(Jim Hoft) Momentum is building in Wisconsin with 9 out of 72 County GOP Executive Committees already signing on to ask the Legislature to fully support a full forensic cyber audit of the November 3, 2020 Federal Election in Wisconsin.
by Jim Hoft, August 16th, 2021
Wisconsin patriots held a highly successful “Rise Up Wisconsin Rally” on August 6th at the state capitol in Madison, Wisconsin, in favor of a full forensic cyber audit of the November 3, 2020 Election.
One of the components and take aways from the August 6th rally was an immediate 72-County GOP effortto inform as many Wisconsinites as possible to contact their Legislative Representative to strongly encourage Speaker Vos (R-Rochester) and or Senator LeMahieu (R-Oostburg) to sign off on Representative Brandtjen’s, Chair of the Assembly Committee on Campaigns and Elections, subpoenas of Brown and Milwaukee Counties that were served on August 6th that included a 30-day response requirement.
So far the GOP executive committees in nine counties have called for a full forensic cyber audit in the state.
Here are the counties:
1. Sauk County Resolution
2. Dane County Letter of Support
3. Walworth County Resolution
4. Calumet County Resolution
5. Monroe County Resolution
6. Waupaca County – email copy stating support
7. Iowa County Resolution
8. Sheboygan County Resolution
9. Rock County Letter of Support
Here is the press release from Rise Up Wisconsin on Sunday.
Wisconsin Full Forensic Cyber Audit Ad Hoc Committee
Press Release
August 15, 2021
Five more County GOP Executive Committees Sign on!
Brings total to 9 Counties
Menomonee Falls – As a follow-up to the highly successful August 6th “Rise Up Wisconsin Rally” in favor of a full forensic cyber audit of the November 3, 2020 Election (www.riseupwisconsin.com) held at the State Capitol in Madison, an Ad-hoc Committee of various individuals, political party members and organizations committed to rooting out election fraud and standing for election integrity for all political affiliations in Wisconsin, asked for and received an Emergency Meeting with Representative Janel Brandtjen (R-Menomonee Falls) and Tim Ramthun’s Office Staff (R-Campbellsport) on August 12, 2021 to show their support of the Representatives who have called for a full forensic cyber audit of the November 3, 2020 Election.
Items discussed at the meeting with the Representatives involving the full forensic cyber audit included, but weren’t limited to, the funding of the audit, the scope of the audit and getting legislative approval of the audit to move the process forward as quickly and efficiently as possible at no cost to Wisconsin Taxpayers to ensure election fraud will never happen again and to protect the integrity of the election box for all Wisconsin voters.
One of the components and take aways from the meeting included an immediate 72-County GOP effort, launched by the Ad-hoc Committee, to inform as many Wisconsinites as possible to contact their Legislative Representative to strongly encourage Speaker Vos (R-Rochester) and or Senator LeMahieu (R-Oostburg) to sign off on Representative Brandtjen’s, Chair of the Assembly Committee on Campaigns and Elections, subpoenas of Brown and Milwaukee Counties that were served on August 6th that included a 30-day response requirement. In spite of the determination of Governor Evers to do everything he can to squash and quell any chances of ever getting to the truth of rampant and undeniable election fraud with the November 3, 2020 Election said, when asked by a reporter at last week’s press conference, “Hell no…” if clerks should comply with Representative Brandtjen’s August 6th subpoenas (Wisconsin governor vetoes GOP bills to restrict absentees (apnews.com) Associated Press, August 10, 2021).
The Ad-hoc Committee received an immediate boost to their efforts on August 12, 2021 in support of Representative Brandtjen and Ramthun when the Committee received a copy of a resolution from the Executive Committee of the Sauk County Republican Party that was passed unanimously (one member had an excused absence) in support of a full forensic cyber audit of the November 3, 2020 Election (See attached). Sauk County’s Resolution has made national news (BREAKING: Executive Committee of the Republican Party of Sauk County, Wisconsin Calls for Full Cyber/Forensic Audit of the November 2020 General Election (thegatewaypundit.com) and Republican Party of Rock County Calls for a Forensic Audit of the 2020 Election – Something We Suspected Only Five Days after the 2020 Election (thegatewaypundit.com) and https://www.thegatewaypundit.com/2021/08/iowa-sheboygan-gop-executive-committees-add-counties-rapidly-growing-list-wisconsin-county-gop-leaders-calling-forensic-audit/).
The Ad-hoc Committee is greatly encouraged by this development of the Sauk County Republican Party Executive Committee who showed great courage and resolve to blaze the trail that hopefully other County Republican Party Leaders throughout the State of Wisconsin will follow to ensure that election fraud is dealt with swiftly and decisively to protect the integrity of future elections in Wisconsin for all voters of all political party affiliations.
Rock, Iowa and Sheboygan County GOP Executive Committees then joined Sauk County within 24 hours of their announcement on August 12, 2021.
Now, Calumet, Dane, Monroe, Walworth and Waupaca have gone on-record supporting the full forensic cyber audit of the November 3, 2020 Federal Election in Wisconsin (see attached Calumet, Dane, Monroe, Waupaca and Walworth).
This brings the total to 9 as to the number of County GOP Executive Committees supporting the full forensic cyber audit with an additional 14 County GOP Executive Committees that will be declaring their support of the audit very soon.
Wisconsin has 72 County GOP Executive Committees.
It is hoped that all 72-County GOP Leadership Teams will quickly join suit with the Sauk, Rock, Iowa, Sheboygan, Calumet, Waupaca, Monroe and Walworth County GOP Executive Committees to swiftly and decisively deal with Election Fraud in Wisconsin to safeguard the vote of all individuals regardless of their political affiliation.
There appears to be a growing momentum where the entire State of Wisconsin GOP Leadership at the local level will soon be strongly requesting the Legislature to make sure all elections in Wisconsin are forever protected from any and all election fraud!
Questions and inquiries are to be directed to Full Forensic Cyber Audit Ad-hoc Committee Spokesperson Jefferson E. Davis –- [email protected]
About The Author
Jim Hoft is the founder and editor of The Gateway Pundit, one of the top conservative news outlets in America. Jim was awarded the Reed Irvine Accuracy in Media Award in 2013 and is the proud recipient of the Breitbart Award for Excellence in Online Journalism from the Americans for Prosperity Foundation in May 2016.
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