What makes a nation a powerful force to contend with is its collective unification of social issues. Nations have already been corporatized, but the powers to manage and decide what that nation rally’s together to do has been divorced from the people who live in it. This is called a de facto government, one which rules over the people. A de jure government is run by and for the people.
The globalists want a centralized power nexus because these types of structures cater to tyrannical systems of de facto rule. Conversely, decentralized and embedded, or fractal systems of governance are harder to rule over, because power is distributed all the way down to the individual. The only problem with truly de jure systems is lack of knowledge within each person. The less knowledge and self mastery within a population, the more easily it can be possessed by a de facto and usually foreign interested government.
That is what the governments of the world have become, de facto run foreign rulerships that suppress the people of each nation. In and of itself ‘breaking up’ nations, that have already lost any semblance of legitimacy, is not a bad thing. Eventually in a world of sovereign and awakened beings, we will most likely have groups within groups all working in a grand harmony for a global outlook. From the family unit, to the local community, to the regional area, each circle drawn encompasses the interests of the people within. And if these people have developed an appreciation for the truth about how we all affect each other on a global scale, then a truly harmonious world structure can develop.
The globalist on the other hand wants small regions of social cooperation, the so called nation states, to be easily managed; filled with ignorant people. It is incredibly difficult for a people to live free from globalist intervention, even if they desire a truly de jure government of educated people. The globalist will stop at nothing, and employ all sorts of oppressive and imperialist tactics to reign in this free state.
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Therefore, the solution to lasting freedom and developing legitimate governments is the same, we must end the rule of tyranny for everyone on the planet. The globalists seek to control all life on Earth, and as a result we have a genuine interest to rally together as a global people to ensure this does not take place. That does not mean we must give up our local social structures, but history has shown a nation cannot remain free if an imperialistic entity exists on the world to suppress others. For once it takes over in an area, it converts the people in it towards the goals of the globalists.
In this way freedom for one is freedom for all. We all have a collective responsibility to protect the freedoms of all people, regardless of their national ties. And this is the unifying struggle of our age, that the very people who seek to suppress humanity, will be the ones who unify it.
There is a question from the deep mysteries, meant to teach honor and morality to the initiate. It is a question which attempts to teach the Golden Rule:
“Question: How do you know when you are suffering? Correct Answer: Because at least one other is suffering”
Together we can end the madness which has enshrouded this world. In fact it is only by unifying together can we ensure it remains peaceful for the ages to come.
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…Note that he gave this speech at a Mises Institute conference called Breaking Away: The Case for Secession…

…”UNDER Vladimir Putin’s presidency, Russia is seen in the outside world as an expansionist power trying to revise post-Soviet borders and rebuild an empire. But what if Russia itself—a country of nearly 200 nationalities that stretches across 11 time zones—is in danger of crumbling?”

…which is the color of the phoenix eggs on the woman’s hat. This would indicate that those leaders will be part of the ash heap from which the NWO phoenix will rise.

…”Despite appearances, China’s political system is badly broken, and nobody knows it better than the Communist Party itself. China’s strongman leader, Xi Jinping, is hoping that a crackdown on dissent and corruption will shore up the party’s rule. He is determined to avoid becoming the Mikhail Gorbachev of China, presiding over the party’s collapse. But instead of being the antithesis of Mr. Gorbachev, Mr. Xi may well wind up having the same effect. His despotism is severely stressing China’s system and society—and bringing it closer to a breaking point.”
…(from pages 38-39)
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