FYI – From now on, the full Fulford report will be posted after a full 3 days from the original release, now usually on Thursday.
Benjamin Fulford’s report from May the 16th 2016 has been updated. Click here to read the full report.
There are still people in the US military industrial complex who think the United States has no need to accept this offer and that now that they have taken over the Federal Reserve Board, they can print dollars to solve US problems. Republican Presidential Candidate Donald Trump is apparently one of them. On May 9th Trump said the following on CNN:
“People said I want to go and buy debt and default on debt – these people are crazy. This is the United States government. First of all, you never have to default because you print the money, I hate to tell you, okay? So there’s never a default.”
What Trump fails to understand is that while the United States can print all the money it wants to use domestically, foreigners are not going to accept unlimited dollars backed by nothing in exchange for their goods. The US has already defaulted as far is its foreign creditors are concerned. The recent failure on May 2nd of the US colony of Puerto Rico to make a 422 million dollar payment on its bonds was a de facto US government debt default. Unlike Japan’s government, which borrows from its own citizens, the US government relies of foreigners to keep it afloat. These foreigners, for good reason, no longer trust US paper. This is why it is necessary for the US to accept the very generous Chinese offer of gold to back their dollars. All they are asking for in exchange is world peace.
Benjamin Fulford [Special Report] – May 16th 2016: Chinese say gold only through White Dragon, Japanese resistance say Obama to be hit with “Kamikaze” in Hiroshima
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