This could be the event which causes the destabilization of the Cabal-run financial system, and a way for the BRICS bank to enshroud Greece with financial stability. Whether or not this means BRICS becomes an active player in the market that is now dominated by the IMF and World Bank remains unclear. Nor is it clear that if BRICS does gain a foot hold, it will mean any tangible change in the way of personal freedom and ending Cabal rule. But what does seem clear is that a major change in the financial system is taking place.
The only way to ensure another debt-slavery system does not come about is to take an active role and being present, gaining knowledge and educating others so as to create our own systems of exchange. These systems operate with the implied consent of the people, by our reliance on and use of, bank credit. We are told there is no other way, and we must beg our would-be masters for a more honest system. But there is a growing realization that only our participation will ensure it is honest and fair that we must become present instead of being represented.
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Greece Says No to Europe’s Bailout
The Greek people stood up to the EU with a huge ‘no’ vote in the bailout referendum.
Posted by AJ+ on Monday, July 6, 2015
Source – The Economic Collapse Blog

“This does two things: it legitimises the stance of the Greek government and it leaves the ball in Europe’s court,” ANZ Bank analysts said in a note.“Europe either folds or Greece goes bankrupt; over to you Merkel.”
Now that Greek voters have said no to the economic demands of its international creditors, the fate of the country’s struggling banks is in the hands of the European Central Bank.Greece’s banks, closed since last Monday because they are perilously low on cash, have been kept alive in recent weeks by emergency loans from the European Central Bank. On Monday, the central bank’s policy makers plan to convene to determine how much longer they are willing to prop up the Greek banks, now that the country has essentially said no to the unpopular dictates of the other eurozone countries.
Germany’s Dax is indicated sharply lower from Friday’s close at around 4 percent, while the euro was down 2 percent against the yen as the news emerged. U.S. stocks are expected to open around 1 percent lower Monday, according to recent stock futures data.What could be most important for those worried about contagion from the Greek crisis is how Portuguese, Spanish and Italian government bonds perform in Monday morning trade.If these peripheral euro zone countries, often lumped in with Greece, suffer a sharp spike in yields, this could cause alarm about whether Greece leaving the currency might cause further contagion to other weaker euro zone economies.
German politicians branded the result a ‘disaster’, with the country’s economy minister Sigmar Gabriel Sigmar accusing Tsipras of ‘tearing down the last bridges on which Greece and Europe could have moved towards a compromise’.He added: ‘Tsipras and his government are leading the Greek people on a path of bitter abandonment and hopelessness.’
“If after the referendum, the majority is a ‘no,’ they will have to introduce another currency because the euro will no longer be available for a means of payment,” Martin Schulz, European Parliament president, said on German radio.
“Without new money, salaries won’t be paid, the health system will stop functioning, the power network and public transport will break down, and they won’t be able to import vital goods because nobody can pay,” he said.
British firms like De La Rue, which prints 150 currencies worldwide, are believed to have been contacted with a view to providing such services.It’s done in great secrecy to prevent currency speculation. The other big problem is the logistical challenges of switching a currency. All ATMs, computers and other machinery of commerce that bears the euro symbol will have to be adjusted. It could, and would, take months.
Romano Prodi, former chief of the European Commission and Italy’s ex-premier, said it is the EU’s own survival that is now at stake as the botched handling of the Greek crisis escalates into a catastrophe. “If the EU cannot resolve a small problem the size of Greece, what is the point of Europe?“
A dizzying three-week plunge in Chinese equities has wiped out $2.36 trillion in market value — equivalent to about 10 times Greece’s gross domestic product last year.
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