(JD Heyes) In an era where a day does not pass without some “progressive” hack — a Democrat in Congress, an academic, an actor or actress — labeling POTUS Donald Trump a Hitler wannabe, there is a well-established history of how it’s actually members of the American Left who are the ones that cozy up to dictators and authoritarian regimes.
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by JD Heyes, December 8th, 2019
During the Cold War, Democratic lawmakers regularly undermined American foreign policy towards the Soviet Union under Republican presidents. The abuse spiked during the presidency of Ronald Reagan, as Marc Thiessen noted in a column a year ago:
Most Democrats opposed the Reagan policies that led to the fall of the Soviet empire. They fought the Reagan defense buildup and his Strategic Defense Initiative (which Sen. Edward Kennedy dismissed as “Star Wars” and Sen. John Kerry called “a dream based on illusion”). They supported the Soviet-supported nuclear freeze movement and opposed Reagan’s deployment of intermediate-range nuclear missiles to Western Europe. They criticized Reagan’s efforts to arm freedom fighters seeking to overthrow Soviet puppet regimes and support to pro-American governments fighting communist insurgencies.
When Democrats weren’t undermining U.S. foreign policy toward authoritarian regimes, they were actively supporting them. Take China for instance.
When Bill Clinton was elected president in 1992, China was just beginning to ascend on the global stage. As noted by activist and scholar Au Loong Yu: “China’s rise is the result of a combination of factors since it reoriented on production within global capitalism in the 1980s.”
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One of Clinton’s foreign policy priorities was integrating China into the global economy. He looked at China policy the way Barack Obama looked at the Iran deal: Clinton was willing to do just about anything to improve ties with Beijing and bring China into the international order.
The Chinese picked up on Clinton’s initiative and used it to not only buy influence within his administration (via the 1996 campaign finance scandal) but also as a way to access American technology…one way or another. In fact, as The Wall Street Journal noted in March 2017, “China was Bill Clinton’s Russia.” (Related: Clinton-era State Department official headed to prison for taking money, gifts from China.)
Clinton’s crowning achievement, in fact, was shepherding “Permanent Normal Trade Relations” with China and bringing the Asian behemoth into the World Trade Organization, as noted by Laura Ingraham this week (forward to 1:40).
Also, this video from The National Sentinel explains the “China-Democrat Nexus.”
Google is ‘not very patriotic’
Fast forward 20 years.
Even as POTUS Donald Trump attempts to negotiate a better trade arrangement between the U.S. and China — something that must be done in order to make it much more beneficial for our country than it currently is — like Republican presidents in the past, he, too, is being undermined by Democrats and Leftists who align with the Democrat Party.
Today, China has become the No. 2 economy on the planet. The country is spreading its influence globally via its “Belt and Road Initiative,” which has been called a “debt trap” by U.S. lawmakers and policy experts. It’s military is powerful and becoming more so, thanks in large part to the theft of U.S. technology (much of which occurred on Clinton’s watch). And worse, American technology companies like Google are actually partnering with China on several projects that, when all is said and one, will empower Beijing at the United States’ expense.
In fact, as noted earlier this month by PalPal co-founder and venture capitalist billionaire Peter Thiel, the relationship between America’s biggest tech company — Alphabet, the parent of Google — and China is “seemingly treasonous,” Breitbart News reported in an extensive piece by James Pinkerton recently.
Thiel, as a long-time Silicon Valley investor, has long been in a position to watch Chinese infiltration and influence mount in the U.S. tech sector. During his time there, several Chinese spies — including one who drove for Sen. Dianne Feinstein for two decades — have been caught in California’s tech capital.
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While Thiel has not accused Google or anyone of purposely working with China to circumvent U.S. national security or undermine our own industries, he was making a general observation nonetheless.
Still, he was pointed in describing the psychology of Google and its employees:
They consider themselves to be so thoroughly infiltrated that they have engaged in the seemingly treasonous decision to work with the Chinese military and not with the U.S. military . . . because they are making the sort of bad, short-term rationalistic [decision] that if the technology doesn’t go out the front door, it gets stolen out the backdoor anyway.
Joe Lonsdale, a partner of Thiel’s at Palantir, added a day later: “Google clearly needs to evaluate what it’s doing. Peter and I built a very patriotic company. Google is clearly not a patriotic company.”
He continued: “Everyone in the Valley knows that the Chinese government is very involved there,” which includes, he said, “Chinese spies.”
Just as it was during the Cold War when the Soviets knew they could count on the American Left for support, today China has learned the same thing.
Stillness in the Storm Editor: Why did we post this?
Various historians, insiders, and whistleblowers claim that dark occult groups and forces have long controlled the planet and shaped its history. The preceding video offers some of this history in an effort to substantiate the notion of a powerful group working behind the scenes, sometimes called the Illuminati, the Deep State, the Order of the Black Sun, and so on. Properly identifying causes in reality is essential so as to lead a fulfilling life and work constructively to improve the world around you. We need accurate and complete knowledge. With this knowledge in hand, an individual can contend with the realities of malevolence, which will inexorably lead to an activation of the truth-seeking and freedom craving urges.
– Justin
Not sure how to make sense of this? Want to learn how to discern like a pro? Read this essential guide to discernment, analysis of claims, and understanding the truth in a world of deception: 4 Key Steps of Discernment – Advanced Truth-Seeking Tools.
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