Benjamin Fulford’s report from Monday the 30th of November has been updated with the full article. Click here to read the full report.
Below is a brief preview of the remaining portion of the update.
[Below is the remaining portion of Fulford’s update this week]
The other thing that several sources are saying is that Erdogan, along with Benyamin Netanyahu of Israel, the Bush/Clinton crime family and the Saudi royal family are all members of the Khazarian mafia who believe it is their destiny to create a New World Order. They are all descendants of the ancient Satan worshipping Hyksos tribe of human slavers and their NWO plan was to kill 90% of humanity and enslave the rest. Instead, the NWO is blowing up in their faces.
Related The Hidden History of the Incredibly Evil Khazarian Mafia
An analysis of Middle Eastern oil trade connected to ISIS made it very clear that oil was being stolen from Iraq and Syria by mercenary armies financed by Saudi Arabia and other Gulf oil monarchies. Furthermore, the stolen oil was all being sold by either Turkey or Israel. Not only that but multiple media reports confirm this weekly’s assertions the European Rothschild family, another Khazarian Satanic bloodline, have been deeply involved in massive oil theft.
The Illuminati and the Pentagon sources both say that many of the Rothshcilds, Benyamin Netanyahu and the Erdogan family are now “high value targets.”
According to Sorcha Faal, an information/disinformation site set up by US Naval Intelligence, Erdogan’s son Bilal is now on the run because he raped, tortured and murdered British and American female journalists who were reporting on Turkey’s support of ISIS. In this case, the report has a strong ring of truth to it.
In any case, once Turkey is finished with, the Russians and Syrians are expected to carry out a joint military campaign to wrest the Golan Heights from Israel. Following that, Israel will be forced to make a permanent peace with its neighbors in exchange for the return of stolen land.
Saudi Arabia is also being increasingly exposed as one of the most tyrannical regimes on the planet. The latest example of what sort of regime this is can be seen in reports that a Sri Lankan woman is about to be stoned to death by a mob as punishment for adultery.
Inside the US as well, a purge of the Khazarian mafia is continuing. Jeb Bush for example, is now widely reviled as part of the traitorous gangster family that was complicit in 911 and countless other crimes. As a result, he has virtually vanished from the corporate media where, until recently, he was talked about as if he were an anointed Presidential candidate. Neo-con traitor John McCain for his part is showing signs of mental instability, CIA sources say. The rest of the Khazarian mob in the US is also terrified because the sources of their power, the Federal Reserve Board and the corporate government of the United States are bankrupt. Major European allies like France, Germany, Italy, England, Switzerland etc. have already abandoned them.
Benjamin Fulford – November 30th 2015: As promised, the Illuminati offer a carved up Turkey for thanksgiving while world leaders talk gas in Paris
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