in Arizona (before the Senate’s Cyber Ninjas audit) were not certified as the Board asserted. Within 4 hours the EAC certified these two entities:
What did Macias do at the EAC? He “managed testing campaigns for Dominion Voting Systems and Democracy Suite 5.5 Voting System.” He offered an opinion on the Antrim county audit where numerous election abnormalities were uncovered, like 68% of the votes going to adjudication, saying those auditing didn’t know what they were doing.
His firm, apparently set up right after he left the EAC, is called RSM Election Solutions. It is NOT a nonprofit, like the Brennan Center, Verified Voting and the Carter Center. It is a private, for-profit business, an LLC. He’s in it purely for the money.
The money piles infusing our election system are huge, a salesman’s dream, if you’re in the business of pushing electronic machines, ballot marking devices, cyber-security, and anything you can convince the customer to buy, who is flush with millions in state and federal taxpayer dollars to spend, on a deadline.
So, what in the world was this guy – a profiteer making a fast buck in this cash-rich U.S. election system network, with its 50 states’ worth of eager election officials – doing signing onto this letter alongside a couple of co-opted nonprofits, threatening the Arizona Senate’s forensic audit?!
He’s the lonely little petunia in the onion patch, sticking out like a sore thumb in that letter! What’s in it for him?
Previous to his EAC work massaging Dominion Voting Machines’ testing campaigns, he was with the California Secretary of State’s office. California is notorious for having one of the most socialist sets of “voting integrity” laws the nation has. CA also has some of the most corrupt elections in the country, perhaps that’s just a coincidence.
It was California that made famous the term “ballot harvesting,” with its images of shady Democrat operatives smoking cigars, knocking on doors in nursing homes and Section 8 complexes, coming out with shopping bags stuffed full of ballots they just “harvested” and skulking quickly on over to the county election office, to dump their booty.
(Based on looks alone you might be inclined to stay away from Ryan Macia.)
Ryan Macias’s bio states in part:
In 2019, Ryan founded RSM Election Solutions LLC a consulting firm whose motto is Resiliency in the election infrastructure = Securing election technology + Mitigating risk to the democratic process. He is also a subject matter expert in infrastructure security for Lafayette Group, Inc. where he develops strategies and products for state, local, tribal, and territorial (SLTT) governments and private sector partners to mitigate risk to critical infrastructure.
From 2016-2019, Ryan worked for the U.S. Election Assistance Commission (EAC), most recently as the Acting Director of the Voting Systems Testing and Certification Program. He also spent 10 years with the California Secretary of State developing and implementing legislation, policies, and procedures on election technology and security.”
Rather than lending credence to the letter sent to the Arizona Senate, this election salesman’s signature makes you question the entire letter! Who’s palm did he grease in order to gain notoriety and a place on the national stage by attacking a statehouse, the Arizona Senate, which is simply trying to conduct a fair, accurate, honest, detailed, multi-faceted forensic audit?
In Summary
New Hampshire – you can pick Verified Voting as your auditor and you’ll be guaranteed you will have your election rubber-stamped and will receive nothing but compliments from our corrupt media.
Or, you can pick a firm like Cyber Ninjas that will do the best job and you will face garbage claims and accusations daily from the same media. But with this second approach, you know you will have accurate and comprehensive results when done.
The choice is yours, the future of our country is at stake.
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About The Author
Joe Hoft is the twin brother of TGP’s founder, Jim Hoft. His posts have been retweeted by President Trump and have made the headlines at the Drudge Report. Joe worked as a corporate executive in Hong Kong and traveled the world for his work, which gives him a unique perspective of US and global current events. He has ten degrees or designations and is the author of three books. His new book: ‘In God We Trust: Not in Lying Liberal Lunatics’ is out now – please take a look and buy a copy..
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