FYI – From now on, the full Fulford report will be posted after a full 3 days from the original release, now usually on Thursday.
Benjamin Fulford’s report from May the 30th 2016 has been updated. Click here to read the full report.
The future planning agency proposed by the WDS would start by hiring, as initial planners for setting up the agency, about 7 to 9 people. For example, either Chinese President Xi Jinping or Vice-President Li Keqiang could represent China, Donald Trump or whoever is selected as President to represent the US, Russian President Vladimir Putin or Foreign Minister Sergei Lavrov to represent Eurasia, Prime Minister Narendra Modi to represent India, someone to represent the Islamic world, perhaps Indonesian President Joko Widodo, someone to represent Africa, possibly Jose Eduardo Dos Santos of Angola and Angela Merkel of Germany or some suitable substitute to represent the old bloodline families of Europe.
This list is just what the Japanese call a “tatakidai” or initial proposal designed to stimulate debate on a particular topic.
The members of this agency would continue in their current jobs and would contribute to the future planning agency through part time consultations. The main initial job of the agency would be to stop the ongoing destruction of the planet. This means stopping environmental destruction, ending poverty, ending war, eliminating disease and otherwise restoring the planet to full health. After this, the Chinese could work on their plans for a high tech world spanning communications and energy grid. The Americans could work on a swords to plowshares transformation of the Military Industrial Complex and focus on future technology and exploring the Universe, the Russians and Rothschilds could work on Russian/European economic and social integration. The Africans would work on modernizing Africa in tune with traditional culture and Modi could continue his good work on the Indian sub-continent. The Islamic representative would need to work on ending the Sunni/Shia split and bringing full peace and prosperity to the Islamic world. The US military industrial complex would help end Khazarian war mongering and trouble making in the region.
Benjamin Fulford – May 30th 2016: New York branch of Khazarian mafia now final obstacle to world peace
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