With just a week to go until the September FOMC meeting, all eyes are on the Fed and their interest rate decision. So what will she say this time?…
On the “no, they won’t hike” side of the argument, we’ve seen the globalists delay a whole series of things they had planned for this year…
> They delayed the Greek switchover to the BRICS and the trainwreck that would have resulted within the EU.
…so it is conceivable that they’ll delay the rate hike also.
But on the “yes, they will hike” side of the argument,..
> We have seen the World Bank join the chorus of “wise” multilateral organizations warning against a September rate hike, thus setting themselves up to look like prescient geniuses after the rate hike triggers the Next Lehman Moment.
> We have seen no movement on addressing the potential government shutdown at the end of this month, which suggests that part of the agenda is still in play for this year.Since a combination of a Fed Mistake and a US government shutdown is perfect grist for the globalist propaganda mill, the rate hike is also likely still in play – for the moment.
So as we proceed through this month, it is useful to track the rate hike and the government shutdown together. If the Fed delays the rate hike next Thursday, you can expect to see a Congressional agreement on a stopgap funding measure to keep the government going for a few more months. If, on the other hand, the rate is hiked, the government will definitely shut down as well.
(P.S. – 10 September 2015) – For those of you wondering why I’ve suddenly taken on the task of dismantling the Christian religion, it all has to do with the Obama and the 2nd Coming article I recently wrote. If the globalists really are batsh*t crazy enough to stage a Second Coming to install a One World Dictator, it is imperative to destroy the Christ myth they will use to give him cover.
The difficult thing about fighting the globalist agenda is that they are great contingency planners. Whenever you move to block one of their plans, they always have fallback plans they can activate to keep moving forward. If you think about it, pursuing their agenda is much like taking a road trip from Point A in New York to Point B in Los Angeles: there are a million different ways to get from Point A to Point B, so if you try to block the road they’re traveling on, they can simply change roads and keep on truckin’. The one thing they can’t change, though, is their destination. So if you build a fence around Point B, they can’t reach their destination regardless of which route they take.
For the globalists, it appears that their “Point B” might be installing a theocratic world leader clothed in the myth of Christ. So if we can shred the myth of Christ before they can put forward their leader, we have denied them their destination. You can’t put a wolf in sheep’s clothing if the sheep costume has been shredded beyond repair. Everyone will see the wolf for what he is. And this is why I’ve taken on this new subject.
If any of the historical accounts are to be believed, Christianity was just another insignificant cult before the Occulted Powers of ancient Rome decided to use it as a universal religious control mechanism for their Empire. It was they who codified it, made it mainstream, and spread it around the world. And it is they who will attempt to bring the prophecies (along with their dreams of worldwide dominion) to fruition. But like any other big lie, the Christ myth is ever-teetering on the brink of implosion. To knock it down, you just have to know exactly how and where to hit it.
For the previous updates from this series, click here.
With love…
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