(Raptor Man) Geoengineering is a controversial subject, to say the least, with so many different theories about its origins and implementation.
by Raptor Man, December 7th, 2018
Geoengineering using aircraft has a long history and many different forms from cloud seeding in the 1960s over Vietnam in Project Pop-Eye to ski resorts using commercial weather modification companies to create snow to this day. Far from a conspiracy theory, Geoengineering is being openly bragged about by China and Russia, both using jet aircraft to spray chemicals to disperse clouds for national holiday parades. China has a huge Geoengineering program to create rain for its agricultural regions and publicly admits it. Using jet aircraft and mountain top dispersal units to inject chemicals into the atmosphere to make rain for crops.
Yet when the subject comes up in the Western zeitgeist, it is automatically a far out conspiracy theory which is to be ridiculed, that such a thing could even exist. Many observers content a secret program already exists in Western countries to control the weather using jet aircraft. Dispersing long plumes of chemicals in the sky to alter the climate in various ways, exactly as is being done elsewhere by other governments.
It only adds to speculation when the summation of all the U.S. funded government research on future Geoengineering describe a program that is a mirror image of what curious observers are seeing now. Using jets to disperse chemical aerosols at high altitude to reduce solar radiation. The U.S. government claims Geoengineering is definitely not going on right now but probably will be in the future.
“After surveying an exhaustive list of potential deployment techniques, we settle upon an aircraft-based delivery system.” Wake Smith and Gernot Wagner
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A recently published IOP Science paper by Harvard scientists Wake Smith and Gernot Wagner titled “Stratospheric Aerosol Injection Tactics and Costs in the First Fifteen Years of Deployment” is a collation of all the public research on Geoengineering and prescribes a program using high altitude aircraft to disperse chemicals in the stratosphere to reflect sunlight and curb global warming. Going into all the details that would constitute a Geoengineering program. This paper gives a rare insight into how such a thing would operate, how much it would cost and how many planes would be needed. Lending clues to those that want to estimate the size and scope of any possible ongoing Geoengineering that may be occurring over Western countries but is being kept classified.
The paper even bemoans the fact that such a program would be very difficult to keep secret. Harvard scientists Wake Smith and Gernot Wagner state that such a program would be hard to keep classified since jet aircraft would be leaving long plumes of chemicals behind them that span the entire sky blocking the sun in a soupy haze. Keen observers would surely notice the changes and criss-crossing patterns of aircraft trails littering the sky from horizon to horizon. Sounds very familiar to what is being seen by so many now, in the skies over many N.A.T.O. countries, that deny such programs exist.
We conclude by arguing that, while cheap, such an aircraft-based program would unlikely be a secret, given the need for thousands of flights annually by airliner-sized aircraft operating from an international array of bases. Wake Smith and Gernot Wagner
These white papers are thinly veiled, making things sound rosy. Who would admit to such a thing? Read between the lines to get a gauge of what may be going on now. Using the paper to get a guesstimate on how big and costly a current Geoengineering program may be. The paper states the cost of Geoengineering for Solar Radiation Management by way of jet aircraft at 2.25 billion a year, possibly up to 5 billion a year. That’s for the whole globe but this does not include the ill health effects on the population of the world.
We calculate early-year costs of ~$1500 ton−1 of material deployed, resulting in average costs of ~$2.25 billion yr−1 over the first 15 years of deployment. We further calculate the number of flights at ~4000 in year one, linearly increasing by ~4000 yr−1. Wake Smith and Gernot Wagner
The paper also calls for a new type of stratospheric tanker plane for future operations. Eventually building up to a fleet of 95 new aircraft that fly higher and carry more aerosol by 2047. At its peak conducting 60,109 flights per year. There must be 100s of available modified aircraft being used for any current operations since it states today’s modified dispersion jets don’t go high enough or carry as much aerosol as desired. A conservative estimate would be a hundred and fifty thousand flights, or more would be needed for this type of operation using today’s modified dispersal aircraft at possibly twice the cost.
However, we also conclude that developing a new, purpose-built high-altitude tanker with substantial payload capabilities would neither be technologically difficult nor prohibitively expensive. Wake Smith and Gernot Wagner
The U.S. and other N.A.T.O. countries deny ongoing programs exist but say they would like to do Geoengineering with jet aircraft in the future. The exact same thing that western observers are seeing now and that other less technologically advanced counties are already doing openly.
Stratospheric Aerosol Injection (SAI) would require lofting hundreds of thousands to millions of tons of material each year to altitudes up to ~20 km. Here we seek answers to three questions: if SAI deployment were to commence within the foreseeable future with the tools and technologies at our disposal, how would such deployment be physically achieved, how much would it cost, and could it be done in secret? Wake Smith and Gernot Wagner
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It’s as if a gang of robbers was on the loose and everyone can see the smashed windows all over town if they look up from their smartphones. A group of professional robbers then publishes a series of detailed articles in the local newspaper about how to rob homes by smashing windows “if they ever wanted to do it” in the future. All the major details of the plan fit exactly what is being seen by witnesses, but the robbers say everyone is crazy, that its not happening and how could any sane person possibly believe it. At the same time stating they would really like to rob homes by way of smashing windows, if given a chance, at some point in the future and are currently experimenting with it.
Not sure how to make sense of this? Want to learn how to discern like a pro? Read this essential guide to discernment, analysis of claims, and understanding the truth in a world of deception: 4 Key Steps of Discernment – Advanced Truth-Seeking Tools
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