Benjamin Fulford’s report from April the 4th 2016 has been updated with the full article. Click here to read the full report.
In any case, such an act of terror, even if blamed on North Korea, would not be enough to provoke World War 3 and the gnostic illuminati’s planned artificial Armageddon. That is because the Russian, Chinese and US militaries know the recent North Korean nuclear threats being touted in the Western propaganda media do not, in fact, originate from North Korea. All you need to do is check the official North Korean news site
every time North Korean nuclear threat stories come out in the Western corporate propaganda media to confirm this. You will not find these threats on their official site.
The real North Korean problem is actually a split between the factions of the Korean and Japanese royal families that ran Japan and Korea until the end of World War 2 and the ones controlled by US occupying forces after World War 2.
The split that began last summer in the Yamaguchi Gumi, Japan’s largest Yakuza business (legal and illegal) syndicate reflects the split between these two factions. The “North Korean” Yamaken faction based in Kobe relies for a large part on revenues from amphetamines manufactured in North Korea. Drugs like amphetamines and herbal medicines like marijuana are available over the counter in North Korea.
The Nagoya based Kodokai faction stays away from drugs and relies more on public works kickbacks, infiltration of major banks and the like. They back the Imperial family now occupying the Chrysanthemum throne.
Benjamin Fulford – April 4th 2016: Decisive attacks against Khazarian mafia unfolding in Poland, Turkey, Washington DC, Japan and elsewhere
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