Related BREAKING: ISIS Behind New Attacks in Paris? | 100 Dead, Hostages Taken and Emergency Declared
Related Paris False Flag (Charlie Hebdo Attack): List of links for info
Source – Redefining God
Paris has been attacked for the second time this year. Cui bono?…

…The globalists’ “anti-establishment” controlled opposition figures, that’s who.

…The globalists’ “anti-establishment” controlled opposition figures, that’s who.
The above-pictured article is from The Guardian, and take note of its date: 20 October 2015. So even though the supposed offense occurred 5 years ago, Le Pen wasn’t tried until just weeks before today’s attack. Convenient timing, is it not? While she is standing trial for “daring to speak the truth about the Muslim invasion,” the “Muslims” are running wild in the streets and shooting up Paris. Can you see how she is being positioned as the “suppressed patriot who spoke out against the insane policies of the political elite”? This is done so the public — who feel like suppressed patriots themselves — will identify with her and back her.
As we ponder this further, let’s take stock of two things we know…
1) The globalists are the ones forcibly holding the door open for immigrant invasions of the US and Europe.
2) The globalist intelligence agencies are the ones recruiting, training, arming, funding and transporting “Muslim terrorists” throughout the world.
Related “US Led ISIS Coalition” Connections to John McCain | Did CNN Just Admit The US is Helping ISIS?
So why are they doing these things? To create increasing public tension over the disruptive presence of the immigrants, and then unleash that tension with immigrant-linked false flag attacks. The released tension will then be channeled through the controlled opposition figures to create movement towards New World Order goals. I wrote about this in The Illuminati strategy of tension and release.
And here is something I wrote after the last round of Paris attacks in January (from The Paris Attacks, Marine Le Pen and Ron Paul)…
It didn’t take long for the propaganda exploitation to flow after the false-flag attacks on January 7. On the 8th, Slate posted this article on Marine Le Pen…

…Isn’t it interesting how they thought to write about this in the immediate aftermath of the attacks?

…Isn’t it interesting how they thought to write about this in the immediate aftermath of the attacks?
Here are some notable excerpts (with my comments added in brackets)…
>>> Marine Le Pen, the leader of the increasingly popular party with the slogan “The French Come First,” appeared in front of three French flags and hammered out her demands—and a selfless offer.*
It is time for “frank and clear responses” against “inaction and denial,” she declared. In other words:The country’s two main political parties have failed to stem the Islamist tide, and you the voters now have all the evidence you need that France requires new leadership. “I intend to assume this vital responsibility so France can defend itself in the war that has been declared upon her,” she continued…
After Wednesday’s tragic attack, the party’s relevance [Le Pen’s FN Party] can no longer be doubted…
Marine Le Pen’s challenge has been to dissociate her party from its founder, her father Jean-Marie Le Pen, a polarizing figure known for frequent racist and anti-Semitic commentary…
[In much the same way, Rand Paul has had to distance himself from the “extreme” stances of his father Ron, and Ron Paul has toned down his language to support his son’s political ambitions.]
Le Pen’s attractive force, however, does not rely on the logic of the political world as it is. It lies in the brand her father built as a political pariah speaking “truth to power” in a system dominated by Gaullists and Socialists who all attended the same elite schools.
[Here again we see the similarities to the Pauls — being “political pariahs” speaking “truth to power” to the “elite.”]
In the wake of the Charlie Hebdo attack, there is no obvious limit to how high Marine Le Pen and National Front could rise. <<<
To further cement Le Pen’s reputation as an “outsider” to the French Establishment, she was noticeably snubbed from the recent National Unity March. As France 24 noted…
>>> By Thursday afternoon, most other parties had followed suit, with the notable exception of the National Front (FN). Its leader, Marine Le Pen, said she had not received an invitation. She denounced the FN’s “exclusion” from the rally and proclaimed “the end of national unity”.
The Socialist government has yet to confirm that her party was not invited. <<<
…and as the Irish Times noted…
>>> Mr Hollande is marching alongside his predecessor Nicolas Sarkozy, whom he defeated in the presidential election in 2012, providing a rare image of unity between the two rivals. All senior figures in Mr Sarkozy’s UMP are attending, as are the leaders of smaller parties on the left and right.
Marine Le Pen, leader of the far-right National Front, is not among them. Speaking after a meeting with Mr Hollande at the Élysée Palace this week, Ms Le Pen said the president didn’t invite her to the march and that she “regretted” this. <<<
It’s also worth noting who was pictured with French President Hollande in the March…

…Benjamin Netanyahu. This picture is going to come back and bite Hollande once the mainstream media is instructed to “tell the truth” about all the false flags and the Nazi/Zionist involvement in them. When the MSM start openly promoting the truth about 9/11, the London 7/7 attacks, and the Paris attacks, you’ll know the globalists are making their move.

…Benjamin Netanyahu. This picture is going to come back and bite Hollande once the mainstream media is instructed to “tell the truth” about all the false flags and the Nazi/Zionist involvement in them. When the MSM start openly promoting the truth about 9/11, the London 7/7 attacks, and the Paris attacks, you’ll know the globalists are making their move.
On a numerological side note, do you remember Christine Lagarde’s strange remarks on the “magic 7”? I talked about them in The Globalists are accelerating the rollout of their new financial system. The London attacks were on 7/7/2005 (which is 7/7/7), and the French attacks started on January 7. Also, 2015 is the 7th year since the 2008 Lehman Moment. These numbers are worth keeping in mind.
Having looked at all this (along with everything we saw in the last entry), we see how the Paris attacks are serving to “move the herd” in the general direction of Le Pen, France’s savior-to-be.
Since we can expect to hear a lot out of the alternative press as they pick apart the attacks, you might want to read this entry if you haven’t already: Throwing the Game: Why the globalists are exposing their own false-flags (and the real agenda behind the Paris attacks). I also expect some alternative sources to connect the current attacks to what happened to the Knights Templar back in 1307, so I’ll write a postscript about that tomorrow.
For the previous updates from this series, click here.
Love always…
[Update 85 – 9 November 2015]
Looking ahead, there are two scheduled timeframes for globalist mischief remaining this year…
1) There is the November 15-16 timeframe of the G20 Leaders Summit (which I’ll write about in a later update), and
2) There is the December 11-16 timeframe that features the final day of the Paris Climate Change Summit (on the 11th), the budget deadline for the US government (on the 11th), and the next FOMC statement on interest rates (on the 16th).
Speaking of that last one, a reader pointed out that the December rate announcement will occur EXACTLY 7 YEARS after they set the rates to their current low level…

…From CNN Money

…From CNN Money
Given the globalists’ affinity for the Magic 7, and noting the tenor of the propaganda surrounding the December FOMC meeting…

…there is a good chance that we’ll finally see the Fed zig (by tightening) while the rest of the world zags (by loosening).

…there is a good chance that we’ll finally see the Fed zig (by tightening) while the rest of the world zags (by loosening).
With a tightening at the Magic 7 mark, the Fed will start a cascade of debt defaults by nations, companies, and individuals that cannot afford to roll over their dollar-denominated debt at a higher interest rate. The squeeze this will put on the “emerging market” nations will drive an increasing move away from the dollar and towards the BRICS, and this will provide a great way to herd the world towards the SDR-based multilateral financial system the globalists have been constructing.
Needless to say, the Fed would have difficulty justifying the raising of rates if the US government were shut down. So this suggests that a December 11 shutdown either won’t happen or will be very short (lasting only a few days). If the globalists do go ahead with a short shutdown (to make the US government look dysfunctional to the rest of the world), the press will suggest that it was due to a deal made between House Speaker Paul Ryan and the House Freedom Caucus. They’ll say that Ryan offered them a chance at a December shutdown if they didn’t oppose the debt limit extension. Congress would then swiftly bypass the shutdown before the FOMC meeting.
Looking at the Paris Climate Change Summit, something quite interesting is happening. Note that Putin will be speaking at the meeting (in green), but also note that the press is portraying him as a global warming skeptic (in red)…

This raises an intriguing question…
Is Putin merely holding out for a better deal for Russia, or is he going to “heroically” stop the agreement from happening?
The Paris Climate Change Summit was organized with a specific goal: “the objective of the 2015 conference is to achieve, for the first time in over 20 years of UN negotiations, a binding and universal agreement on climate, from all the nations of the world.” If Putin blocks a unanimous climate change deal, it could mean that the idea of man-made climate change will be sacrificed as part of the BRICS-fronted NWO rollout. And the Western propagandists would seize upon Putin’s obstruction as yet another sign that Russia is acting as a “spoiler” to the “principled international order” (the Western decoy NWO)…

Looking ahead into 2016, the globalists are facing a hard deadline in September if they want to go through with their Obama-related prophetic bullsh*t. This means that 2016 has to be the year they trigger the next big economic and military crisis. By starting the ball rolling on December 16, they can begin the big ramp-up of economic troubles and military confrontations that will culminate next Fall. Our mission, then, must be to find a way of pushing them back past September. If we can do that, their whole timeline will be thrown into disarray.
[Update 86 – 11 November 2015]
(Note 1) – Turkey has been the host nation for the G20 this year, so have a look at what Turkey’s Daily Sabah is saying about the G20 Summit (which starts this Sunday)…

Speaking of the G20 and the quest for a new monetary system, can you guess which nation will host the G20 in 2016? Yep, it’ll be China. So if you take the talk of moving to a new monetary system and put it together with BRICS-leader China’s hosting of the G20 next year, can you see how a December Fed rate hike would facilitate things?
(Note 2 – 13 November 2015) – Since the G20 Summit ends just two weeks before the Paris Climate Change Summit begins, you can imagine what the main focus of the G20 final communique will be. Like all other globalist entities, the G20 is pushing hard for carbon controls. In fact, on the day the Pope stumped for Climate Control at the UN, the G20 was also at the UN lending their support…


Of course, the G20 aren’t the only ones carrying water for Neo-Roman Climate Control. The globalist-controlled multinationals are in on it too…

…From “the world business organization”

…From “the world business organization”
In case you aren’t familiar with the International Chamber of Commerce, here is their Wikipedia intro…
“The International Chamber of Commerce (ICC; French: Chambre de commerce internationale (CCI)) is the largest, most representative business organization in the world. Its hundreds of thousands of member companies in over 180 countries have interests spanning every sector of private enterprise.
ICC has three main activities: rule setting, dispute resolution, and policy advocacy. Because its member companies and associations are themselves engaged in international business, ICC has unrivalled authority in making rules that govern the conduct of business across borders. Although these rules are voluntary, they are observed in countless thousands of transactions every day and have become part of international trade.
A world network of national committees in over 90 countries advocates business priorities at national and regional level. More than 2,000 experts drawn from ICC’s member companies feed their knowledge and experience into crafting the ICC stance on specific business issues.
ICC keeps the United Nations, the World Trade Organization, and many other intergovernmental bodies, both international and regional, in touch with the views of international business. ICC was the first organization granted general consultative status with the United Nations Economic and Social Council.”
So they’re hooked into the UN, eh? Well so are the climate change propaganda sites, such as Climate Home…

If you look to the right side of Climate Home’s page to see their sponsors, here is one that stands out…

Clicking through to that sponsor’s page, we see who’s footing the bill for the climate change propaganda…

…The multilateral banks and the UN.

…The multilateral banks and the UN.
So as you can see, all roads lead to the UN, just like all roads led to Rome. Ergo, the UN is New Rome…

…From The Atlantic

…From The Atlantic
It’s all quite a pity actually. Transitioning away from “fossil” fuels is something I’d like to see happen, but not if it’s done by this pack of elitist deceivers, thieves, and tyrants. Guided by their self-serving, obsessively-controlling hands, the whole exercise is bound to be an exorbitant, painful, freedom-destroying debacle.
(Note 3 – 13 November 2015) – On the sidelines of the G20 Summit, we’re likely to see BRICS officials complaining to the press about America’s obstruction of both the IMF’s quota reform and the yuan’s addition to the SDR basket of currencies. This complaining will be publicly seen as escalating to heavy-duty tension if the IMF’s board fails to add the yuan by the end of November.
In a Yahoo/AFP article titled IMF may decide inclusion of China’s yuan in SDR this month, it is suggested that the yuan could get the IMF’s approval before the end of November, but might have to wait until next September for the inclusion to be implemented. And in a separate article from Bloomberg, it’s suggested that the yuan’s acceptance is “basically a done deal, unless something really surprising and unexpected happens.”
Should the US be the source of “something really surprising and unexpected,” it would fit perfectly into the World War 3 buildup. Then again, the globalists might want China to get its foot in the SDR’s door before the hostilities begin. That way, the door will be open for China to bring in gold to save the IMF when the time is right. It’ll be interesting to see how they play it.
I’ll continue adding notes to this update as I gather them.
Much love…
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