Benjamin Fulford’s report from Monday the 29th of February 2016 has been updated with the full article. Click here to read the full report.
[Below is the remaining portion of Fulford’s update this week]
Another person, and American woman we shall call “Eva,” communicated using hand delivered, hand written notes to arrange a meeting with the WDS. She claimed to have some interesting information about the Khazarian mafia’s network in Japan. She said it was it was headed by an ex US State Department official by the name of Alfredo Salazar running an outfit called Winstone. Salazar gets documentation from dying people in order to create a tax free slush fund for his agents in Japan, according to Eva. Eva, who appeared genuinely terrified, said she contacted the WDS because suspected she was going to be blamed for an upcoming terrorist attack in Japan and then killed, This writer was unable to contact Mr. Salazar to get his side of the story but is hoping to hear from him soon. In any case, Eva gave the WDS the names and addresses of all the members of Salazars’ network in Japan. Should anything happen to Eva, the network will be cleaned out.
The third agent to show up was a self-described son of a Japanese CIA agent who said he was taking the drug scopolamine. He certainly appeared wired up in a weird way. He brought a bottle of wine from the New Sanno Hotel in Tokyo, which is restricted to US military personnel or government officials. It is known as the place where the US Japan handlers give out orders to their Japanese flunkies. This individual also claimed he was the person responsible for the incidents in early 2014 when a total of 300 copies of the diaries of Anne Frank were found ripped up in 38 libraries.
He seemed to be a genuine mk-ultra (trauma based mind control) victim but it was not clear what his business was with the WDS.
Benjamin Fulford – February 29th 2016: Western implosion to continue as G20 ends in stalemate
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