(Stillness in the Storm Editor) I wrote the following preamble to an update by Ken, and will include this in future posts as a disclaimer for his content.
I am sharing this article from Ken of Redefining God—as always—for your consideration.
He has many views and conclusions that are contrasted by those accepted by the awakening community. As such, reviewing his perspectives helps expand our own vision and facilitates greater discernment and comprehension.
Note: This is clearly marked in the About Us section of SITS, yet when posting these updates from Ken, I often receive feedback from readers who assume I wrote the article or that I am endorsing his views.
To be clear, I share information and data on this site from many different sources, and in some cases, there are conflicts with the information. Sometimes the articles are sensational or antagonistic but that doesn’t mean I personally support what is being said.
My goal is not to claim these items as true, merely to offer them for consideration—to think about them which stimulates consciousness and inspiration.
My primary goal for this site and the work I do in general is to help myself and others become better truth seekers, which is essential so as to gain self-mastery, sovereignty or enlightenment. These are the qualities I feel we need to develop in everyone so that an awakened population can restore harmony and justice to this darkened world as well as simply living happy productive lives. Therefore, in order to constantly test and expand our knowledge of the truth, considering seemingly divergent perspectives is advantageous.
This being said the reader should not assume anything hosted on this site is my belief.
I can sometimes offer commentary in green but even this does not fully account for what I am personally concluding in relation to content shared on this site. And frankly, what I believe or think has no bearing on how you—the reader—process and absorb information. In short, ignore the messenger, focus on and think about the message.
In my understanding, the act of thinking about something is the process of expanding consciousness to further individual evolution. Whether or not the thing contemplated is reflective of reality isn’t as important as the act of considering it.
Meditate on the idea that a fable, myth or parable need not be true in order to impart wisdom. In this way, reviewing opposing perspectives is often a powerful way to gain greater clarity and insight into what we think is true; or it helps us let go of false beliefs we maintain because of our attachment to them.
Related Globalist Agenda Watch Updates
by Ken, April 18th, 2017
Well lookie lookie here…
…From Google News
I’m not going to say “I told you so”; I’ll just say I told you this back in November of last year…
If we look at the most powerful grouping in the United Nations, the UN Security Council’s permanent members, we see that three of the five seats will be held by Putin-friendly countries in early 2017 (Russia, China, and Trump’s US). And once Le Pen is elected in the April-May French election, FOUR will be in NWO hands. That leaves the UK.
A recent court ruling has required the UK parliament to vote on the BREXIT before proceeding, and Prime Minister May has publicly stated that parliament must accept that the BREXIT vote was legitimate. So here’s my prediction…
> Parliament will vote on the BREXIT in 2017, and they will go against the result of the referendum. There will be outrage.
> May will then schedule a snap election for sometime in 2017.
> A Farage-like anti-Establishment figure will emerge as the new PM.
This will put all the veto-wielding UN Security Council seats in Putin-friendly hands. – From Globalist Agenda Watch 2016: Update 24
When it comes to the BREXIT trigger for the election, I think the parliament down-vote was their original strategy, but they bypassed that particular trigger because it was exposed. Now they’re using the relatively weak excuse of “we need a strong mandate for the Brexit negotiations,” so their reason is still Brexit-related.
As for the result of the election, there are three ways the globalists can get a Putin-friendly person into the UK’s UN Security Council seat…
1) By (s)electing Jeremy Corbyn. This is the most likely outcome because it will also fulfill their goal of splitting-off Scotland. See Update 8 – The globalist strategy for the French and UK elections for the details of this scenario.
2) By reelecting May, then electing Corbyn during or after the Big Crisis. This is the least likely approach, but it’s nonetheless possible.
3) By reelecting May and then having her do a Trump-like reversal toward Putin. She would justify it “in light of recent events and revelations…” And it would be primarily because of Putin’s “brilliant strategizing and leadership” in saving Europe from Erdogan’s Holy War.
The same three scenarios also apply to the upcoming French election…
1) They can elect Le Pen to touch off the Holy War, or they can elect Melenchon to delay and retrigger the Holy War but stay on track with the UN “reform.”
2) They can elect Macron, then bring in Le Pen when he’s booted out of office during or after the crisis. The same goes with Melenchon: they could boot him out of office and bring in Le Pen.
3) They can elect Macron and have him do a reversal.
With the evolving circumstances, the globalists see the opportunity of electing two communists (Melenchon and Corbyn) and using them to start the economic crisis (and take the resulting blame). I think that’s one of the reasons they’re engineering a “surge” for Melenchon in France. And even though their election, words and/or actions would be blamed for touching off the final collapse of the old financial system, they’d stay in office long-enough to facilitate the “emergency UN reform.”
No matter how much the globalists shuffle around their trigger points and contingency plans, and regardless of whether their plan unfolds over the next few months or the next few years, the end results they’re seeking are unchangeable…
1) To have all 5 permanent members of the UN Security Council ready to give up their unilateral veto powers so something like the Big Crisis (the coming economic catastrophe and nuke-threatening Holy War) “will never happen again.”
2) To have all 5 permanent members of the UN Security Council on board with “reforming” the UN to “make it more representative and fair” and “make it stronger and better able to prevent unilateral challenges to world peace.”
3) To have all 5 permanent members of the UN Security Council support Putin’s leadership of the “new” UN (which is the Rockefeller-planned New World Order).
[Update 12 – 18 April 2017]
In this update, I’ll be talking about the coming North Korea nuclear scare vis-a-vis the globalists’ UFO / Space Aliens Psyop. But before anyone’s eyes glaze over due to “all talk of UFOs is for nutters” programming, I’d like to point out that the “UFO disclosure movement” is a disinformation front that was started by one of the architects of the NWO implementation plan, Laurance Rockefeller, and it is very much an official part of the NWO strategy. So in this short update, I’ll show you why they started the movement and how it relates to what’s happening right now in North Korea.
During all that, I wrote The CIA, the X-Files, and the North Korean H-bomb: A coordinated campaign? And in it, I mentioned this…
…when North Korea conducts either the currently-planned or a future missile launch, will a “mysterious object” (UFO) be spotted near it before it explodes in midair or crashes harmlessly into the ocean?…
More than anything, the globalists want you to believe in benevolent aliens, at least for now. This is because they are planning to send in their electrogravitic craft and GMO humanoids (posing as UFOs and aliens) to save us from a staged nuclear exchange this September. They want to totally blow people’s minds, and once those minds are blown, they will construct a new paradigm in them which will facilitate the rest of their “End Times” agenda.
So if you hear talk of “unknown forces” stopping a nuclear disaster during the North Korea Show, that’s what the globalists are setting up. The “unknown forces” would likely not show up again until the second nuclear crisis in Turkey, and then, they’d introduce themselves.
The whole purpose of the UFO / Space Alien Psyop is to blow people’s minds and open them up to new possibilities, including the possibility that Putin is the Messiah and Assad is the Mahdi. Without something happening to blow people out of their mundane workaday reality, such claims about Putin and Assad would meet with scorn. But if “ETs” show up to either break the news or corroborate it, that’s another matter entirely.
I may expand and enhance this update tomorrow.
Much love…
Stillness in the Storm Editor’s note: Did you find a spelling error or grammar mistake? Do you think this article needs a correction or update? Or do you just have some feedback? Send us an email at sitsshow@gmail.com with the error, headline and url. Thank you for reading.
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