[10/29/14, 2:48:50 AM] HeatherAnnTucciJarraf I: Bill, as this next bit is done, and before it gets really wild….I just wanted to say thank you for everything…including, and, especially, helping me to do the website… I just posted the final bit…Source Fource…
Justin, What is Source Fource? Thank You.
Source Fource.. good question. Lets decipher the message and explore the possible meanings…
"ps….the update to the website is nothing that has to be reposted….Source Fource uses IComms and all inbodyments are accessing…it is my way of loving closure and gratitude to the internet and the former tools… "
Source Fource uses IComms, Source being the source of all things, the creator, First Cause, etc uses IComms or Inner communication tools. In other words a statement that Source is in communion with all inbodiments could mean that we are all receiving exactly the right data we need to receive for our present moment. Additionally, that Heather seems to be stepping out of the mirrored systems based on our internal technology, the internet. Suggesting she no longer wants to use them, and may not even need them.
These are the POSSIBLE meanings I gleamed from her statement. I don't have direct explicit knowledge of what she meant by this.
What do you think?
I think you nailed it and that was my line of thinking but it seemed so bizarre to me I needed someone else's view, LOL. Thank You Justin. I love that you take the time and effort to reply to messages.
Thanks for asking. Interacting and discussing all this data is what makes the work so rewarding =)