Photo Taken at 12:12 |
Greg has submitted a €100,000,00 DOV with his local bank. The Financing Officer of the bank is to review his DOV and get back to him this coming tuesday the August 13th 2013 (can’t help but notice the double 13’s which signify transformation).
Below are 2 original posts by Greg on Facebook at approximately 8am EST:
I here by give 1hours notice to any and all,
As a sovereign free individual man of lofe/god/eternal
Experienced of the Eternal.
Humbly asks in the name of love safe passing through the financial institution, depositing A certificate of Value to the sum of 100,000,000.00 Euros,I have openly and trasperently signed soul declaration to be the solution to the worlds problems. I am not alone
Love is the Answer.
I am embodiment of god/love/eternal, As are you
My soul has had a commersial value placed upon it of no less than 5Billion in gold, and my body had a value of no less than 5 billion on silver placed upon it,I accept this value for the upliftment of mankind,
I now go to access in full transperency under UCC filings universal and international records nunc pro tunc, praeterea preterea as a bonded protector of earth and our one people and as a bonded public servant of the one people to the one people
I G XXXXXXX, as soul, eternal essence, son of god
I knowing universal truth, accept universal responsibility
Safe passing will reporpose the banking system for abundance for all
A golden era.In the name of love
So may it be/Amen
There’s only one bank in town
Should make it easy for Inteligence agencies
To make the necessary calls
To ensure safe passing.
Love is the way.
This in live for love by love
To refuse/ignore love/soul is suicide, let there be lightLove
I went in, deposited my normal cash, then said I might need to speak with the manager or someone else, as I have a certificate of value here for 100 hundred million euros,
she, said, ok, I will get some to help deal with you in a moment,
I finished my other transaction, and she then hopped of her stool,
asked for the certificate, and said she would take it through to back for me, and see,
so i gave to her, with My letter of intent to deposit value of course, with the certificate of Value, and off she went,
into the back offices, Its a very small Establishment, only one bank in town,she was in the back offices several minutes, and then came out and said, there’s no one to deal with it here at the moment, but tue’s the financing officer will see you if you would like to come back then, afternoon time if it suits you,
Obviously bank manger perhaps did not want touch it at this moment, but financing officer will deal with it,I asked about morning time/ just in case anything funny, but there actually is someone with an appointment then, so All genuine,
so, Tues afternoon it is, appointment set,she did not come out & say, no this is not possible, she did not laugh and say, your having a laugh, why would she, I am not,
but, so, Tues appointment with financing officer, Interesting,
I also gave her the foreclosure flyer then, she looked at it.. like, wow!,
and sort of hesitation saying.. to to to bring with on Tues, but I said its Ok, this is for the Manager Jim, there now,
and she again said ok, and off she went into the back offices again to give him, and I left,so, he, will be now aware of operating in a foreclosed entity, foreclosed banking establishment,
and the stage is set, for tue’s,Love
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