(Arjun Walia) Below is a video of Michael Tellinger showing the world closeup video footage of what appears to be a giant footprint that’s been etched into granite rock in South Africa. This video has been circling the web for a few years now, and despite all of the efforts to debunk it, continues to hold strong. It’s simply too difficult to believe that the granite would take on this shape through simple erosion.
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by Arjun Walia, September 26th, 2017
Who is Michael Tellinger? He is a renowned author and politician who has made several groundbreaking discoveries regarding lost ancient civilizations that once roamed the Earth. His research focuses on the southern tip of South Africa, and his analytical and scientific approach to his work has attracted many. He’s lectured in various parts of the world and has produced some remarkable evidence that’s forcing us to consider the true origins of humanity and our ancient history. Now considered an international authority on the origins of humanity and the lost civilizations of southern Africa, you can learn more about Michael and his work by visiting his website here.
Here is another video of him addressing the debunking claims.
Although this footage is a couple of years old at this point, it remains fascinating to think about and is worth sharing with those of you who have yet to come across it.
A Significant Amount of Information and Evidence Already Exists for Giants
Even if you are not impressed by the above video, it’s difficult to debunk the belief that giants once roamed our planet. The evidence is quite overwhelming.
The writings of ancient civilizations and various religious texts have all mentioned the existence of giants. One example, out of many, are the Nephilim, found in the Bible. Ancient Vedic literature also mentions giants. Considering how modern day science continues to play catchup with ancient teachings, it’s worth considering the idea that they were right about giants, too.
Apart from the footprint you see above, there are many examples of physical evidence. One great example is part of an upper leg bone with a hip joint of a giant that would have stood about 12 feet (3.5 metres) tall. This bone has been in the vaults of of the medical school at WITS University, Johannesburg, since the early 1960s, when it was found by miners in northern Namibia. It is one of the most precious and rare specimens available today that clearly indicate the existence of giants in Southern Africa more than 40,000 years ago.
Related Michael Tellinger – Ancient Hidden Technology (Video)
Here is a video of Professor Francis Thackeray, Director at the Institute for Human Evolution at The University of The Witwatersrand, Johannesburg, showing Tellinger the actual bone.
“The eyes of that species of extinct Giant, whose bones fill the Mounds of America, have gazed on Niagara, as ours do now.”
– Abraham Lincoln, 1848 (source)
Another great example of giant humanoids comes from 1883, when the Smithsonian, a United States government- and military-led organization, dispatched a team of archaeologists to the South Charleston Mound. The report indicates that the team uncovered numerous giants ranging from seven to nine feet tall. They were decorated with heavy copper bracelets and other religious/cultural items. The report also indicated some of them had a skull that was of “the compressed or flat-head type,” which is a skeletal characteristic similar to those found in South America and Egypt.
Another example comes from 1774, when settlers found what they called “The Giant Town,” which housed several gigantic skeletons, one being an eight foot tall male.
For more examples, I suggest you start with an article written by Richard Dewhurst, the source for the above examples. He’s the Emmy Award–winning writer of the HBO feature documentary Dear America: Letters Home from Vietnam. A graduate of NYU with degrees in journalism, film, and television, he has written and edited for the History Channel, the Arts & Entertainment Channel, PBS, Fox Television and Fox Films, ABC News, TNT, Paramount Pictures, and the Miami Herald. He, like Tellinger, is extremely well researched.
In his article, he writes:
In addition to the human skeletons found in NY State, there is also the famous case of “The Cardiff Giant,” a white alabaster-like statue of an 11-foot man which showed an exposed penis and hieroglyphic inscriptions. This statue caused a world-wide sensation and was exhibited in New York City to thousands of paying customers before it was declared a fake by the NY newspapers, despite the fact that scholars from Harvard and elsewhere insisted that the statue was genuine.
Apart from bones and historical writings about giants in our ancient past, it’s noteworthy to mention there are many giant structures on Earth that still confuse archaeologists and scientists today, having no explanation for how they were built, or by whom.
One great example is the valley temple of Khafre in Egypt. Its core structure was built entirely of gigantic limestone blocks, each measuring approximately 18 feet long by 10 feet tall and 8 feet high. Some were as large as 30 feet long by 12 feet wide and 10 feet high. With each stone exceeding 200 tonnes in weight, in a monument that is made up of hundreds of blocks, it’s truly mind altering to think how these buildings were achieved, especially when you think about the precise placement and mathematical precision that went into them.
These blocks had to be lifted more than 40 feet. Think about that for a second. As Graham Hancock explains:
At present there are only two land-based cranes in the world that could lift weights of this magnitude. At the very frontiers of construction technology, these are both vast, industrialized machines, with booms reaching more than 220 feet into the air, which require on board counterweights of 160 tons to prevent them from tipping over. The preparation time for a single lift is around six weeks and calls for the skills of specialized teams of up to 20 men.
What’s written in this article doesn’t comprise even a fraction of the available evidence for the existence of giants, and it’s meant only to help you begin your own search into this topic.
Related Stunning Archaeological Find Vindicates Graham Hancock
We live in a world of secrecy, where information is concealed to protect the status quo and what we believe to be true about ourselves and our planet. This is evident through recent leaks by Snowden regarding the Black Budget, which you can read more about here. Concealed discoveries, both on and off our planet, should not be dismissed as conspiracy theories.
About The Author
Arjun Walia
I joined the CE team in 2010 shortly after finishing university and have been grateful for the fact that I have been able to do this ever since :) There are many things happening on the planet that don’t resonate with me, and I wanted to do what I could to play a role in creating change. It’s been great making changes in my own life and creating awareness and I look forward to more projects that move beyond awareness and into action and implementation. So stay tuned :) [email protected]
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