The raw Gaia Portal update is first, followed by my extrapolated meanings in black. For other interpretations of these reports see Rosalie Parker.
Elementals gather and prepare the way.
Higher craft appear to Gaia inhabitants.
Starbursts Light the Heavens.
Commencement services begin.
Interpretations: “Elementals gather and prepare the way.” – The term elemental is contextually used in this statement to refer to beings or individual embodiments of consciousness. Generally, the term elemental refers to something that is primary or basic, as well as things of or relating to nature. Merging the two concepts together, the inference is that elementals are those beings that are part of Gaia’s conclave or corps for realizing her unique plans. Consider that the Earth is a being in its own right, complete with a body made up of other living things. Just like the human body has trillions upon trillions of cells, each with a unique purpose and function, so does Gaia. And also like our bodies, not every cell within it is cooperating with the overall organism. When cells in our bodies willfully choose to go against the host, we call this cancer and disease. Within a Law of One system of interpretation, Gaia’s objective, which unfolds in the third density portion of her evolutionary phase of development—the current phase of life on Earth—is the density of choice. All of the individual cells of Gaia’s body, of which human beings are a part, have to choose to either become agents of Gaia and the Cosmos at large, the service to others path, or choose not to work with her and follow the service to self path. Humanity has through tacit or implied means chosen the latter, while some within humanity have chosen the former. Elementals, in this system of interpretation, have made the choice to serve Gaia at an incredibly strong level. If we consider ancient myths and legends regarding elemental creatures, then elementals would be thought of as beings very close to Gaia and her plans. In this sense, an elemental is like an angel created by Gaia for her specific purpose in evolution, much like the way angels were created by the creator to carry out the plans of creation.
“Higher craft appear to Gaia inhabitants.” – The phrase higher craft seems to be an overt reference to non-terrestrial technology, such as antigravity spacecraft. The phrase does not specify if these craft are part of human-run secret space programs or part of extraterrestrial advancements. The term craft has another meaning as well related to an activity involving the creation of something, material or metaphysical, as a result of accumulated skill. For example, actors or thespians often refer to their activities as the craft. In this sense, higher craft could be a reference to the skillful creations of highly evolved entities. Given the preceding statement in this update referring to elementals gathering and preparing the way, this statement could be suggesting a grand working or cooperative effort that will be visible or appear to Gaia inhabitants. Both interpretations are valid given this statement, and this suggests that both meanings are applicable here. As such, the fruit of elementals gathering would be higher crafting, which could manifest as many different things, including higher craft or spacecraft. In either case, the fact that they are appearing to Gaia inhabitants suggests that, first, it is sanctioned by Gaia, and second, it is an effort to catalyze or awaken consciousness; but this is not forced. Appearing to someone is much like presenting or offering something, which via free will, can be ignored if an individual so chooses, much like chemtrails can be ignored despite the fact the ignorant masses see them almost every day.
“Starbursts Light the Heavens.” – The term starburst refers to a radially emitted light or energy that shines outwardly in all directions. The term light obviously refers to luminescent energy but it also represents true knowledge or wisdom. The term enlightenment and starburst are related within a metaphysical sense in that, when one becomes enlightened, they radiate love and wisdom to all beings regardless of who or what they are. Much like the Sun pours out light to all—to the sinner and the saint—so does an enlightened person share their unique essence with all. When one becomes enlightened they have achieved the supreme spiritual covenant with the creator, to become like the creator in our unique sphere of influence. The creator is the father and mother of all lights or stars, which pours out its love to all. All of these attributes describe unselfish love. Selfish love, by contrast, seeks to without or pull back from those we judge as unworthy. Therefore to deny love to one is a selfish act. And yet pouring out unselfish love to a world of individuals twisted by selfishness requires wisdom, insight, and divine guidance—the path of the razor’s edge. Given all this, starbursts light the heavens suggests that embodiments of consciousness are achieving states of enlightenment, who could be human or otherwise. And when one individual reaches this state of sublime partnership with the creator and universe as a whole, it becomes a little easier for those who have not achieved this state to do so.
“Commencement services begin.” – The term commencement refers to the initiation or beginning of something and also refers to the ceremony in which diplomas or degrees are given to graduating students. If we assume that all individuals are students learning and growing in skill to one day graduate or evolve to reach a state of semi-completion, then this statement could be referring to the fact that individuals are reaching a state of self-mastery, sovereignty or enlightenment. Given the preceding statements and analyses of this update, I suggest that the current gathering of elementals was an effort by Gaia to alter environmental conditions to help individuals make forward progress on their path. These individuals have reached a state of graduation that will undoubtedly mean they are now working directly with Gaia and the universe to further the plans of creation.
PS – In December 2014, when Julian and I were discussing the idea of sharing these updates on the blog, he encouraged me to do more than just share the raw post. He said that we could offer our insights into what they could mean and in doing so create a venue for deep discussion and consciousness exploration. There were many times I wasn’t sure if others found any value in these interpretations, but Julian and others continued to urge me on in this venture. This is just one example of the countless ways he helped me in my life path, for which I am eternally grateful. I want to dedicate these interpretations to him and his memory. I will love you always Julian, and know, that your zeal for creativity and loving service of others continues on.
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