(Arjun Walia) What Happened: Eric W. Davis, a renowned astrophysicist who worked as a subcontractor and then a consultant for the Pentagon UFO program since 2007, recently stated that, in some cases, the examination of the material retrieved from some UFOs has, according to the New York times, “failed to determine their source” which has led Davis to conclude that “We couldn’t make it ourselves.” The New York times went on to explain “Davis, who now works for Aerospace Corp, a defense contractor, said he gave a classified briefing to a Defense Department Agency as recently as March about retrievals from “off-world vehicles not made on this Earth.”
Related U.S. Congress & Pentagon Briefed That UFOs Are Not Made on This Earth
by Arjun Walia, July 25th, 2020
Here are a few of his publications if you’re interested in exploring further.
How cool would it have been to have been at that briefing? The New York Times is claiming, or was told, that the government could not identify the source, but according to Davis, they clearly know that these materials are not made from Earth.
As a side note, the picture you see at the top of this article comes from NASA/Lockheed senior scientist Norman Bergrun, taken from the Voyager mission in 1980. It’s an unidentified craft that is extremely and unimaginably large. Norman believes these are “extraterrestrial vehicles.” The Voyager mission was tasked with photographing Saturn, its rings and its moons. You can read more about that specific story and the picture here.
When someone like Eric Davis speaks, it’s hard not to take notice of what he is saying and explore it with an open mind. For many years he was a member of the National Institute for Discovery Sciences (NIDS)(Owned by Robert Bigelow), the Chief Science Officer of EarthTech Int’l, Inc. and the Institute for Advanced Studies at Austin in Austin, Texas. He is the Owner/Chief Executive/Chief Scientist of Warp Drive Metrics who consults and contracts for the Department of Defense. He is also an Adjunct Professor in the Early Universe, Cosmology and Strings Group at the Center for Astrophysics, Space Physics & Engineering Research at Baylor University in Waco, TX.
Davis has hinted to the idea that he himself is aware of the source of these objects, just as many others have as well. The New York Times doesn’t touch on that in their reporting however. We’ll explore the potential reason why the NYT left that out in a moment.
“yes there have been crashed craft, and bodies recovered.”- Apollo 14 astronaut Dr. Edgar Mitchell. (source)
Book MILABS: Military Abductions & Mind Control
Why This Matters
We now have testimony from hundreds of “high ranking individuals,” not to mention actual video footage, pictures, radar tracking and other electro-optical data that has been released into the public domain. Yet there still remains such a high level of secrecy and such a limited story that is told to the public, all while a slow campaign to reveal this information is beginning.
The statement below fromVictor Marchetti, former special assistant to the Deputy Director of the Central Intelligence Agency, doesn’t seem to hold so true anymore, at least the last part.
“We have, indeed, been contacted — perhaps even visited — by extraterrestrial beings, and the US government, in collusion with the other national powers of the Earth, is determined to keep this information from the general public.”
(Second Look, Volume 1, No 7, Washington, DC, May, 1979)
This is confusing for many who are paying attention, because for so long the human race has been subjected to an “official campaign of ridicule and secrecy” about UFOs and ETs. (Ex-CIA Director Roscoe Hillenkoetter) So why all of the disclosure all of the sudden? When mainstream media covers big topics, based on my observations, there is usually a staggering amount of manipulation and disinformation involved. Is this what we will see, or are seeing with the UFO topic now that it is becoming popular in the mainstream? I don’t know, is it a possibility? Yes. You can read more about that specific topic in the article linked below, if interested.
Do UFOs represent some sort of threat? Or Is This Idea Just Government Propaganda
Or are they simply preparing humanity for the inevitable?
Navigating the UFO topic, and deciphering between credible information and misinformation can be difficult. Note the Roscoe Hillenkoetter quote above, but also note others have come forward claiming that it was their job to spread misinformation within the field, like former a retired Air Force Special investigations officer (AFSIO) Richard Doty. You can read more about that here.
Scientist and renowned UFO research Jacques Valle has also come across documents that show, in his words, conclusively, that the CIA was conducting fake alien abductions in South America as part of their psychological warfare program. You can read more about that here.
Has there been misinformation spread into the field of UFOs, which represents a very real phenomenon? Why? Based on what I’ve come across, it’s simply to create a divide amongst the UFO community, as well as make it harder to determine what is real, what is not, what is true, and what is not true, thus making it hard to arrive at any kind of real truth that people can unite behind.
What The New York Times Didn’t Tell You
When it comes to Eric Davis, there is a very important story to be told and it deals with one of the biggest and most significant leaks in UFO history when it comes to documentation. The document in question goes into detail about a meeting that was had between Dr. Eric Davis, and Vice Admiral Thomas Ray Wilson.
Since the leak of this document, there has been no denial publicly by Davis regarding the authenticity of these documents, and the focal point of the document is about a meeting (and what happened after that meeting) that took place in 1997 between UFO researcher Dr. Steven Greer, Admiral Wilson, Dr. Edgar Mitchell (Apollo 14 astronaut) and other high ranking individuals within the military. This meeting was spoken about by Dr. Greer and Dr. Mitchell nearly four years prior to the leak of these documents, so it’s all very interesting
In the CETV episode below, we actually play footage of Mitchell confirming and talking about this meeting as well as Greer. You can sign up for your free trial here to watch the full episode.
CETV is our inner circle at Collective Evolution. The members-only platform has been created to give people credible information to explore topics like this in-depth, as well as help support our work in times when independent media is being demonetized. At CETV, we also provide guides and course for exploring consciousness and personal transformation.
Book Undersea UFO Base: An In-Depth Investigation of USOs in the Santa Catalina Channel
The Takeaway
The topic of UFOs leaves no aspect of humanity untouched. It has huge implications for human consciousness, and opens up new understandings about the nature of reality, history, science, technology, metaphysics, and much more. At the end of the day, change ultimately doesn’t come from new discoveries and technology, it comes from the consciousness behind these new discoveries and technology. People say there are technologies out there that can drastically change the world and help us all thrive, but again, it’s not the technology, it’s our level of consciousness that determines how this technology will be used, or not used.
What are we going to do with the information that we learn? Why would we use our most advanced technology for weaponry and population control? Why would we not use it to create a world that will help everyone thrive? Perhaps looking out into the unknown provides a message of looking at ourselves within, and questioning what exactly it is we are doing on this planet, and why we are doing it. The primary reason humanity uses these techs for war instead of peace and a thriving world is because we are simply in a state of unconsciousness and are tied to a story of separation. As we expand our awareness into who we truly are, our connection to oneness, the fabric of our reality, begins to change how we operate and use technology on this planet.
Human beings have the potential to create an experience where everyone can thrive. The expansion and evolution of consciousness is vital, and the reality that we are not alone and have likely been visited many times is truly a global paradigm-shifting reality.
About The Author
Stillness in the Storm Editor: Why did we post this?
Unidentified Flying Objects or UFOs have captivated people for decades. The policy of investigative bodies has been to cover up legitimate reports and encounters. Despite officialdom’s mandate to suppress the truth, reports, anecdotal accounts, and declassified documents continue to spark the curiosity of those who take these things seriously. The preceding information provides food for thought regarding the reality of UFOs and what they might mean. This information is beneficial to consider because it expands one’s thinking via the exploration of mystery. A mind captivated by mystery has the power to make leaps and bounds in soul growth, due to the powerful urge to seek the truth resulting in changes to the substructures of being. Thus, a mystery is arguably the best activator for the individual, quickening the mind and stimulating the soul. This information also helps dispel the false reality pushed by the Deep State, which is critically important for the activation of the freedom and justice urges.
– Justin
Not sure how to make sense of this? Want to learn how to discern like a pro? Read this essential guide to discernment, analysis of claims, and understanding the truth in a world of deception: 4 Key Steps of Discernment – Advanced Truth-Seeking Tools.
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