(Stillness in the Storm Editor) As long-time readers will know, we’re big on discernment here at Stillness. How do we get good at it? with practice. In line with that, here’s a challenge for you.
Related 4 Key Steps of Discernment – Advanced Truth-Seeking Tools
The following was sent to me by a reader.
The video claims to be footage taken in front of Buckingham Palace, the home of British Royalty.
My first instinct was that it isn’t legit. But I don’t have any direct evidence of fabrication.
That said, the reaction of the women to the video seems strange. And the sheer incredulity of it all, meaning, we never see these kinds of things happen in everyday life, also is likely a reason my knee jerk reaction was to reject it. I’m sure some of you will have this reaction.
From a discernment integrity perspective, we need more than just gut instinct to go on. We might not believe it, but if we want to prove it is real or unreal, we need a logical explication resting on some evidence.
I challenge you in both respects!
If you think it’s real, why? List your reasons and any evidence you can find. That evidence could be this video, wherein you describe why some aspect of it that’s supports your argument.
A proper argument is merely an explanation that cites evidence in support.
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For example, if I say, “It’s raining outside.” and I point the window showing you that it’s raining, I’ve just made a substantive evidence-based argument. My claim has evidence to support it.
If I say it’s raining, and I don’t cite any evidence, this is an unsubstantiated claim. It doesn’t mean it’s untrue, it just means you don’t have the basis to work with. And if you want to discern it, you need to go look for the evidence yourself. This is where most of the claims we find out there sit, a claim of truth, but not much evidence to work with.
Even if you don’t know how to cite evidence, just state your reasons as to why you think it’s real. This will get the ball rolling.
Here’s the video.
Before you watch, though, a warning.
The uploader is talking over most of it, sharing their personal opinion of what it means to them. What I want you to pay attention to is the video he’s showing, not what he’s saying.
The point of this exercise isn’t to find the answer, although that would be beneficial too.
The point is to enjoy the game of trying to solve a mystery together.
We spend far too much time in isolation.
We’re so guarded about what we believe. And of course! We aren’t forming our conclusions as a group exercise. This means we all have slightly different beliefs, which makes it hard to feel safe about sharing them with others.
When you discern as a group, you aren’t as attached to the conclusion. Why? Because it isn’t yours. It’s the groups. This means it’s a lot easier to separate yourself from it. It’s a lot easier to avoid the problem of becoming trapped by your beliefs.
Buy Book How Do We Know?: An Introduction to Epistemology (The Philosophy of Discernment)
This is a problem everyone has to contend with. Thus, relearning how to engage in group discernment is a really good thing, for so many reasons.
Post your thoughts in the comments, so others can see. Respond to others’ comments. Please do so with respect—with the goal of cooperating to find the truth.
Let’s see what happens.
– Justin
The preceding is a Stillness in the Storm original creation. Please share freely.
About The Author
Justin Deschamps has been a truth seeker all his life, studying physics, psychology, law, philosophy, and spirituality, and working to weave these seemingly separate bodies of information into a holistic tapestry of ever expanding knowledge. Justin is a student of all and a teacher to some, sharing what he has discovered with those who are ready and willing to take responsibility for making the world a better place. The goal of his work is to help himself and others become better truth-seekers, and in doing so, form a community of holistically minded individuals capable of creating world healing projects for the benefit of all life—what has been called The Great Work. Check out his project Stillness in the Storm to find some of his work. Follow on Twitter @sitsshow, Facebook Stillness in the Storm, and minds.com.
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This article appeared first on Stillness in the Storm.
Stillness in the Storm Editor: Why did we post this?
Discernment is the ability to judge well—when one can recognize when their perception of reality is accurate or not. As people, we navigate life using an internal map, which we are responsible for creating. This means discernment is effectively akin to a personal cartography system, a way for you to internalize reality so you can work with it to realize your goals and dreams. As such, you might think of discernment as one of the most important skills you have. If your life isn’t going the way you want, it’s a good bet that the biggest factor is: you aren’t discerning properly. Yes, it is hard to discern. It takes time. It takes dedication. It takes a willingness to be wrong so you can learn how to be right. But its literally what makes the phrase “the truth shall set you free” a truism. The preceding information discusses discernment or puts forth an exercise for its refinement. With a desire to improve your discernment in hand, literally, everything that can be done will be done with your will and accurate perception combined. And you will be able to defend your mind against deception, whether from within, in your darker moments, or without, from others and the powers that be.
– Justin
Not sure how to make sense of this? Want to learn how to discern like a pro? Read this essential guide to discernment, analysis of claims, and understanding the truth in a world of deception: 4 Key Steps of Discernment – Advanced Truth-Seeking Tools.
Stillness in the Storm Editor’s note: Did you find a spelling error or grammar mistake? Send an email to [email protected], with the error and suggested correction, along with the headline and url. Do you think this article needs an update? Or do you just have some feedback? Send us an email at [email protected]. Thank you for reading.
Lisa says
Hello Justin thanks for your service i have been following your site for a long time and your info has always gave good information. You Kauilapele and Starshipearththebig picture have always been reliable with the truth. Thanks
Now i seen that video when it first came out in 2017 and i do believe it is real. I seen it before all this pedo stuff came out but was aware that these people had been accused of hunting children naked so i thought it was very real. Kevin Arnett has exposed alot of their crimes as well as the Vatican and the ninth circle. As Q says these people are sick…Thanks again for all your hard work. Bless the mess and everybody in it…Lisa
Justin Deschamps says
Thanks for sharing Lisa. And thanks for the support over the years. We’re in this together. A commenter suggested the video is a clip from a longer video about a sex scandal between an actress and a royal. So it might not be as horrifying as we thought.
I intentionally didn’t research the video so we could do it together and I was delighted by the response! :)
Greg Dampier says
In discernIng the truth of a thing, such as a video circulating the internet, One must take into account all the recent disclosure of new tech that has made it unlikely we can trust our senses. I am a photoshop guy myself. This makes us a species that no longer can rely on those senses for decision making. So that brings me to whether a decision needs to be made in regard to this clip or not for the viewer. ONE should ask why should this get my attention over the of other news items? is there likely to be an agenda attached? lately there seems to be a tactic of misdirection and distraction from other very important topics. Is this ONE of those? I have come to understand that for now at least, there are things I will never know. I have reconciled that with the understanding that a thing can be and not be at the same time. That I neither believe or disbelieve anything, that is until I find I need to make a decision that directly effects a choice I need to make. Many are awakening to all the revelations that are coming out, but what do I KNOW? I KNOW that the only way forward in this time is the message I got from my future Higher Self I call “ONE”. Or what some ONE might call my discernment….”the answer to every question is LOVE. If LOVE is not in it, It is not the answer” now that primer does not tell me the truth of the video in question but it is a guide for how I respond to all the shit coming forward these days. For me this is more important than knowing the truth of this video. How I re-act to the video plays a much bigger role in our future. After all it is about energy frequency is it not?
Samantha says
I did see this footage a year or so ago on YouTube, but it disappeared very quickly.
Never thought I’d see it again.
Very interesting timing
Roxsena Charise says
I’m thinking this is real–the young person is genuine and the onlookers are morons. Although I’m not a photoshop techie, it seems to me that it would be difficult to program the image of a human body wrapping around a flag pole like that and then falling off.
Valkyrie Ice says
ignoring audio as it feels overlayed later.
video starts as watching parade. Pans parade, then as it starts to pan back, recorder notices something odd and pauses, then focuses in on oddity.
It is doubtful that the original video recorder realized what he was recording in real time. The incident was too short. I strongly suspect original audio was disbelief, and then the turn to the two ladies was to ask, “did you see that?” as the recorder probably doubted what he had seen. The ladies had not and reacted like two ladies watching a parade.
SO half and half. I think the video is real, but I think the audio has been radically altered in an effort to influence further reaction.
Maureen Callahan says
OMG I’ve seen this before and it is horrifying.
Janet Salmon says
All I want to say is that I hope this video is not real, maybe the author just wanted to bring attention to what he believes about the Royal family, which is what many of us have already heard and it’s horrifying – if true. I hope the two ladies that were laughing, did not see anything other than the parade, for this reason also I find it hard to believe that the child escaping was not real.
I do have my doubts about the Royal family and that Prince Andrew was lying in his recent video. I don’t think watching this video is a waste of time because it does bring attention to the questioning of pedophilia.
Katrina McGivern says
It doesn’t look like a child to me
Amy Swift says
I turned the audio off and watched this twice… appears to be a person holding onto a sheet as the descend from an upstairs window
Neville says
I watched it with the sound turned off and the look on the faces of the two people in front the camera at the end made me wonder why are they smiling if indeed a person has fallen from the building ?
Justin Deschamps says
Good question. One commenter I think found the answer….
Writerrhino says
Hmm, the oracle of Google says it was from a parody TV show of the royal family:
Watch the video there and see if you think it’s the same shot. Looks like it to me.
Justin Deschamps says
Good work. I think you’re right. Looks like it is the same video.