by Michael Wright,
The fulvic acid benefits are truly a gift to humanity. They not only help immensely with detoxification, brain health, energy production as well as DNA and RNA synthesis, they help in numerous other ways. In this article, I’ll discuss the top 5 uses for fulvic acid.
Related A Proper Detox Can Reset Your Hormones and Get Your Health Back on Track
To begin understanding the miracle that fulvic and humic acid is for people, plants and animals, consider the following quote from soil scientist Dr. William Jackson:
“If the creator felt it necessary to design something to solve multiple problems and if this creator wanted to show us the magic and miracle of pulling ‘rabbits from a hat,’ then an outstanding job was done with the design of fulvic acid.”
What Is Fulvic Acid?
Fulvic acids are created by soil-based microorganisms and is the end-product of decomposed organic matter. Fulvic acid benefits the body in many ways, including being the most potent anti-oxidant known, an extremely rich source of electrolytes, catalyzes enzyme reactions, helps to chelate heavy metals, restores electrochemical balance and increases the synthesis rate of RNA and DNA. The ancient Chinese even called it Wujinsan, or “golden medicine.” We’ll explore further five of the top benefits.
1. Detoxification
In my time working in the health food stores and with clients, I’ve always suggested fulvic acid as the top supplement someone can take for the best detoxification. Fulvic acid has a very small molecular size and is of low molecular weight, which means that it can pass through any cell and remove basic metabolic waste and even chelate heavy metals. For those looking for mercury detoxification, liver cleanses or just overall detox, fulvic acid is superior to use.
2. Brain Health
Fulvic acid has been shown to inhibit the aggregation and promotes the disassembly of tau proteins, which have been associated with Alzheimer’s disease. We also know that because of fulvic acid’s small size, it is able to cross the blood brain barrier and act as a strong anti-oxidant and electrolyte. In fact, fulvic acid has been said to be the strongest anti-oxidant known and contains over 14 tetratrillion electrons that it can donate to scavenge free radicals. Amazingly, it is also believed to be the strongest electrolyte known and thus, contributes to electrochemical balance. With the brain being an electrochemical machine, fulvic acid is some of the best “brain food” known.
Buy Vital Earth Minerals Fulvic Acid
3. Energy Production
In school, many of us learned that the mitochondria is the “powerhouse of the cell.” With respect to these mighty mitochondria, fulvic acid is their best friend. In one study, fulvic acid was shown to independently stimulate mitochondrial energy metabolism and protects mitochondrial membranes from oxidative damage. It was also shown to work as an electron “shuttle,” augmenting CoQ10 to speed electron flow within mitochondria. In other words, fulvic acid is synergistic with CoQ10. Fulvic acid is also known to be a nutrient carrier, and so it can bring nutrients directly into the cells. In other words, fulvic acid helps with nutrient absorption. People with fatigue, fibromyalgia and pain have reported many benefits from usage of fulvic acid.
4. DNA and RNA
Fulvic acid has been shown to increase the DNA content within cells and also to increase and enhance the synthesis rate of RNA. Dr. William Jackson, who was quoted above, also said this of fulvic:
“Fulvic acids contain electrolytes that are extremely beneficial to the electrical properties of all living things. They operate as a miniature battery charger, providing a constant trickle charge.”
5. Cancer
Dr. Daniel Nuzum, who has used fulvic acid on many patients with various cancers and serious diseases, suggests that it is the electrical charge of fulvic acid that helps to kill cancer cells and restore life back to the cells. In the interview linked above, he gave an astounding fact: For all the cancer patients on record who had been struck by lightning and survived the strike, their cancer immediately disappeared. In other words, all people known who had survived a lightning strike (and had cancer at the same time), were cancer free after the strike. Dr. Nuzum says that it is the electricity of the strike that literally zapped the cancer cells. Is it possible fulvic acid improves the lives of those with cancer? Even more research on this topic would be fascinating to see.
Buy Vital Earth Minerals Fulvic Acid
Fulvic acid is a supplement I have suggested many, many times to people for various health supporting reasons. It is also very safe and healthy to use on pets and in the garden. The next article I write will be on humic acid, which contains and is similar to fulvic but also has it’s own unique properties, including being the best substance for the gut and the ability to stop the spread of viruses.
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Other articles I’ve written on the physical and spiritual benefits of various foods, nutraceuticals and supplements can be seen below.
Part 1 of 3: The Neurogenesis Regimen-Supplements, Foods and Exercises to Maximize Brain, Memory and Nervous System Health
The Herb, Essential Oils and ORMUS to Enhance Your Meditation and Spiritual Practice
What Are the Best Medicinal Mushrooms For Memory, Stress, Immune and Cancer Support?
The preceding is a Stillness in the Storm original creation. Please share freely.
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This article appeared first on Stillness in the Storm.
This article Fulvic Acid Benefits: Supplement for Detoxification, Brain, Energy, DNA and RNA Synthesis by Michael Wright originally appeared on and is free and open source. You have permission to share or republish this article in full so long as attribution to the author and
Stillness in the Storm Editor: Why did we post this?
The Deep State has weaponized healthcare in the sense that most people never learn the true methods of maintaining their health. The preceding information dispels this false reality that an individual cannot be healthy without the mainstream medical establishment. It offers information that the reader can use to make better choices, which are ultimately the primary contributors to an individual’s health estate. With health autonomy in hand, neuroticism decreases due to not fearing for the communication of diseases, resulting in the liberation of consciousness-energy that can be used to positively contribute to making the world a better place.
– Justin
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ED says
Does anyone have a brand/type of FA to recommend?
Michael Wright says
I like and use this one.
It is the one that is linked in the article a couple times.
Thanks for reading,