Updated 3.29.2014 9:33pm: I have been getting a lot of questions about how these documents are supposed to be used. See this post How to Defeat Admiralty Courts And the Law of the (Holy) See – by Judge Dale for a detailed explanation of what the 12 presumptions are. Heather’s documents help remove any Tacitusly Procured consent and rebut the 12 Presumptions.
The only presumption I am not sure of is Presumption of Public Record, which usually requires filling a statement of Non Consent or Refusal to Contract on the Public Record section of the News Paper.
I'm assuming that these documents are created to once again present them to the banks, (who previously refused to play along and give us our rightful value) to try once again to see if they'll consider these new and improved documents and will be persuasive enough to change the bankers minds/perceptions of what value is and that we all have an unlimited amount waiting to be unleashed? I'm certain you'll all forgive me if I choose not to hold my breath on this again.
But by all means though, please go right ahead and try them out on some bankers, if it'll make you feel better. Heather did a great job on them and they really look complete and professional and it looks as thought they took her a lot of time and work to get all that finished. The cabal may seem down and out to many who have claimed as much, but do not doubt their resolve and bitterness to win at any cost. The cabal can outlast us all because they've been accumulating our value for centuries and seeing as we still need that "redundant" money/currency to pay a bill or fill a tummy they still have us by the short hairs and so now expect them to start pulling on them really, really hard. They have everything to gain and nothing to lose by yanking us into oblivion.
Thanks, Joe. My thoughts exactly. She's been saying that the cabal has been foreclosed upon for nearly two years now, and they don't seem to be in on this information or seem to care one bit.
I don't think these documents are necessarily for banking (right now) they are more for existing Alleged judicial cases and Alleged debt since the systems seems to be ignoring the filings. I have studied the docs since their arrival and they are perfect in every way and should be effective, BUT the same ole problem exists of corrupt judges and attorneys (No one to stop them) that will not act in honor and may render the docs useless. I entered the Will and Word, DODD, 2 of the declaration of rejections and the Praecipes into my current court case so I will see first hand.
I'd be interested in seeing what kind of results you have. Here in Canada, our courts passed a "legal law" that allows the judge to ignore any evidence brought forth by the plaintiff that may show criminal or fraudulent actions on the behalf of a bank in a foreclosure case, (Deryl Zeleny was kind enough to show us that was true), so we have what is known a "rubber stamp" method for foreclosures in Canada. The banks have our judicial courts in their back pockets and it continues to be so to this day.
Yes Please let us know, I think your assessment of the documents usage is spot on. they are not for depositing value or walking into banks, they are for dispelling tacitusly procured consent by your person in the fraudulent system. I am curious to see if the presumption of private court will be dispelled, as this normally requires posting a statement of non-consent or recession on the public record with copy of the original offer to contract.
edit; I am also a little disappointed that Heather did not offer brief explanations on the use of the docs such as the filing process with the court, if there are time limitations, etc…
I have done extensive research for answers and they are hard to find.
Just keep signing "without prejudice" along with your signature when or if you decide to sign anything at all in a court of "injustice" friend.
UPDATE from Anonymous above: I just found out a default judgement was entered on me for credit card default. The only DOCS I filed with the court was Heathers DODD, I AM, Declaration of Rejection for Summons, and the Praecipes.
I did not show up for the court because I had ordered the clerk to enter the praecipes, apparently she did not. An explanation of the processes sure would be welcomed. I searched and searched for those answers on line and found none.
See this post here, it details the 12 presumptions, which are mostly dispelled by heathers doc.s The only one I am not sure of is the presumption of Private Court, which normally requires filling a statement of non consent on the public record.
let me know if this helps!
Thank You for responding Justin. Heather's docs address the 12 presumption beautifully! She did a great job on them. I have at an earlier date viewed the post you list above, it is nice and helpful. I did not know how to do the Pracipes. I didn't know if the Clerk was to go at them time I presented them and have the judge render the decision then or if they were just to be entered on the case. The Clerk did not take them to the judge, she threw them in the file and the rest is history. I am seriously considering hiring an attorney to open the case back up and take care of it, I also know where that will probably go since he/she will not be working for me. Anyway, Thanks again Justin. Kim Phillips