(Stillness in the Storm Editor) Benjamin Fulford’s report from March 25th, 2024 has been updated. Click here to read the full report. This post serves as a notice that the original has been updated. Scroll down to where it says:
[Below is the remaining portion of Fulford’s update this week]
Not only are these Nazis still trying to vaccinate us to death, but now they are pushing pills that will transmit a message confirming it has been obediently taken by the sheeple. Here you can watch Satanic Pfizer CEO Albert Bourla (Bourla is a veterinarian not a medical doctor) say the FDA approved a digital pill that contains a microchip that transmits information once swallowed.
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These criminals are also still trying to create a food and water crisis.
National Security Advisor Jake Sullivan and Environmental Protection Agency Administrator Michael Regan warned that “disabling cyberattacks are striking water and wastewater systems throughout the United States.”
They are trying to blame it on “Chinese and Iranian hackers” but everybody knows it is part of the KM plan to create a food and water crisis by 2025.
Now Bharati (Indian) activist Vandana Shiva warns us four companies are trying to take over control of all seeds used by farmers around the world and make sure they cannot reproduce on their own. “They treat farmers having their own seeds as violating their monopoly rights,” she says.
These same KM Satanic gangsters are also still bringing criminals into the US by the millions. Venezuela is emptying its prisons and taking advantage of Biden’s open border. “Americans need to know, they’re coming to the border” Speaking to DailyMail.com by phone Monday, Miami immigration attorney Rolando Vazquez warned, ‘These are killers.’
So how does the Biden circus show respond, you can’t make this up: 140 democrats are demanding that US veterans be disarmed
They are arming the illegal aliens and disarming veterans, this tells you everything.
“It’s almost impossible to imagine a future where there is not going to be significant violence as a result of this, given our fragile financial position,” says Field Marshall Douglas MacGregor.
We also note the criminal government behind this just kicked the financial can down the road a little longer. “It is anticipated to unravel by starting in June and really going full downward spiral around August,” a Pentagon source says.
If you do not think this is deliberate; look at what Justin Castrudeau has done to Canada. How in the world did we get to the point where lettuce is $7 in Toronto?
Look at the video below to see how Castrudeau has ruined Canada.
Now compare that to what Putin has accomplished for Russia.
What happened to Irish Prime Minister Leo Varadkar shows current leaders in the West are not free to follow their hearts even if they want to.
In the first video, Varadkar tells Joe Biden his country stands with Palestine.
Then he abruptly resigns (He was forced to resign by the KM Zionists)
As Archbishop Carlo Vigano notes, all Western leaders are controlled through blackmail, mostly related to pedophilia so they are not free to act on their own.
By contrast here you can watch a person who follows his conscience. It is a Jewish man bravely denouncing how ‘settlement’ real estate properties in the West Bank are being illegally sold in American Synagogues.
We hope Donald Trump (the real one) will return to power soon and end this nightmare. The Secret Space force sources say there are now two Donald Trump avatars appearing in public along with the real one who is still at the Mt. Cheyenne military base in Colorado. “They each have a role to play in the scenario that is now unfolding,” he says.
Whatever that may be; KM Zionist minions are losing it when it comes to Trump.
Here you can watch Bernie Sanders say:
Trump’s next term is so dangerous that climate change will kill all of us if we allow him to come into office, he will use the military against citizens, he hates the mainstream media, he is a conspiracy theorist, he doesn’t believe in elections where water pipes burst in the middle of the night.
Now look at what his former opponent Hillary Clinton Rockefeller did in 1975.
This is what the KM has done to our civilization:
HEALTHCARE it is dictated by elites who are not doctors at all.
SCIENCE it is dictated by elites who are not scientists.
THE NEWS is dictated by elites who are not journalists.
EDUCATION is dictated by elites who are not educators at all. HISTORIOGRAPHY is dictated by elites who are not historians. GOVERNMENT is dictated by the elites, who are not representatives of the people.
AGRICULTURE is dictated by the elites, who are not farmers.
THEOLOGY is dictated by the elites, who are not scholars at all
SERVICES are dictated only to the elites, not the population. CONSTITUTION is an artificial legal creation in which, only you are punished, not the elites.”
While the West deals with Messianic parasites, China is leaving us in the dust (or vapor).
This article shows China has formally begun the hydrogen age:
China’s first homegrown hydrogen-powered train completed its full-load running test at the speed of 160 kph on Thursday, it is a groundbreaking record for achieving performance verification of a full-system, full-scenario, and multi-level test of the hydrogen train.
Equipped with a built-in hydrogen power system, the average energy consumption per kilometer of the train is 5 kWh during the test, which is on par with world-leading levels, and the maximum mileage of this train can reach more than 1,000 kilometers.
If we don’t all want to end up as Chinese slaves, we need to remove the KM.
Not sure how to make sense of this? Want to learn how to discern like a pro? Read this essential guide to discernment, analysis of claims, and understanding the truth in a world of deception: 4 Key Steps of Discernment – Advanced Truth-Seeking Tools.
Stillness in the Storm Editor’s note: Did you find a spelling error or grammatical mistake? Send an email to [email protected], with the error and suggested correction, along with the headline and url. Do you think this article needs an update? Or do you just have some feedback? Send us an email at [email protected]. Thank you for reading.
,,Sursele Forțelor Secret Space spun că acum două avatare ale lui Donald Trump apar în public, împreună cu cel real care se află încă la baza militară Mt. Cheyenne din Colorado. „Fiecare au un rol de jucat în scenariul care se desfășoară acum”, spune el.’’
Acest paragraf spune ADEVARUL : Iezuitul D.Tramp este un satanist din Opozitia Controlata care face jocurile Deep State pentru ca reptilele Rockefeller si Rotschild sa omoare 90 % din populatiile lumii umane.
ARGUMENTE : Armata a numarat 80 744 263 de voturi pentru tradatorul criminal D.Tramp, dar el a creat intentionat 6 Ianuarie pentru a se arunca voturile la gunoi si Deep State sa faca GENOCID in continuare ;
Un procuror spune ca D.Tramp stia de vaccinuri din 2019 si el nu a facut nimic sa avertizeze omenirea ;
V.Putin l-a informat pe tradatorul satanist D.Tramp despre ce se intampla in Ucraina cu cele 41 de laboratoare militare de arme biologice ale CIA, NATO, Mossad si UE, precum si despre copiii rapiti de oamenii lui Zelenky pentru ADRENOCROM, si i-a trimis copiii americani acasa rugandu-l sa le spuna americanilor adevarul la intalnirile electorale, dar iezuitul tradator nu a spus niciodata nimic ;
Tradatorul satanist D.Tramp are un ginere jidan asa ca face exact ce-i spune nazistul Bibi Satanyahu.
In Europa il avem pe CRESTINUL ORTODOX Vladimir Putin, dar voi in SUA Company Rockefeller il aveti doar pe Satana Baraq o Bamah si pe ceilalti diavoli, adica v-a lut Dracu’ ! SUA se va scufunda in ocean !
,,Secret Space Forces sources say that two avatars of Donald Trump are now appearing in public, along with the real one who is still at the military base Mt. Cheyenne from Colorado. “Each has a role to play in the scenario that’s unfolding now,” he says.”
This paragraph tells the TRUTH: Jesuit D. Trump is a Satanist from the Controlled Opposition who plays the Deep State games so that the Rockefeller and Rothschild reptiles kill 90% of the human world’s population.
ARGUMENTS: The Army counted 80,744,263 votes for the criminal traitor D.Tramp, but he intentionally created January 6 to throw the votes in the trash and the Deep State to continue GENOCIDE;
A prosecutor says that Satanist traitor D.Trump knew about vaccines from 2019 and he did nothing to warn humanity;
V. Putin informed the Satanist traitor D. Trump about what is happening in Ukraine with the 41 military biological weapons laboratories of the CIA, NATO, Mossad and the EU, as well as about the children kidnapped by Zelenky’s people for ADRENOCROM, and sent him the American children at home asking him to tell the Americans the truth at the election meetings, but the traitorous Jesuit never said anything;
The Satanist traitor D.Tramp has a Jewish son-in-law, so he does exactly what the Nazi Bibi Satanyahu tells him.
In Europe we have the ORTHODOX CHRISTIAN Vladimir Putin, but you in the USA Company Rockefeller have only Satan Baraq o Bamah and the other devils, that is, the Devil has begged you!
The USA will sink into the ocean!
This blog is funded by the Deep State as a CONTROLLED OPPOSITION.
When B.F. say more information then this blog either delays or doesn’t post the report, because that’s what the CONTROLLED OPPOSITION should do!
The halter is for and for these satanists disguised as bloggers!
Dust and powder will be chosen by all Satanists and their accomplices!
“We hope Donald Trump (the real one) will return to power soon and end this nightmare. The Secret Space force sources say there are now two Donald Trump avatars appearing in public along with the real one who is still at the Mt. Cheyenne military base in Colorado.”
The real Trump is touring he ‘ll be back.
He he is in drone footage.