Benjamin Fulford’s report from Monday the 28th of December has been updated with the full article. Click here to read the full report.
This is merely to serve as a notice that the original post has been updated. In the above link, scroll down to where it says:
[Below is the remaining portion of Fulford’s update this week]
The New York Times and other Khazarian mob controlled corporate media propaganda outlets find Clinton “eating a chicken burrito bowl” more newsworthy than well documented evidence of rape, drug dealing, murder and other crimes linked to the Clinton crime family.
You can see why the world is turning its back on the disgusting, lying criminal cartel based in New York, Washington D.C. and Tel Aviv.
This has been happening despite a rapidly increasing pace of false flag events (with diminishing psychological impact) and other hysterical attempts by the Khazarian mob to start World War 3.
The Pentagon has already distanced itself from the Khazarian mob by refusing to be tricked again by false flags (“Malaysian air flight 17”) or lies (“Syrian sarin gas attacks”) into fighting on behalf of these mobsters.
Even the controlled corporate media has been forced to admit, through their limited hang-out Seymour Hersh, the Pentagon has been going against Washington DC policy by supplying useful intelligence to the Syrian regime. Pentagon officials say Hersh was wrong in saying the intelligence was sent via the Israelis “because nobody in their right minds would pass intelligence to the Syrians through their enemies the Israelis when Russia is much more reliable.”
Benjamin Fulford – December 28th 2015: The past year has seen pre-revolutionary turmoil, next may come post-revolutionary turmoil
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