Understanding the Law, Risks, and Potential Consequences
by Justin Deschamps,
What if we could pay our debts with money from a government account? Well a small group of individuals appear to have found a way to do just that. They are accessing what are apparently called Treasury Direct Accounts to pay credit cards, mortgages, student loans and so on. It might sound like the latest internet scam—and I’m not necessarily saying that it isn’t—but there’s a very real lawful and legal reality to comprehend behind this latest promise for “legal remedy.” But before you get your latest credit card bill out, there are some major risks in law that needs to be considered.
Before moving forward, I want to express that I have the utmost respect and admiration for all those brave souls who seek to gain freedom and prosperity in a world of seemingly endless fraud and deception, who have devised very creative ways to gain a measure of freedom. This is my attempt to clearly articulate the risks involved in using your treasury account, by describing the lawful realities at play along with any historical precedents that imply potential consequences. In no way am I passing negative judgment on
those who have already accessed these accounts or who have spent years paving the way for others to do the same.
DISCLAIMER: The following article is not meant to be taken as legal advice. Any and all suggestions, statements, or assertions are solely the opinions of Justin Deschamps and are provided for informal, educational, and research purposes only. Any actions taken by you, the reader, are entirely your responsibility. You are encouraged to seek legal council with a licensed legal professional before engaging in any potentially risky behavior.
I understand that the vast majority of people who are reading this likely have never studied law, the legal system, finance, or civil policy. And likely even a smaller proportion have studied the hidden side of law, and the legal slavery mechanisms that make our world what it is. In light of this, I will do my best to describe the concepts in as simple terms as possible, sometimes reiterating ideas in different ways to emphasize the information.
I’ve spent several days revising and re-writing this article for ease of comprehension, which has been quite challenging because there are so many different levels of understanding and trying to write for a wide audience is no small task. This is not meant to be a one stop shop for everything to do with this topic, it is meant to be for the lay person who may not understand the foundational concepts in law that support the idea of an account created in your name, and managed by the State.
In order to describe the whole situation, a book would be required. Here is a good overview for those seeking a more comprehensive explanation of the hidden side of the financial and legal system.
For those with a legal background, or who have studied much of the “freeman sovereignty” material out there, much of the descriptions of concepts might not be the way you learned them, but the core ideas are effectively equivalent. For example, some might say that these accounts are not trust accounts, but the pure concept of a trust is most definitely at play, as all commerce requires trust at some level for contractual obligations to be met. The words and terms use below have many meanings within society, but I have taken the time to define them within the context of the article, and it is these definitions that should be used in trying to understand what is described.
Finally, if you think a concept is presented in error, feel free to send me an explanation as to why (sitsshow@gmail.com), demonstrating a superior argument, so it can be added here.
Update: I received this information from Jordan Sather of Destroying the Illusion. On July 12th, the Federal Reserve Bank of Atlanta warned that using your social security number and Fed routing numbers to pay your bills (which is the Treasury Direct Account process), could result in delays and late fees. Notice they didn’t say it was illegal.
Consumer Scam Alert: Do Not Use Federal Reserve Routing Account Numbers to Pay Bills; Could Face Late Fees, Other Charges
For immediate release: July 12, 2017
Recently, the Federal Reserve Banks have received a number of unauthorized transactions in which consumers have tried to use the Fed’s routing numbers and their Social Security numbers to pay their bills.
It is important for consumers to know that when making online or e-check bill payments, they cannot use Federal Reserve routing numbers. Federal Reserve routing numbers are used for sorting and processing payments between banks. Any video, text, email, phone call, flyer, or website that describes how to pay bills using a Federal Reserve Bank routing number or using an account at the Federal Reserve Bank is a scam.
The Federal Reserve provides banking services only for banks. Individuals do not have accounts at the Federal Reserve.
The bill payments being attempted using the Fed’s routing numbers are being rejected and returned unpaid. Consumers who have attempted to use the Fed’s routing numbers to pay their bills may be subject to penalty fees from the company they were attempting to pay. (source)
In my view, within the context of the following discussion, this is a carefully worded statement. Consider that people have gone to jail for years for commuting bank fraud. But all that is being said here is that a person might be “subject to penalty fees from the company they were attempting to pay.” This suggests that they cannot say it is illegal because it actually is legal to some degree.
But as will be described below, this doesn’t mean the system condones this behavior either. Quite the contrary, they are calling it a scam, and will likely treat people who use this process as scam artists. This means you can expect all kinds of mafia-like tactics from law enforcement intended to intimidate you into not using this process. Bear this in mind as you contemplate if this is something you want to do.
Simplified Overview
Here’s a short explanation of where the money for these accounts comes from and how people are accessing it.
Lets say you have some debt that you want to pay off, (referred to as a discharge of debt in legal terms). Normally, you’d have to earn the money to pay the debt. But what if I told you that the government created a trust account in your name when you were born? This is exactly what happened.
The government creates an account and then uses various methods to fund them—like quick turn around investment schemes—which accumulate value to the tune of millions and sometimes billions of dollars. While these accounts are most definitely real, the government never tells us they exist. They use these accounts to fund all sorts of things, including nefarious programs and black budget projects.
Although the government never tells us about these accounts, you can access it using your social security card. A social security number is not just a government ID, it’s also the account number for your personal account, allegedly known as a Treasury Direct Account (TDA). Using the code on the back of your social security card, you can locate the routing number associated to your account. At this point, the process works just like paying any other debt using a check. You go online, enter the account number (your social) and routing number (found on the federalreserve.gov website) into a e-bill payment system—a standard feature of most financial services—and pay your bill as if you were using your own bank account. And that’s it.
One question a reader had was: What do you see when you access your account? You don’t see anything. You can’t go online or go to the bank and give them your TDA information so they can pull up an account balance for you. In this sense, when you use the TDA to pay a debt, you are doing so “blind,” as if a friend gave you their bank information to pay a debt—you don’t see their account when paying it.
At the time of this writing, dozens of people have successfully paid debts using this method. But, there are many others who have had payments reversed, stopped, or their online services locked after trying to use the TDA. One man by the name of Randy, used his account to purchase an RV, but when he went to go pick it up, he was arrested for an older charge that had nothing to do with the use of his TDA—more on this later.
What does this mean? Can I use my TDA account to pay debts? Is it legal? Is it risky?
In my opinion, based on all my law research and knowledge of the current state of the legal and justice system, I would personally not use these accounts. There is too much risk involved and uncertainty at this point; additionally the method for accessing these accounts may not be lawful, as I will attempt to detail in lay terms.
These accounts are secret. The government never wanted you to know about them, let alone use them. But the fact that they are secret also means that they likely don’t want to prosecute people for using them, instead, they’ll find another way to arrest you, like they did to Randy. So on this score, think of it like this: the government is effectively the mafia, and uses criminal methods to achieve their goals—you don’t want to go stealing from them unless you know what you’re getting into. This is one of the reasons why it is risky, because even if you do have a valid right to use your TDA, the criminal government might still come after you.
The accounts are also held in trust for you, but you don’t really have the authority to use them. Think of it like this: just because someone bought you a gift for a holiday doesn’t mean you can go take it beforehand. For your TDA, you would have to establish the correct authority to use these accounts, and then prove that to the government. It isn’t clear to me, at this point, if anyone accessing these accounts has the proper authority, and as such, they could be acting unlawfully.
Access to these accounts might be a glitch in the new electronic and automated financial system. Within this electronic system, there might be vulnerabilities that allow people to bypass blocking methods used by the government for these accounts. If true, then as time goes on, more and more people won’t be successful using their TDA, and they will likely be liable for attempting to do so. Consider that a lot of people are having payments from these accounts reversed, which suggests that some factions within system are becoming aware of the situation.
All this being said, there is a very real risk involved in using your TDA, and like all things in life, it’s generally not wise or prudent to jump into something you have only a hazy understanding of. If you decide to use these accounts, do so at your own risk, ideally by gaining real knowledge of what this risk means. I strongly encourage you to read on so you can gain a better understanding of the law. At the very least, this situation is helping to reveal the fact that there really is a hidden side of the financial and legal system; thus this is an excellent opportunity to gain key knowledge and understanding.
What follows is a much more detailed explanation of the history, law, and implications of using these accounts. While this information is likely boring to most, it is incredibly important to understand the legal and lawful drama that has led to where we are today. The law is the rule book for existence, and the better we understand the rules the better we’re able to work with them to manifest abundance and prosperity in life. What’s more, if people gained knowledge of the law, they would have the tools in hand to restore justice and end the tyranny that has plagued humanity for ages.
Related How the Cabal Maintains Their Power And What You Need To Do To Stop It – Un-Consent
Detailed Overview
The activities and exchanges of humanity are managed and governed by law, legal systems, and finance, which are ideally designed to help the individual work in society to achieve their life goals. If these goals are properly refined and discerned, the individual will beneficially contribute to their culture and civilization. And if society was truly lawful, then it will enhance the individual’s creative capacities.
But we don’t live in a world where society is managed in trust and in honor of the rule of law. Instead, all people, the world over, are secretly declared by the State to be insane, incompetent, and spiritually dead, incapable of managing their lives or their affairs in trust and honor. These declarations happen in secret, using the hidden side of the legal and financial system.
The legal system, although founded on real lawful principles, has become a mechanism for tyranny and enslavement—not unlike a hammer being used to kill instead of being used to build. The consequence of the fallacious presumption of incompetency of the individual establishes the debt-slavery model used throughout the world today: the Commonwealth system. Debt-slavery is a literal and legal reality, which is obscured or hidden, and yet can be understood, as the following attempts to detail.
In order to manage the overt debt-based society, a hidden credit-based system was needed. The value held in this credit-based system is managed in trust for our benefit, in this case known as your Treasury Direct Account.
Basis of the Treasury Accounts
The idea that the government has a secret set of books is nothing new, as various freeman and sovereignty researchers have long asserted that the birth certificate is a receipt for the creation of a legal estate, given the same name as the individual.
Reference Material: For specific examples within the legal code of the estate creation process, see the following detailed video.
Creation of Your Estate — The Credit-Based Hidden Financial System
When you’re born, your parents create an estate on your behalf and sign the title over to the State for it to manage, via your birth certificate. Jane Doe, born on such and such a day, is evidence of a new living being with well-nigh limitless creative capacities, who will undoubtedly do things in the world to generate value, be they goods or services. This estate or legal person is given the name JANE DOE—the corporatized version of you or legal person—which is used in all legal matters throughout life, such as job and loan applications, credit cards, drivers license, and so on.
Theoretically, in order to provide for the development of that individual, so they can be the most productive member of society, the State creates various structures, such as civil utilities (townships, cities, states, etc.), financial organizations (banks), educational systems, and so on. All these are developed and provided in trust for the benefit of the individual, with the obligation that they will honor the laws and legal policies of that society.
Simply put, if the government really served the people, it would have to provide resources and tools to help you become the most intelligent, productive, and competent citizen possible. A credit-based financial system simply means that you’re seen as already having value, merely by existing, and then financial mechanisms are created to allow you to access that value in trust with all other people. And in a perfect world, you wouldn’t need to pay for civil utilities, like roads, public services, medical care, education, and so on—because these would be provided for you in a pay-it-forward capacity. The way you “pay back” the government is by being a productive citizen, honoring the laws, and also producing abundance in your life, such as goods and services. And for the most part, the average citizen is a productive member of society—albeit within the limits of the current state of society.
Debt-Based Slavery System
Here’s the problem. The State doesn’t honor their part of the bargain. Instead of truly educating you about your powers of creation, the faculties of your being that create value, they dumb us down via the education system, which makes us literally mentally incompetent, not mention the weapons of mass destruction like electro-smog (the grid) and geoengineering. Within the hidden legal system, the State declares us incompetent, dead, or lost at sea, which means we can’t manage our affairs. Common law is the legal system that was created in the 16th and 17th centuries to manage the citizens that were declared insane and incompetent, also called wards. Admiralty law was created later to manage the estates of these lost souls. And the Uniform Commercial Code U.C.C. is the latest and greatest version of the equity- (commerce-) based slaver system.
Related The UCC Connection – How the Uniform Commercial Code ‘secretly took over’ the world
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What does being declared incompetent, dead, and lost at sea mean?
I know this sounds like some kind of superstitious nonsense, but this is exactly what happens in the hidden legal system. By declaring this, the powers that should not be claim we can’t use our credit-based value—the trust accounts. Think of it like this, if you were at a party, and you were intoxicated, you wouldn’t be capable of driving your car home safely. As a result, a friend may take your keys from you to prevent you from doing harm to yourself or others—owing to the fact you aren’t competent in your intoxicated state to drive your car. The same premise is involved here. By declaring us incompetent and dead, the legal system takes control over the accounts and uses it for their own purposes.
By declaring us lost at sea, the legal system prevents us from clearing the air or rebut the presumption. And since we’re considered insane, the government doesn’t trust us to use our value. As a result, they had to create a debt-based monetary system, one that assumes everyone is worthless from the start, and only have worth when working to earn a living, and in doing so, actively contribute to the systems of slavery. This is why gaining knowledge of the law is so important, else you are an unwitting pawn of the financial elite.
What this means is that the hidden credit-based system is used to prop up the debt-based system we use every day. So while you don’t see the credit-based system, you most definitely see the debt-based system when you pay your taxes, when you apply for a loan, and when you are charged with a crime (court costs)—to cite a few examples.
The reason it’s often referred to as a debt-based slavery system is because we have to work in the system to survive. Instead of using our inherent value and creative potential to produce our own abundance and prosperity, our energy is used to support the systems of society, largely designed to defraud the people and aggregate wealth and resources into the hands of a few—the so called financial elite, Illuminati, Deep State, Shadow Government, and so on.
But can’t I just go to the government and say: “I’m not dead or lost at sea! I’m right here. Now let me have my value!”
Unfortunately, it’s not that simple.
The government declared you incompetent within weeks of your birth. You would have had to present yourself to the state, giving notice that you are alive, not insane, and not lost a sea before your seventh birthday. But since most of us had no clue about any of this, we never did. And while there are various techniques for addressing this situation, since the government has abandoned the rule of law and has effectively gone rogue, most people haven’t been successful.
What this means is that in the eyes of the government, we have no power or authority over our own minds, bodies, and the things we do with them. This is how the world has been run for centuries, with a progressively evolving debt-slavery system that eventually gave us the near technocratic one we use today.
Estates, Competence, and Rights
The concept of an estate is another rather baffling idea to most that needs be understood. There are two general types of estates, which I am designating the real you and the estate or legal person for the purposes of this discussion. Estates are always “fictional” in that they are purely conceptual or metaphysical things, they are a fictional representation of the real person and what that person does in life; just like how a map is not the territory, the estate is not the living being, only a legal/fictional person.
The Real You
The real you is everything you do with your being, your body, mind, and energy system, along with all the things you create with your being, most especially, the nature and quality of the relationships you have with others and the world. This is also known as a True Trust, but we will stick with the term the real you. When you create something, you can transfer it to another, who receives the right to use it—ownership is the right of use and right to delegate, which includes physical possession. The right to delegate us, or the right to let someone else use what you own, whether a physical object like a car or a metaphysical object like your name.
For example, the “state of your being”—happy, sad, uplifted, depressed, creative, bored, all affect your output, the fruit of your labors—thus your mood is one example of the real you. The products or things you produce with your time fall under your care—your house can either be messy or clean, depending on how you manage it. And again, these “objects” also include metaphysical things like, ideas, beliefs, desires, and the stuff of your consciousness—clearly the things the real you uses everyday.
The very fact that you exist in reality and do things in it means you have relationships to things and people, which can be described legally as an estate. But how you manage your affairs demonstrates if you are competent or not. For example, if you have a car in your possession, but lack the skill to drive it, this status would be one of incompetence. If you drive the car without knowing how, you might hurt yourself, other people, and damage property. As such, your ability to manage your affairs, what you do with your time on this planet, reflects your competence. One who can manage their affairs or estate in trust with all other beings is often referred to as a sovereign.
An Estate — The Legal Person
The real you, as was just defined, is also codified legally as a legal person, also known as an estate. An estate is the tool you use to interface with the legal world, where business is done between other people, in a given jurisdiction of law. The integrity of the legal system where you live manages the estates of other people, which means that technically you can use your estate but you don’t own legal title to it. Since what gives your estate legal power is ultimately derived from the legal system where you live, you have the right to use your estate but it isn’t yours in the sense that you own your name. (I know it’s hard to keep track of these concepts when the words we use to refer to them are the same. The legal system intentionally did this to make it even more confusing for people to understand the law.)
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What this means is that there is a legal “reflection” of you that keeps track of everything you are, do, or will do, in relation to the government—your legal person. This estate is the thing we use to engage others in society, often called commerce. In most governments the social security number is the identifier that links your physical being to your legal person, hence you need it to get a job, a bank account, approval for a loan, etc. For example, we might provide our social security number to the IRS to pay taxes, which links the real you to your legal person or estate.
The legal person is tool the State uses and maintains as an interface between the real world and the purely conceptual world of the legal system. While the idea of a legal person is often vilified, it is not inherently evil or nefarious. For example, your name is one aspect of your purely conceptual self, something that was arbitrarily given to you, but has no material substance. Despite the wholly non-material nature of your name, it is still an incredibly useful thing to use, especially in social settings (whether casual or in business). The legal person is very similar in that it is a purely conceptual tool we use to do business or cooperate with others.
As an interesting, but non-critical side note (skip this if you’re already confused): The name United States of America also has a secret meaning of united estates of America. Recall that the U.S.A. is supposed to be an “enlightened republic” which means the individual and their rights are held in trust as the highest measure of lawful authority—meaning, the State or the mob can’t trump the individuals inalienable rights. The legal consequence of this precept of law is that in order to manage the affairs of all the “sovereigns” on the land, they employed estates or legal persons—tools to manage all the rights of the individual people. Prior to the dissolution of the de jure constitutional republic in 1861, these estates were managed under the best constitutional law that existed at the time (hardly perfect, but better than what we have today.) Since that time, the constitutional republic was dissolved—due to congress being abandoned—and martial law was instituted along with the second american bankruptcy, which applied all the estates of the people as surety liquidation of assets related to the original social contract—the constitution. This is important to consider when trying to understand the pure concept of a legal person and estate. In this case, the original use was a tool for lawful governance but then was later used as a tool of enslavement. Ergo, the tool is not the source of evil itself, it’s how it is used. Today, martial law and bankruptcy have continued. The third american bankruptcy took place in 1933, which reorganized the proceedings, removing constitutionally defined lawful money (gold and silver) and replaced it with debt-money, backed by the “full faith and credit of the people.” It is this present day situation that is unlawful and insidious.
The problem with the legal person is how it has been defined and used by the State. If the government was acting lawfully this legal version of us would be maintained in trust for our benefit—without fraud, deceit, or dishonor. It wouldn’t be used to enslave us or to commit fraud. How the legal person, as it exists today, is used as a tool of your enslavement is a large discussion. But in the main, the legal system can’t deal with the real you, it can only deal with your estate or legal person. However, you didn’t design or create your legal person, the State did, and as such they own it (retain legal title) and misuse this legal version of us in all manner of insidious, deceptive, and dishonorable ways.
Think of it like this: If you are a musician in an orchestra, you might play a piece of music that was written by a composer. What you play, your performance, is yours, but the music itself was written by someone else, which means it isn’t completely your own creation—it’s a marriage of performer and composer. In the same way, the legal person is the thing the government creates for you to use, to perform things in society with, ideally in a lawful capacity. This legal version of you is useful because the State maintains a system of law to ensure everyone’s estates are managed fairly (in trust)—this is the pure concept anyway. Of course, as many know, the system is hardly lawful, and yet, the essential fabric of what makes a legal person or estate what it is—an agency of the State—still holds true.
Hidden Accounts Used By the Government
The estates created by the birth certificate are managed on our behalf by the State. As was discussed earlier, the credit-base side of the legal system assumes we have inherent value, and creates monetary instruments to support that, what we refer to as money, bonds, stocks, and so on. Although the value is theoretically derived from our own life energy and creativity, we don’t automatically get to take a managerial role with regard to said value—keep this point in mind.
The value was generated using various financial means, by way of speculating on your creative potential, like: the issuance of bonds, the conversion of promissory notes, and so on. Also, the so-called collateral accounts (global wealth accumulated by dynastic families), also seems to be a funding source. We benefit from this value by way of the creation of State-run money via the issuance of Treasury bonds that the government sells to the Federal Reserve, who then prints the money we use. All of the things that make a country, society, or nation what it is, was produced by way of these hidden accounts or the estates of the citizens, all used as collateral on the debt-based side of the books to compel everyone to work in the system and earn a living.
The problem is, at present, we don’t have power to manage our estates, which is where the hidden credit-based funding mechanisms of society come from. We have to use the fraudulent loan system to access value in these accounts, which is known as the conversion of promissory notes. In other words, money that was placed in these accounts is fraudulently lent to us at interest, which we need to work in the world to pay off using our blood, sweat, and labor. In the process, the government gets to use these funds for their own purposes. This misuse by the State is made possible by declaring us incompetent.
Competence, in a lawful and general sense, is established by demonstrating real working knowledge of something, also known as wisdom or skills.
You are a competent chef if you can cook a meal from scratch—without a recipe. You are a competent musician if you can play a piece of music perfectly. And you are competent in law if you consciously know the law, can describe it explicitly, and can act within it—honorable conduct.
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Gaining competence over your estate, whether the real you or the legal version, requires true knowledge and understanding. You should to be able to manage your affairs without causing harm or damage to property.
In a truly lawful world, the fact that you can manage your life with competence, by not harming others and not damaging property, along with declaring your will to the world (your purpose), would be the only requirement of demonstrating competence. But within the existing legal system, additional steps are needed to establish competence or authority to manage your estate (legal person), which often requires filing paperwork of some kind—giving notice to those figures within the government.
If the State actually held up their end of the bargain, people could easily assert their valid authority and competence, and in doing so, gain access to their accounts. But the State makes this all but impossible, by refusing to honor their own processes. In other words, the State pays lips service to the idea a citizen can re-establish their competence, but never honors such citizens—revealing the State’s defunct and criminal nature.
Again, the State uses these funds to operate the slavery systems of Earth. The insidious programs of geoengineering, weaponized agriculture and food production, mass-mind control technologies, and so on, are funded via these treasury accounts or estates.
Rights and Defense
Given all this, an individual who gains knowledge of this incredible fraud will likely choose to do something about it—as in, they likely want to defend their rights and help defend the rights of others. Hence, one definition of the word sovereign is savior of the world.
The fact is, societies are obligated to support the individual, to provide systems that facilitate them in the lawful use of their rights—and it is equally true that people are obligated to give back to the systems and societies that support them. When we actualize ourselves by gaining knowledge and competence, we can take a stand against injustice, giving back to society in the process.
An individual who knows the law has the right to act in defense of their estate, and even to reclaim their estate from those (the government) who have failed to manage it in trust.
A right is an action an individual can take that affects the world (a freedom), and as a result, the individual is responsible for what happens. Freedom and responsibility are inextricably linked, forever bound to one another. If a society fails to provide knowledge and tools to the individual so they can exercise their rights in trust (with competence), or in harmony with all others, then that society is defunct and unlawful by nature.
Related A Discussion on Rights — Using Your Rights Wisely is the Key to Personal Freedom and Social Harmony
The State is in Breach of Trust or Defunct
This is where we find ourselves today.
The individual’s estate was commandeered from them via an admiralty process (declaring us incompetent), and the value in the accounts tied to their estate was used to fund all manner of insidiousness. What’s more, there is no way to resolve the situation. That is, despite the fact that there is a legal method to prove you are not insane, dead or lost at sea, such appeals are never honored by the State—at least not in any meaningful way.
For example, due to the bankruptcy of 1933, when all constitutionally defined money in the US (gold and silver backed currencies) was canceled, there was no legal way for the citizen to discharge debts using asset-backed money. As a result, HJR 192 provided a legal remedy whereby individuals could discharge their debts by using their treasury accounts, sometimes known as an Acceptance For Value (A4V) process, which by all accounts, appears to be an invalid method of access. But in almost all cases, when people took the time to learn about this, and follow the correct process, thereby establishing competence, they were unlawfully and illegally denied access by the State.
Accessing the Treasury Accounts
Given all this, the citizen/individual is up against the wall, and some researchers might have discovered a way to access funds in their treasury accounts, or TDAs. The group in question, as was said earlier, has had what appears to be some success doing this but there are serious risks involved.
What are the Risks?
The question is: Do those individuals who use their TDAs in this way have the legal and lawful right to do so? And even if they do, will the defunct State condone such actions?
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From what I can decipher, Heather Ann Tucci-Jarraf is the person that is spearheading this endeavor. Using a somewhat formal process, she effectively declared herself an agent of Source (creator of the universe), the Original Depositor of a Factualized Trust (the real you), and claimed authority over all the accounts. This was an attempt to dispel the presumptions of the State listed above; and if accepted, would grant her powers to manage these accounts for the people. Stated again for clarity, Heather asserted that the State was a defunct criminal enterprise, and as a result, has no valid right or authority to manage the estates of the people. As such, she is using a defensive right to arrest these accounts from the State. This apparently happened via various document filings earlier this year and in previous years.
What is unclear is whether or not the State has accepted these declarations as valid.
Understanding Trust Law and the Relationships of Trust
Here’s some trust law to consider.
While you might not think of the relationships you have with others as working within the laws of trust, these principles are alive in reality, inescapable and ever-present. This is part of the reason why it can be so difficult to comprehend—not unlike a fish that can’t perceive the water it’s swimming through.
A grantor or principal places value in the hands of a person (an administrator) who manages this value for a beneficiary. The rules or policies for managing the value are established via agreement between the principal and agent(s), at which time it can be said a trust has been created. Trustees are brought on board as agents of the principal, who carry out the policies of the trust, hence the term agent. Trustees are obligated to follow the policies of the trust. The beneficiary is the person or entity that receives the value, dependent upon some set of obligations defined by the principal—the policies or rules that describe how a beneficiary can receive their benefits. The beneficiary may or may not—and often doesn’t—have discretionary power over the trust, unless it is explicitly given to them by the principal.
Here’s an example.
A father and mother decide to buy a car for their child, but in order to use this car, the child has to ask permission first. The parents are the grantors, they placed the value (the car), in the trust, and as the principals, they devised the policies (rules) that describe how the child (the beneficiary) can use the car. The child, in order to use the car in trust—in harmony with the rules set-forth by their parents—needs to ask permission first. If they fail to ask permission, they might lose access to the car—and in doing so breach trust.
What should be clear is that the beneficiary can’t just take the car because they are the named beneficiary, there’s a precise process to follow to ensure that all parties are aware of what’s happening, so all parties are on the same page. In effect, when you are on the same page with someone, when you know what they do (also known as a meeting of the minds), you are in trust with them.
De jure and De facto Authority
Getting back to the treasury accounts, the government is effectively the principal within this trust relationship—they devised the rules of how you can access these accounts in trust. These rules are described or written down as statutes or legal policies of the nation-state of residence, in this case, the United States of America. A beneficiary of these accounts would need to follow the policies set forth by the principals in order to gain de jure or lawful authority—a valid right to use the funds held in trust.
De jure is a term referring to explicit authority, a proper and lawful conveyance of rights from the holder of said rights to another person or an agent. In this case, the rights in question are the ability to use the funds in the accounts. A beneficiary can be both an agent and beneficiary at the same time; and by gaining de jure authority, becomes an agent acting in trust. Citing the above example, when the child asks permission to use the car, and the parents agree, the child has established de jure authority over the value held in trust (the car), becoming an agent of the principal.
De facto is a term referring to implied authority, an improper and unlawful conveyance of rights. De facto control is a term that refers to real world use of property, whether or not de jure authority has been established. If a child were to drive a car with permission from his/her parents, then he/she would be in de facto control of the vehicle while also legitimately possessing de jure authority to exercise such control. But in general, de facto means implied, not explicit. If the child failed to ask their parents to use the car, and the parents knew of this and let it happen anyway, then it is implied by their lack of action that they agree to let their child use the car. While the child still receives the benefit of the car, the child did so without express permission, and therefore, is acting in breach of trust.
De facto authority, is by nature, lawfully inferior to de jure authority, as no lawful conveyance of rights took place.
Here’s a bit of prima facie evidence from Senate document 43, stating that the ultimate ownership of property is the government, due to the
bankruptcy of 1933.
“The ultimate ownership of all property is in the State; individual so-called “ownership” is only by virtue of Government, i.e. law, amounting to mere user; and use must be in accordance with law, and subordinate to the necessities of the State.” (source)
In other words, we don’t have a de jure authority over our own property, any of it, partially because the State considers us incompetent.
Lawful Consequences of Using the Accounts
What does all this mean within the context of using your treasury accounts?
Unless you have received express permission from the principals of these accounts (ostensibly the Secretary of The Treasury), using some valid process, you do not have de jure authority, you are only exercising de facto control. And it may be the case that such usage of these accounts is in breach of trust, also called dishonor in law.
However, there might be a provision within the policies of these trusts that allows a named beneficiary to access the accounts, without express permission, at any time. If such a provision really exists, then you wouldn’t need to ask permission from the principals to discharge your debts using the treasury accounts; you would have de jure authority by way of the legal provision. Citing the above example, if the parents said the child could use the car at anytime without permission, then if the child used it in this way, they would be acting in trust and have de jure authority.
But I have yet to find any legal provision that allows people to use these accounts without establishing de jure authority first. What’s more, given that the government has declared every citizen as a ward of the State—a dead soulless thing incapable of making any choices insofar as their estate is concerned—any such legal provision, should it exist, may not even apply.
Another thing to consider is what is the fine print for using these accounts? If a person does discharge debt using their TDA, what else are they agreeing to? In law, everything you do has many meanings and consequences that reflect your status in relationship to other things, legal polices, and so on. For example, by appearing in court, and making a plea of innocent or guilty, you unwittingly agree to 12 legal presumptions that effectively give the State power over you, a kind of admission that you are incompetent and the State is your master.
Thus, from a law perspective, to use these accounts without de jure authority is unlawful. The State has the lawful right to seek redress or remedy when the beneficiary violates the trust, which it often does via criminal proceedings. In the past, other freemen have accessed these treasury accounts, and discharged some debt, only to have law enforcement agencies prosecute them later. In such cases, those persons were not only liable for violating the statutes of the legal system, but were also liable for the full dollar value of the funds misused. Despite the fact, some freeman followed a valid legal and lawful process, they were still prosecuted as criminals, which reveals the defunct nature of the State; and also highlights the real risks involved.
No Rule of Law
Another point to consider is that, because the State breached trust first, because they unlawfully declared us insane, dead, and lost at sea—because they don’t honor the lawful process by which an individual rebuts these presumptions—they demonstrate incompetence of governance. In other words, the government must act as a legal body to uphold the rights of the people in trust, which it has failed to do. In this sense, since there is no legal or lawful way to manage the fraud of the State, since there is no lawful way to restore trust by redress and remedy, the State proves itself incompetent.
What this means is that there is effectively no rule of law.
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The only reason a state has authority is because it acts lawfully, in trust with the citizenry, and maintains honor and good standing in all matters. But when the citizen acts lawfully, when the citizen manages their affairs in trust, despite the government, the citizen can be said to have more authority in law than the government and all that it manages. In this sense, Heather’s declarations have a valid justification, so long as she properly demonstrated competence and accurately described all the lawful factors needed to support this declaration of authority. However, it is unclear if she actually did this.
Responsibility and Liability
If the government was acting in trust or lawfully, it would be unlawful to access these accounts without proper notice and permission. But since the government is defunct, and the citizen is robbed of their rights, and such funds are used to harm and enslave others, the citizen has a measure of authority to act in defense of themselves and in a custodial capacity to defend all others. But in such cases, these brave individuals would need to have complete knowledge and understanding so that they truly are fully responsible and liable for their actions.
In other words, anyone using the treasury accounts as an attempt to arrest their value from defunct authorities would need to really understand what they’re doing, lawfully and legally, and they should also proceed fully aware that, at the present moment, one should not under any circumstances count on the system acting lawfully even if you are. Following a recipe is, by nature, not complete understanding. And in such cases, these persons are accessing their accounts in dishonor, despite the fact the government is also in dishonor. Consider the axiom that the party who acts in trust and honors the law has the most authority. This suggests that the solution to dishonor and lawlessness is not more dishonor and lawlessness.
A sovereign recognizes and accepts that in order to exercise their rights, they are responsible and liable for their actions. This recognition, in addition to real knowledge and understanding of the law, and how to navigate such things precisely, is what establishes competence.
Secured Creditor via a U.C.C. Filing Process
This section is not directly pertinent to the discussion of TDAs, but it is worth mentioning because it is related to the overarching discussion of value held by the government in trust. It is rather complex, so if this is too much to digest, you can skip this section.
There’s a lot to unpack here and I will summarize and simplify most of this to the best of my ability for ease of comprehension, but there is a lot more the story than what is herein presented.
During the Civil War, congress was abandoned due to the fact a quorum was not present—there wasn’t enough representatives and senators in attendance to conduct the countries business. The same thing happened to all the states, which means there was effectively no constitutional republic any longer. As a result, President Lincoln declared martial law, issued the first executive order and the Lieber Code.
Under martial law, the military seized all property and placed it in trust, for protection, along with declaring the nation bankrupt. Lincoln was killed before he was able to end the Civil War and martial law.
The international bankers stepped in, introduced a corporate version of the United States (USA, Inc.), under the prevailing laws of commerce at the time, and expanded the federalized territory of Washington D.C., turning all states into franchises of the parent corporation, USA, inc.
The people were then declared enemies of the now banker run government, which effectively invaded the constitutional republic. The “on the land” citizens were considered enemies of the international banker version of the government. The people were pledged as surety for the bankruptcy of the first republic, and a liquidation process began, whereby, over the next 70 years the citizens had to pay the new banker run state via their labor. International laws established by the Hague and Geneva conventions (1864, 1906, 1929, 1949) created regulations for the management of non-combatants, which afforded protections to people in a war-time situation.
But the Civil War and martial law never officially ended. In addition, since the government declared citizens enemy combatants, the people were not protected under internal law.
The birth certificate became a bond whereby the State gave “shares” of the USA, inc to the citizen, who had no title to it due to the fact they were enemies of the State. But because of martial law, the State took full liability of all property, including the estates of the people, which meant they had to provide remedy and services. This means that all non-combatants can discharged their debt using the birth certificate bond, but only if they establish that they are the creditor, “owner” of the bond and no longer enemy combatants.
Apparently, the way this process works is you file a document in the U.C.C. system—which is a privately run commercial law system for the settling of contracts—essentially stating you are the living creditor on the land, not an enemy combatant, and transfer your interest to the government. You agree to discharged debts via the birth certificate bond, using the IRS as a kind of clearing house.
That is what I was able to uncover in my research about this process.
Wading through all the complexities, this process effectively employs existing previsions in the legal system to establish control over your credit-based value, secured in a bond via the birth certificate. This pulls you out of the incompetency status, at least insofar as being declared an enemy of the state is concerned, and then gives you administrative power over the accounts so debt can be discharged (paid).
This all sounds well and good, but there’s a few things to consider here as well.
The U.C.C. system is a private banking and equity management system. It owes no allegiance to anything but itself and those who own and manage it. It isn’t bound to honor justice, truth, and benevolence of life. In other words, this international system of law is not derived from natural law, and by extension, divine law, which means that to use it implies you acknowledge its authority. And this is literally true because by filing documentation in it to establish your status, you rest on the authority of the U.C.C.
In addition, such a process validates the fraudulent banker take over of the republic, and it is effectively an admission that the Civil War and Martial law declared in the 1800s is still in effect.
In other words, while this method appears to be a superior form of authority when compared to accessing the TDA without any declaration, it isn’t an ultimate solution to the much greater problems we face on this planet.
That said, I don’t discount that this process works or that there is merit to using it. I’m merely offering insights within the greater context of restoring the true rule of law to this planet, which ultimately needs to derive its authority from the divine creator, the true source of all law, not the U.C.C.
Risks of Using the Accounts
Given that the State is effectively a criminal enterprise that acts unlawfully to maintain its interests, the risk of using these accounts is great.
Even though the citizen is up against the wall, and might even have true knowledge and understanding, and wisdom on their side (sovereignty), that doesn’t mean the criminal government won’t take action; it doesn’t mean you won’t open yourself up to risk if you use these accounts.
According to Heather, her insiders within bank, trade, and finance say that they are “excited people are using these accounts.” She claims that the power to use them was taken away from the State, by way of her filings; and that certain high level figures are now condoning access. But none of this has been confirmed or verified by me. Nor have I seen any incidental evidence to confirm that this is the case, and as such, remains an unproven claim.
During a conference call that took place on Friday July 7th, 2017, it was suggested that the reason people are having success in accessing these accounts is because a new automated form of the financial system went online this year. And because of that, it is easier to use these accounts to bypass any stopping mechanisms that the State would have in the past used to prevent access. If true, then the access is more so a glitch or gap in the system, not necessarily something sanctioned by the State. The fact that some financial systems are allowing these payments to go through, whereas others are reversing them, suggests that the financial system in general hasn’t authorized this access at a system-wide level.
In summary, there are three possibilities to consider in assessing the risks involved.
1. The powers that be, in knowing their system is unlawful and defunct, are letting people access these accounts in dishonor; they are issuing implied consent to allow the citizen de facto authority. If true, then law enforcement may not take action against those who use these accounts to discharge debt.
2. The new automation infrastructure of the financial system did not anticipate that people would figure out how to use their treasury accounts to discharge debt. In essence, a vulnerability is being leveraged by those who are accessing these accounts, but no one knows how long this will be available. (It’s as if the lock on the pantry door was left open—but that doesn’t mean it will stay open, nor does it mean those who took things from it won’t have to deal with consequences later.) In time, the State could find the vulnerability and prevent all access. And people who misused the accounts might be liable for their actions.
3. Heather did, in fact, establish lawful de jure authority to use these accounts and conveyed rights of use to other people. Or, some pre-existing provision within the legal statute allows citizens to access their accounts without providing notice first.
Based on all my knowledge of law, the defunct legal system, and the process used by Heather and those following her, I can’t say with absolute certainty which option is the right one. But what I can say is that to use these accounts is very risky.
“Hope for the best. Plan for the worst. And expect something in between.” — Unknown
At best, the system is condoning access, and you won’t have to worry. In time, perhaps the much prophesied collapse of the debt-based financial system will take place, and those who accessed these accounts won’t get in trouble.
At worst, the people who are accessing these accounts are doing so in dishonor and fraud, and they will be liable for their actions.
Sovereign Status and Use of Funds
Lets say for the moment that all of this is totally legal and lawful, and through hard work of learning the law, you can gain access to these funds, to the tune of millions of dollars. How are you using this money?
No doubt this will earn me some scorn but I think this is a fair question to ask.
If you were given enough money that could help fund and develop projects to restore the planet, heal the soil, provide real education to the people, restore the rule of law, stop human trafficking and pedophilia, and all the other insidiousness in this world, but instead, you choose to buy cars, big screen TVs, or what have you—what would this say about
your “sovereign status?”
Of course not everyone who is accessing funds is using them for only personal spending, but this is something to think about.
Consider that sovereign means savior of the world or defender of the realm. If you found a way to “break out of the debt-slavery plantation,” and when you gained your freedom, you decided to indulged in luxuries and adornments, while your fellow human beings continued to suffer under oppression, would this be the behavior of a sovereign?
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Of course, everyone is entitled to do what they like with their money. And I am not passing negative judgement on anyone. But it can’t be overlooked that with power comes responsibility. And to use this power for only personal gain while others suffer reveals the state of consciousness of the individual, their ethical and moral maturity. How would this behavior be any different than the ultra rich monarchs, plutocrats and oligarchs who’ve amassed wealth and chosen not to use it for the benefit of all? In my estimation, a true sovereign recognizes the suffering of others, and willingly chooses to take responsibility insofar as helping their fellows.
The elephant in the living room that I think we need to start considering is are we mature enough to handle such incredible power? Money in these quantities, as it exists today, is a tool for world change; it is a motor with a universal adapter attached to it (to quote James Caan from the 2000 film, The Way of the Gun). We can do almost anything with enough money but how we choose to use this energy reflects the quality of our character and our state of personality attainment.
Recall that the system asserts we aren’t competent—we can’t use power wisely. Frankly, if a wealth of cash was dumped in our laps and we just partied with it while the rest of the world burned (a la the great fire of Rome when emperor Nero played his fiddle and watched the city turn to ashes), I think it’s fair to say we haven’t proven ourselves competent, at least in a cosmic sense.
So the question I think we all should ask ourselves is if we had great financial power, what would we do with it? Are we willing to admit we might not have all the wisdom in hand to use it wisely?
I for one can’t say I am totally cognizant of all the factors at play to use such wealth in a wise way. If I had such funds, I’d probably be trying to work with my fellows to ensure what I did with them was truly honorable and beneficial for all.
But again, this is just my upfront and frank opinion. Everyone has to come to terms with this question on their own.
Final Thoughts
Any relief that people are finding as a result of this process, so long as well intentioned, is arguably well deserved. And I’m not trying to take that away from anyone.
In conclusion, regardless of the justifications one might invoke to use these accounts, it should be clearly understood that doing so puts them at real risk. The system is hardly lawful, and won’t bat an eye when sanctioning people so as to make an example out of them.
Heather’s own documents and process, which is the basis for how others are using these accounts, stipulates that: you are doing so in full responsibility and liability. What this means is that in order to exercise these rights, you have to really understand all of the factors involved, what the laws are, what the legal policies are, and follow them to the best of your ability, always doing so with full transparency, honor, and trust.
But not everyone who is using these accounts has this level of competence, which places them at even greater risk.
The hard truth to consider is that no amount of hopefulness, positive intention, or excuses due to hardship will sidestep or bypass the obligation to be competent and have real firsthand knowledge of the law and factors involved. Rights are only lawful when the person using them acknowledges their responsibility and works to honor it.
How to Deal with Fallout
What if you’ve used these accounts and now worry that you might have made a mistake?
There is a definite possibility that you will be investigated for wrongful access of these accounts. But it’s also possible that the system is more interested in keeping their fraud secret, and as such, they won’t directly prosecute you for accessing your TDA. But they could do all sorts of things to make your life hell, and send you to jail for other trumped up charges, like what happened to Randy.
In principal, you can issue a Notice of Mistake to the authorized manager of the accounts, likely the Secretary of the Treasury, and any law enforcement arms related thereto, stating you used the funds without permission and that you were in error, you will not access them again, and you hope to resolve the situation in trust and in good standing with the law. Such a notice constitutes an act of contrition in principal. However, I do not know for sure what such a move would do, given the unlawful behavior of the system—but it seems to me to be a potentially good step. Again, please take this point, as well as this entire article, as just one man’s lay-perspective. Should you take this course, you cannot continue to access these accounts, else your notice is void or invalid. Again, this is not legal advice, but rather my personal take on what may be a viable path for a solution if you are concerned that you’ve made a false move.
If you accessed these accounts, and decide to do nothing, you may or may not have consequences to deal with. Again, it isn’t clear what the State’s reaction will be, but caution suggests that the criminals in charge of government likely won’t take kindly to the accounts being accessed without permission.
Regardless of what happens, there is much to be learned regarding the hidden side of the financial system, as well as how we as individuals slowly climb up the ladder of personal growth and attainment to achieve true sovereignty.
The fact is the system, for all its problems, lawlessness, and criminality, is founded on principals of law and truth that we can make contact with in our quest for freedom and prosperity.
All those brave souls who took the risk to access their accounts are in a unique position to test their mettle and gain competence, and in doing so, share their experiences with the world for all our collective benefit.
You might not have known what you were getting into, but now you do, and now the burden of learning and education is on your shoulders. Bear this burden gladly, and with cheer, knowing you can take an active role in educating yourself.
TDAs aside, each of us has the power to learn the law and gain competence. The more of us that take on this sacred duty, the more we gain power as a collective to eventually end the rule of tyrannical states who have breached the public’s trust. In this sense, we are each custodians of freedom for all other people—this is the obligation that an individual in a truly free society has to accept. [“In summation: public trust can be resuscitated through numerous means, not simply accessing “your” TDA account.”]
Humanity was never meant to labor under tyranny forever, but liberation requires that each individual accepts their responsibility and forge ahead in the quest for mastery of self.
Again, I strongly suggest that if you decide to use your TDAs in the following way, you take the time to educate yourself about the risks involved. I cannot condone the use of these accounts at this time, for all the reasons listed above.
Given everything that was presented here, it is probably a good idea that you do not use these accounts—at least until it has been clearly established we have the lawful authority to do so. Specifically, ask yourself if you know beyond a shadow of a doubt that a beneficiary can access those accounts on their own. You should be able to identify where explicit permission for such action is given within the legal system.
A person within the group spearheading this effort has graciously volunteered to post articles and updates about the process, what is happening with those who used the accounts, and how one might try it themselves—listed below.
Please proceed with caution, knowledge, and consciousness.
The preceding text is a Stillness in the Storm original creation. Please share freely.
Justin Deschamps is a truth seeker inspired by philosophy and the love of wisdom in all its forms. He was formally trained in physics and psychology, later discovering the spiritual basis of reality and the interconnected nature of all things. He strives to find the path of truth while also walking it himself, sharing what he knows with others so as to facilitate cooperative change for a better future. He is a student of all and a teacher to some. Follow on Twitter @sitsshow, Facebook Stillness in the Storm, and minds.com.
This article appeared first on Stillness in the Storm.
Stillness in the Storm Editor’s note: Did you find a spelling error or grammar mistake? Do you think this article needs a correction or update? Or do you just have some feedback? Send us an email at sitsshow@gmail.com with the error, headline and url. Thank you for reading.
July 27th, 2017: Minor grammar corrections were made to this article.
On the US Treasury site there are documents to create a New TDA
and transfer the existing account(s). The wording appears to relate
specifically to the TDA of a Minor (You) to the Adult (You) but I am not
sure, it could also just be a Parent transferring the account to the child
who has reached the age of 18. What say You.
Fascinating. Thanks for sharing! Do you have a link?
That’s great and all. But how do we get administrative control. In this article you mentioned that we should properly file a UCC. And I did that and nothing happened. So, would you mind updating this article?
That seems kind of inconsiderate, no? They obviously spent a long time gathering research, writing the articles, and keeping on topic. The thing about knowledge is, if it’s all given freely, how do we learn? We have to work for this together but if the information is irrelevant, not helpful, or confusing that’s not helpful. If you have a link you want to share… The comments are always great! Like the fact we are in the midst of Aries season and it’s Intense. This is what they spend our money on. https://www.nrel.gov/aries/
Gotta quick question. I dont see that exact wording on the website. But after establishing a minor account and we de-link. As far as adding a new bank account goes. Do we add our social and routing number(number onback of ss card)? Or is it already set up?
its actually the minor u, to the major u. i know a good amount about the private sector rules, requirements and lingo’s
Say you know the lingo. What is the right way to do the Accepted for value process?
Accepted for value
Pay to the order of
United States Treasury
Sum certain $1
Payee: BC number
i asked TDA who opens the “Minor Account” and they said “a parent” – and that the govt does not establish it.
Hey justin ,i realize that there are laws upon laws that contridict each other but i thought our remedy was hjr 192 ? People say its been revoked ,,not true. Just rewritten and means the same thing ….. if a judge would stand behind what it says that is !!? What do u think ?
HJR 192 provided the basis for remedy, but in order to be lawful, in my view, it would have to be installed as valid public policy, and notice provided to all who could benefit. It’s the hidden nature of the resolution and the fact that even those who know of it may not be able to enact it that make it dubious and questionable. Seems like it was kept this way as a kind of honey trap to draw in those seeking to gain freedom using lawful principles, but haven’t fully understood how to restore their rights completely—-which is a long and extensive process requiring a great deal of research and accurate knowledge. I’m working with a group that will soon be releasing that key knowledge, which his vast. Not sure when, but soon.
Has that group come to be yet? There have been many groups popping up in the last year using affidavits to seemingly successfully repudiate their “contract” to the dissolved corporation. Thanks for this very informative article!!
HJR192 made the government responsible for our debt since they took away our ability to pay debt when they took all the gold. Our fiat currency is nothing more than a promissory note… A debt. You can’t lawfully pay a debt with a debt. If you want proof of the government paying your debts and then scamming you out of money by making you pay that debt out of your own pocket, just look at any bill. Let’s use an electric bill for example. On your bill it doesn’t say bill. It says statement. Now think of your bank statement. You get your statement to show the transactions for your account. In other words, your statement shows things you’ve paid out and deposits you put in. Black’s law dictionary defines a statement as the summary of transactions on an account. So then why would your electric bill not say bill but say statement? It says statement because it’s already been paid through your trust account. Call the electric company and request to speak to the highest ranking employee possible and ask them to provide you with a true bill and see what they tell you. This is what the court system is set up to do, they get access to the funds in your account when you are found guilty. Where do you think all the money comes from for the prisons. Every person in jail is cash cow for the prison systems because they unlimited access to your money in your account. Yet look at the conditions the prisoners are kept in and the state of prisoners when they’re released. There’s no rehabilitation. Over 70% of prisons in the US are filled with people who have committed non violent crimes and majority is for driving under suspension. Are you aware that the constitution states that traveling is a right and it’s only a requirement to have a driver’s license if you are conducting commerce on the public roadways? Look at the vehicle code for your state and you’ll find that it says that the DMV must enter into contract with persons or corporations. Black law defines a person as a corporation. They find ways to trap you into their system and they don’t care how they get it done. Once you step into their system, by applying for a license, it’s monetized and the flood gates open on your trust account. They are operating under fraud. Going back to the driver’s license, when these contracts are established by the person and the DMV, is when a 15 years old applies for their permit. The 15 year old is entered into a contract with the DMV and unknowingly is bound to accept their terms and conditions of the contract. This is fraud on many levels. For one, the person wasn’t given informed consent of what is required of the contract and for another and probably the biggest is that a 15 year old is a minor and it’s illegal to enter into a contract with a minor period… Parental consent or not. They don’t want you to get access to your account because you will most definitely show others how you got access and eventually enough people will have done it to where it affects their revenue. The only legal way to access your account is to take possession of your strawman and the first step is by filing the UCC1 form. You can’t just enter in the feds routing number and your account number because you don’t have the legal authority to do so. Once you do get possession of your strawman to access your account you file a 1040 form with IRS to offset your debts. You have to understand there is no money. It’s a system of moving credits and debits from one side of the ledger to another. You use the accepted for value when you receive a “bill”. There are many steps you have to do in order to do this correctly. It’s that one step that isn’t completed and that’s where people get themselves into trouble.
Hi Jessica you say it’s just this one step that isn’t completed. Well I think I found it out. We must send a request for payment right? Down below I have a rough draft. Will this discharge the debt?
NZD. 1.00/-
Wellington, New Zealand 6011 X September 2023
After sight, Pay to John Doe or sum of USD one only, for value received
John Doe 1666 cestui Que vie lane, , New Zeland
First Name Last Name(drawee)
Chap. 48 48 Stat. 112 is the remedy. But you must be a secured party creditor in order to access your TDA account. However you must file your UCC properly. The way we’ve been taught is wrong. So, who knows how to do this?
Honestly, the whole thing is bogus. There is no UCC way that works, long term. From what I’ve heard, a lot of the folks who were initially successful had major issues down the line.
But there’s another way to acheive the same core effect. I can’t say how right now, but when our team is ready, we’ll be releasing it publically.
That’s bullshit Justin and You know it. We both know it works. And there’s people out who are already a secured party creditor, which means that you and your team is full of it. You say you’re a truth seeker let’s see an article on how to file a UCC properly.
Seems like your team is slow. I found something else. I heard that properly and prepared negotiable instruments from a Secured Party should and can be legally process under law through local financial institutions. This will be recorded by the Bank through the Treasury tax and loan(TTL) account. Kind of like what we see in the movie Total Recall. Justin what are your thoughts on this?
What do you mean my team is slow? I don’t quite understand. As I said before, there is no lawful or legal way to access these accounts. The process you’re referring to is essentially piracy, placing a claim on the account and if no one stops you, you might be able to get a few cookies out of the cookie jar.
you have a TDA account but you now have been locked out of it because they the US Treasury have stated that they have determined that you may be attempting to claim funds from this office as well as use the system for purposes other than those for which it is intended. The use of unauthorized banking information indicates that you are participating in a birthright scam. This is totally unfounded and based on speculation…
Whats your take on this ????
So, I’m curious as well. Any solutions?
Just read the comments below and you’ll find your answer bud.
I’ve researched my bonds/trust
For a long time.
All serial numbers I can open every
Transactions for years.
I think this corrupt
I don’t know how to go on with this
There is millions, & millions of £ involved.
How did you access that information going all the way back? Can you please send me some links to help me access my account ledger?
Don’t do it. It’s illegal and they’ll come after you. Heather is in jail right now.
We need to reframe from using that word. It’s either lawful or not lawful. But I think you know that Justin
What word? Legal?
illegal is just a sick bird
I, for one, appreciate the word of caution and believe it to be spot on! I really enjoyed the whole read!
Thanks Erien. The good news is, despite the fact we can’t access these funds lawfully, the entire subject and related reactions by the Gov and banking system prove the premises laid out, and suggest that, indeed, a trust-based original jurisdiction model can and does work. (This is what me and a small team have been working on for years. And it’s almost ready).
Well I think you’re time is about up. And for the record. There is no time space in the mind principle, so you’re just pulling our leg with this non-sense about we’re still working on it. Everything always recoils back with double force. But I digress.
Time and space are real, and time is conditioned by time and space. Things take time to do. There’s no getting around that. To argue the contrary betrays one’s detachment from objective reality. Instead of slinging shade, perhaps you should be asking what and why questions.
Where are you with this now?
Holy crap.. is this article long enough?.. just give us the run down without all the examples..
You’re welcome to write your own article on the topic.
could you explain what President Trump’s executive Order 13968 12/18/2020 Promoting Redemption of Savings Bonds is referring to?
And when I entered my information into the Treasury Direct Calculated value of your savings bond(s) I got results for redemption…. So I am terribly confused.
I did too…this article was written before Trump’s Executive Order…in the order it said information would be released publicly 6 months after 12/23/2021
I did not see this.. can you Copy and past that quote here please?
So, here’s the thing. The way we’ve been taught to file a UCC is not the way it works. I am wondering how to file a proper UCC. The county clerks may know, but when you ask these questions they fell guilty and play dumb. So, my question to you guys is. How do we file a proper UCC?
Here’s an update. As far as the UCC filing goes to my knowledge we must file with the Treasury. And in order to make it proper we must include the exact name of the debtor and file in the location of the trust. In this case the debtor is the trust which is setup in the name of the Father(DOE) and the location is the Treasury.
Here’s something that’s is not mentioned here. The trust act 2019 is now out. In a nutshell, we can loose on earth by a declaration. Because we are deemed to be trustees we must pay the cost of administration. How this happen is, the moment we took our Father’s name under the administration of the estate(Administration Act 1969). They administered the estate and we became trustee and the trustee must always pay. And to my knowledge, the declaration should say, “I AM the son of my Father”
Seems like Justin and his team is kind of slow. This should be the pinnacle. What I believe we should do is have properly and prepared negotiable instruments, that should and can be legally processed under law through a local Bank. This will be recorded by the bank through the Treasury tax and loan(TTL) account. Basically what I’m saying is we go into the bank to exit our trust. Like we see in the movie Total Recall. Am I missing anything Justin?
The whole premise is the problem. These accounts aren’t ours. They were never meant to be accessible by us. It’s like saying because your father has money set aside for college, you can go in and take it anytime you want. That’s not the way it works.
You’re dam right. They were never meant to be accessed by us. But you know there are always one or two motherfuckers who breakout the cage. Now answer this. What are the Orders we should give the Treasury? I know Winston Strout deals with bond orders, but I want to know what you got. What you say?
You know what I think I found the last piece of the Jigsaw puzzle. If you take a look at your drivers license or passport you’ll see that they have the names separated. So, to properly file a UCC we would file in the Treasury of course. For the debtor we would put DOE
and for the Secured Party we would put John Henry. This is knowing our rights, now is it?
Let me amend this if I may. I wouldn’t want to go around spreading misinformation now would I. John: Doe is Secured Party Creditor. And the Liable Debtor is JOHN DOE. But for the purpose of Article 9 of UCC they made it so simple. All we have to do is put the exact legal name of debtor. Which for most of us would be the Trust setup in the name of the Father(DOE) and file in the Treasury. Justin based on you and your team ‘genuine’ research does this sound strange at all?
I can work but only for a time and it’s piracy.
Cool beans. So do we just email them a UCC. That’s what I did and I’m still locked out. I’m wondering is there a correct way of filing with the Treasury. Justin would you mind sharing?
No because these accounts aren’t ours to access. They were never meant to be used as people are trying to do (at least as far as I can tell).
I got three things for you guys. is there a proper way we have to file our UCC1 with the Treasury? Or can we just fax, email or mail our UCC? And is there anything else we need to attach?
As far as filing out the UCC1 goes. On the form it says don’t put the trade name so instead of JOHN DOE, we should just put John Doe correct? And of course the collateral would be held in trust and it would be a Public-Finance Transaction.
This is something that was brought to my attention. As far as filing a UCC1 goes we need to be aware of 2 things. First we must address our financing statement to the Bailee in Possession. And we must list it under Bailee/Balior. I think this goes without saying but Our Secured Party John Henry and should registered against an ORGANISATION. The Organisation is (a Trust) your ALL CAPITALS estate JOHN HENRY DOE. and the address is the Treasury.
Hi my friend I got a quick question. Article 9 deals with Possessory liens. And we essentially have warehouse receipts. So, how do we go about this, would anybody mind sharing?
Yo’ Jake I think you got it wrong. Article 9-333 states that possessory lien on goods has priority over other security interest unless the lien is created by a statute that expressly provides otherwise. Go look at Article 7 of UCC dealing with Documents of Title. The Treasury is the Baliee. The “magic words” are deliver to the order of the person entitled under document, the holder. Justin does this seem too far off?
if it’s an account in your name then it’s yours to claim, otherwise it’s fraud.
I asked the individual above. But I’ll ask you. Since you are the creator of this website you should know more than anybody else. What proper and prepared negotiable instruments are you guys talking about because I would like to know.
Along with what I just ask, Is there a correct verbiage that goes along with this or is it not?
That may be true. However, you know what they say. You can fool some of the people some of the time. But you can’t fool all the people all the time..
Is that so? Because Article 7 says otherwise. Bailee shall deliver the goods to a person entitled under the document of title if the person complies with subsections (b) [dealing with bailee’s lien] and (c) [surrender or notation of deliveries on document of title]. So in other words we would instruct the Bailee to do the order to the person in possession. Aka the Holder. What do you have to say about this?
This presumes that we are the competent and bonafide trustee of the legal person. But we’ve never been the trustee of the legal person, the state has. Therefore, if we tried to assert a right for the holder, we would likely be held in contempt.
So, what you’re saying is. We would have to come in as executor. And the way would do this is by returning our birth certificate to the Treasury. Are we not on the same page here?
Not precisely on the same page. The big difference is your True Trust, which is the entity created between you and the Creator, already has you as the executor. The state’s trust systems, which are express trusts, and the inferior legal person that the state creates, places us as assets of the estate, as opposed to recognizing our inherent agency status. Thus, the only true way to establish the status you seek is for those who presently have de jure executor status to give it up, often judges, clerks, or other signatories. But these bridge trolls will likely never relinquish it-which proves they are operating an unlawful system. And, therefore, there’s no solution in law to address the controversy. The only valid and actionable solution is to reclaim your True Trust using your own system (formulating an Original Jurisdiction in the process), or to use a system whose original jurisdiction has already been established and is non-defunct and in good standing as a system of law. The only system capable of doing that, at this time, in my knowledge, is UCADIA. And those services have not been made available just yet. But the day is fast approaching.
In short, I would suggest, we stop wasting time trying to jump through the fallacious hoops the cabal bridge trolls placed before us, which are ineffectual traps, and instead, spend your time reading UCADIA, understanding true law, so as to prepare yourself for the day when these systems come online.
Makes sense. Now on to the surrender part. I know we have to return our birth certificate and I know it’s an inchoate instrument. And I know a counter deed is what they’re afraid of. You wouldn’t mind sharing the wording we should put on the back of the birth certificate, would you?
I don’t know of any wording that would produce picture-perfect results. I merely suggest that there’s better ways to go about it. So be very careful.
This is in response to your picture perfect comment. The good book tells us that we should seek, ask and knock. So, could it be that we may loose our money by saying, I AM the son of my Father. Does this sound like something that would be off?
Speaking of rights. Let’s talk about inchoate instruments. We all agree that we have to surrender our birth certificate to the Treausury. However, the thing is we must send it by registered mail, send it to a street address and addressed it to the individual in their private capacity. And we must indorse the back of the document to make it complete. This is done with 5 cent stamp dated across and our signature at a 45degree angle. This satisfies our stamp and cheque duty. And I know a Will is a disposition of property. So, we could say it is our will that this law does not pass. Or in the case we could say it is our will that we loose on earth. Or better yet declare that we are the son of our Father. Does this sound like gibberish to you?
This is add on to the previous picture perfect comment. You mentioned be very careful and that there are better ways to go about this. Is there one specific path you are talking about, because I would like to know.
Yes, but it’s apples to oranges. The bottom line is that there are scammers who took research that was never intended to be used this way and developed bogus systems that were essentially piracy. The process I’m speaking of gives you your God-Given rights back, which can then be used to produce abundance through hard work and trust relationships with other individuals of like acquity. It IS NOT to be used to take control of a trust account that was never ours, to begin with.
Unfortunately, I can’t reveal the details as of yet. But when the time is right, we will be releasing it to the public, in full, providing a pathway for others to use our methods.
An approved 1099A on the municipal court does prove quite a bit of authority over the account as Beneficiary.
What proper and prepared negotiable instruments are you referring to because I would like to know.
The truth is, it’s the UCCs.
You know there are generally two paths in life. The hard path and the easy one. It’s pretty simple to access your account. Like Justin and the others have mentioned we must file a UCC. John: Doe is Secured Party Creditor. And JOHN DOE is Liable Debtor. And of course we file with Treasury. This is right Justin, isn’t it?
That can sometimes be successful but only for a time, and it’s piracy. WHy? becuae these accounts aren’t ours. We don’t own them. So while you can go through a process to access them, which is moderately successful, almost all the people I know who have accessed them have been arrested or lost access.
I mean you’re not 100% wrong. UCC Filings usually lasts about 5 years. So, yes you would be moderately successful. Am I wrong?
To a certain extent. But it’s equivalent to bank robbery. Yes you can get away with it but it comes at a hefty price and you stand a good chance of not getting away with it.
Just to make sure we’re on the same track. You know meeting up of minds and all that good stuff. You said, “while you can go through a process to access them” what process are you speaking of. You wouldn’t mind clearing up the air, would you?
It’s funny that you mentioned Bank Robbery when the Banks are the ones who are actually robbing us. For those of you who don’t know when we are Born an insurance policy is put on our life. And these Insurance Companies(in particular trust divisions) setup trusts division like Banks. But more on this later.
Is it really to a certain extent? Because amended Article 9 basically states that for a Public finance the effective life is 30 years.
I’m curious about something. I notice a lot of people talking about filing with the Treasury but I noticed they don’t have portals for this. Although I’m pretty sure they will accept these requests. Justin would you mind unpacking what this process would look like?
The process involves using your social as bank account and locating the routing number for the location of your account. This is how people were accessing it. But they all got arrested are in jail right now. DON’T DO IT. The key take away is that the cabal has ‘off the books’ accounts where our value as souls is measured and used as collateral for hypothecated financial instruments. Much bigger and better ways to contend with the probles we face exist.
I’m not sure if that answers my question. What you told me right here is what I could have(and have read) in like the first part of this article. As far as the process with the Treasury, they don’t have portals where we can just file a UCC. So, what would be the correct and proper procedure for this. You mind taking a jab at this?
That’s only one way of accessing your account. There are dozens of ways. The best way is with the UCC because your capture your Title. But Justin seems like you may be trying to pull a swift one. What I think he was referring to is how to file with the Treasury. What would be the proper procedure for this. Am I right Jarrod M?
What you’re talking about is using the sequential control number. It’s on the back of the social security card. I heard that’s one way of doing it.
People must develop the ability to see through deception. What Justin said right here is true, as far as accessing the account. However, what he didn’t say is that this process will not work unless you get the correct/proper access first. We not only have to be aware of what people say, but what they don’t say as well.
I have six approved 1099As on municipal courts @ $15M each.
if i can’t access it myself, THEY WILL.
How’s that for proving who has the real authority?
Does your bill of exchange needs to be written as a negative amount and do you need the – sign before the $ amount?
So, here’s the thing. I’m wondering if anyone could help a brother out. To make a long story short, I activated my TDA Account, and got locked out like everybody else. I email them a UCC1 and Security Agreement(used the ones online) . And like some other folks have mentioned I put John: Doe as Secured Party Creditor and DOE as the debtor because that’s the name of the Trust setup in the Father. And I filed in the Treasury(I emailed them). But for some reason my account is still locked. Do anyone see where I may have gone astray?
Justin do you see where I may have gone astray, and would you mind correcting me? Correction actually means punishment so amend would be the better word, But I think you get my point. You mind amending me?
Someone can correct me if I’m wrong but. I think what happen is the documents from the Secured Party often gets misdirected to the Bureau of Public Debt rather than forwarded to the Analysis and Control Division of the Irs, and the UCC Contract Trust. Justin is this right?
In one of the comments someone mentioned they had proper and prepared negotiable instruments, that they want legally processed under law through a Bank, And this would be recorded by the Bank via the Treasury Tax and loan(TTL) account. But they didn’t specific what proper and prepared negotiable instruments they were talking about. Justin do you know what proper and prepared negotiable instruments that would successfully place a claim on the account?
Seems like we have a little problem. But no worries I think you guys can help. As far as filing our UCC1 with the Treasury. Can we just email them our forms or is there a proper way to do things?
The thing is, the UCCs often get misdirected to the Bureau of Public Debt rather than the Analysis and Control Division of the IRS and UCC Contract Trust. Perhaps you could email the Treasury and request that your documents be forwarded to the Division of above. Justin does this sound unreasonable?
I have good news and bad news. Which one do you want first?….Bad news you say. Okay, so the bad news is that UCCs filings that are sent to the Treasury Office is often misdirected. Which means that we have to find the right office to email, fax, or mail these UCCs. I heard that it is the UCC Contract Division of the IRS or Technical Support Division of the IRS, but I could not find any information online to email or fax UCCs to them. Justin would you mind lending your hand?
On further review I believe the the Analysis and Control Division of the IRS and the UCC Contract Trust is the right place. So, I’m thinking we could just email the Treasury and request that our UCCs be forwarded to this division and it will suffice. Just do you see anything wrong with this?
So, here’s the thing. We are looking for two forms. One is for a beneficiary and another is for a power of attorney. We did our Google search and search on the irs but we still are in need of help. Since two forms got us into the system I’m sure two forms will get us out. My subconscious mind tells me that someone on this site will be able to give aid. Are you that somebody?
I’m confused. I returned my birth certificate to the Treasury but for some reason my account is still locked. I know it’s on bearer paper so we don’t need to indorse the back of the document. Would you mind sharing where an individual may have gone wrong?
That’s because the idea you can return you BC and access your account is not valid, and never was. It’s been a trap this whole time. One part swindlers and one part cabal.
I’m sure my subconscious will lead me to take the right steps. And when it do I’ll let you guys know how it worked out. How does this sound?
Yes please keep us posted. And do be careful. I don’t want anyone else going to jail or having their lives ruined with all this.
Well, it turns out everything is alright. I’m now enjoying the victorious and abundant life in the land of the living.- – Glad I claimed to be the Son of God.
When did you file
Lord third, would you mind sharing what it is you discovered to be living on the land?
Good lord do you like to hear yourself talk. I couldn’t get ANY ACTUAL INFORMATION from the 900 chapter, 22 book series of what could’ve been a couple paragraphs. My guess is while you were researching this, you felt like a lawyer or the over urging sense to show everyone who had the 3 years to read it, how you can play both sides of the coin and while trying to be a patriot you dispel anyone from pursuing what is theirs by scaring them because randy was a felon. Holy cow I need to find a different site after wasting 2 hours just scrolling to the bottom to end up getting 0 useful information besides if I do this I’ll get arrested for crimes committed when I was 15. Thanks for the wasting my youth.
I suggest you spend more time trying to understand the whole of the law, instead of cherry picking facts to support your agenda of accessing funds that were never yours to begin with and are themselves likely a trap to distract you form the much greater prize of true knowledge of law, and the ability to sacrifice one’s on personal greed for the quest to make the world better together. Join me and others in this quest. The time is nigh.
Ain’t no making the world better without first making yourself better. And besides each person must be transformed by the renewing of their mind. So, let’s stop this save the world stuff. Jesus tried that and he ended up on the cross. Now speaking of the cross let’s talk about the beginning and end. We’re now in the last book of the Bible so everything is out in the open. There is a lot of useful information on this thread but I will try to bring us home. It all started when we took the Fathers Name. So logically speaking we need to loose the Fathers Name. In others words loose on Earth. Justin you challenged me to ask what and why questions so I’m going to ask you. How can we loose on earth? Is it not by making a declaration on a deed? Perhaps claiming on the back of the BC “I AM the son of my Father”?
Hi Justin, Thanks for the work you’re doing on this. Online, I found a step-by-step guide called the Sovereign Instruction Manual. It is approximately 178 pages. The method they use has many overlaps from what you’ve been discussing in the original article, but their approach seems more matter of fact. What are your thoughts on the Secured Party Creditor approach, forming a Foreign Trust, becoming a Private Banker, etc?
The method is generally sound, based on what you shared. That said, their many challenges to this, and if the process requires surrounding your legal person then while it might be effective, I personally think a different approach is how I would do it. I think the technique of reclaiming legally defined entities that were misused by the cabal is a better way. And that the core issue of the cabal claiming to be trustees of heaven, when they have no actual legitimacy to that claim, needs to be addressed as well. Original Jurisdiction is the only way I know to do this substantively and in totally, which simply means the ability to define all objects and laws in reality better and with greater precision than the competition.
What do you mean by defining all objects? I thought all we had to do is bring the birth certificate to life. I AM the way the truth the life no one comes to the Father but by me. It’s been 45 days since I returned mine. Yet, my account is still locked. What are your thoughts?
That method was never 100% certain. It worked in the past but only sparingly and I’m not convinced it was anything more than a trap. I mean there’s a more complicated and long draw process. The only one I know who has done it to any degree of success is UCADIA. We’re creating the backend structure to accomplish the same basic goals, but better, and without all the risks. It’s not ready yet but you can start learning about it by going to one of the active ucadia websites, such as ucadia.com or ucadia.net.
Trust law. The Father the Holy Ghost it’s all in the Bible. The Holy Ghost is transformed into a living man when you’re born again. Make a declaration. Create your TDA. Send it to a living individual and street address. Registered mail is a must. I hope I didn’t bore you to death Justin, did I?
I agree with this comment.. thanks for wasting 2 hours of my life also.
And it will be ILL GOTTEN GAINS if we could access it.
So let them do whatever they do. They are just writing their own sentences!
And the wicked evil doers will be blotted out..
Just worry about your soul.. YHVH is in control. So he knows what’s up..
Hang tuff and study the Bible. Try to be righteous and repent..
Hi Angela I studied the Bible. And the Bible doesn’t tell us how long it will take to access our estate. Once We make Our declaration and the Treasury picks it up. What is the timetable or is it immediate?(assuming we have the right approach)
Per Canon Law 2057 once We establish Our status and competency the Trust must be dissolved immediately. Is this not correct?
You said study the Bible so I did. But I need a little more clarification. According to (John 11:25-26) Jesus says I AM the resurrection and life. He who believes will live. Notice that it didn’t say I AM the son of my Father is the life. There is a subtle difference. If Jesus wanted Us to say(write) I AM the son of my Father so We could live. Don’t you think He would have mentioned this? In other words when it comes to resurrecting ourselves from the dead, is it safe to say all We need on the back of our bc is the I AM statement?
What does the Bible say about the accepted for value process?
Is this how you access your trust account?(I wouldn’t want to be wasting your time)
On the top portion of your birth write accepted for value and the lower half write a bill of Exchange as such
Birth certificate
Accepted for value
USD. -$1.00/
Washington, D.C. 20220 United States Date Drawn
three months after date, Pay to the order of JOHN HENRY DOE a sum of -one United States dollar only, for value received.
John Doe Address , $1 stamp👍(bottom right of BC)
Janet Yellen
1500 Pennsylvania Avenue NW
Washington, D.C.
United States
Back of Birth certificate
I AM 5c stam👍(Bottom Right)(blu🖊
Send via registered mail
Is this how you access your trust account?
On the top portion of your birth write accepted for value and the lower half write a bill of Exchange as such
Birth certificate
Accepted for value
USD. -$1.00/
Washington, D.C. 20220 United States Date Drawn
three months after date, Pay to the order of JOHN HENRY DOE a sum of -one United States dollar only, for value received.
John Henry Address , $1 stamp👍(bottom right of BC)( blue 🖊 )
Janet Yellen
1500 Pennsylvania Avenue NW
Washington, D.C.
United States
Back of Birth certificate
I AM 5c stam👍(Bottom right)(blue 🖊)
Send via registered mail
This is an add on to the previous comment about asking what and why questions. Present company accepted. What is the proper way to do a deed? What are the options we have, like a notary public or something under private seal? And would you mind going through a hypothetical scenario for both? Lastly, I know a deed to the right people will collapse a trust(cestui vie). Do you have any idea who those right people are?
So I posted this question on one of the other forums. But I’ll posted here because I find this important. One of the other commenters basically said that they used the words Signed, Sealed, and Delivered to refer to a deed. And then they used a private seal then sent to recipient. My thing was I made a declaration I signed it and I had a Notary use their stamp. Basically I actually preformed the acts but I didn’t use those words. Are using those words mandatory or does my acts constitutes a deed?
Quick add on. When we do sign. What is the right way to do this? I can’t add a picture so I’ll do my best to paint a picture. Long story short, we flip the birth certificate over and claim I AM the son of my Father. Then underneath we sign for the living by John Henry
John Henry
Next we sign for the dead
pp DOE
DOE (Family Seal Here)
Then on the bottom right we have a stamp with our postmaster general seal and sign our name across the stamp.
Is this sound in nature? If not, what about it isn’t? And also, what would be different if we did this with a Notary vs without one? In others words, what stuff should we take away vs what will be added?
I forgot the
Witness our Hand and Seal
part. But I think you get what I’m trying to do.
Picture this on the back of BC.
I AM the son of my Father
John Henry
pp—————(Family Seal)
Witness our Hand
and Seal
(P-Master Seal)
/signed name
across stamp
Is this the right way to sign for the living? Does this look like an unsuccessful counter deed? If so, how do we make it successfully? And how would this look different if we just did this with a Notary?
Can you tell me where I went wrong? According to Article 7 UCC part (c) we must surrender our Birth Certificate. As we know the BC is a Holy Ghost and is dead on paper(1 Peter 1:3). So, we need to incarnate(Pslams 118:17). I flipped over my BC and I put I AM the son of my Father. And underneath I put SIGNED, SEALED AND DELIVERED as a Deed by John Doe. Then I had a witness attest my signature and a Notary put her seal underneath all of this. Then I mailed it to the Secretary of Treasury. But my account is still locked and it’s been a while so they had time to process. The only thing I think I could be missing is satisfying the Bailee’s lien which was stated in part (b) of Article 7 UCC. From what I just gave you. Do you see where I went wrong? If so, can you point me in the right direction because this is frustrating as fuck.
So, I looked over the iuv website. And I have questions regarding my billing address. Obviously I know my account number is my social and my routing number is with the FRB of Chicago(G). And on the website it says the billing address is 1000 Peachtree ST N.E. Atlanta,GA 30309 And it says for the phone number that we should put our pwn number. Is this correct? Because I did this and I got this message from Amazon. Payment from your bank was not authorized. This determination was based on info provided by TeleCheck. Do you have any suggestions for a brother?
Whenever we get a pen and hand birth certificate it says to void if altered or copied. So how does this work when we make our declaration and we have a notary use his or her seal. Technically, we are altering the document. Will the document be void?
This is a good question. Because at Vital Records you can request a Pen and Hand Birth Certificate or request a regular copy. A regular copy doesn’t say not to void if altered or copied but a regular copy isn’t on security paper. Must it be on security paper?
I really enjoyed reading this page, just came across your website today as I am searching for the truth of all this… very interesting rabbit holes I have ventured into, I have been following one guy on youtube that is sincere but seems he has been “kidnapped” so to speak to learn more legalities?
Anyway… I wanted to ask YOUR opinion of this process called the “w4 sandwich” as described in this youtube video:
Then I found a Telegram group that also promotes this w4 sandwich process but they say NOT to sign the forms they send in, …
and people are having success (proven with cell phone screen shots etc) and from my understanding this w4 process is about auditing accounts you have and/or have had and to send you any remittances left over.
so if you can find the time to that video and let me know your personal viewpoints on it… I personally do not want to get me or anyone in any trouble and by submitting the youtube video link I AM NOT PROMOTING THE PROCESS, only asking your opinion on the process.
Thank you very much for your time.
Im going to be straight forward. Is there anyone in these comments that might happen to be a dtc participant and or sponsor or personally know any stock brokers, tranfer agents or securities brokers. i would really like to have a private conversation with u if u have zoom. im in California and i know 4 different ways of getting access to the strawman funds.i wouldn’t lie. i have proof because I saved all the conversations that i had with the private sector people. its true. it is crazy money in those accounts.and they know how to process the payment in book-entry only form. i was told (with proof) by these people that i can get settlement from my social this way. u will not believe how much one is worth. If your a dtc participant and or sponsor, they allow this 24/7 through a secret site that ill disclose upon contact, and i know the full steps. i got nervous in the private conversation and messed up because I didn’t make an eligible offer to them. but im going back soon because I feel im ready. it just would help if i had a dtc participant and or sponsor that was more relaxed and open minded. those guys are crazy straight forward. if theres anybody who knows stock broker managers or bank managers or firm managers, send me a message we can collapse our accounts together. i promise u wont be disappointed with my 90% success proof. the company i went through had requirements that i didn’t realize I met at the time, on top of my nervousness. dicksonprivatebanking@gmail.com
My guy don’t let the cabal fool you. There is only one way to access your trust account. I AM is the way. Perhaps Janet acting as Secretary of Treasury could help you. Oh here’s another good one Janet in her private capacity. I could be wrong but it doesn’t hurt trying, now does it?
Near the end of this article it says this. Seems like a superior method “accessing the TDA without a declaration”. But you never mentioned what the declaration was/is. Would you be against showing?
All of you are chasing smoke and mirrors. There is no free lunch in life, no pot of gold at the end of the rainbow and certainly no millions of dollars in some secret bank account with your name on it that you can access if you file the right papers in the right order. This is just another get rich quick scam dreamed up by a guy named Roger Elvick and all he got out of it was prison time. If you are following this rabbit trail, like my brother has for over 4 years, you are the kind of person who always falls for “get rich quick” schemes easily just like him. In real life you really do have to finish school and work hard for your money and the amount you earn is totally dependent upon your IQ, education/skill set level and willingness to work long hours for little pay. There’s no easy path in life and all of you are wasting yours chasing this pipe dream. Those of you who mentioned the Lord Jesus? He didn’t put you on this earth to chase money and get rich quick schemes.
That’s not reality. Many are in the process of getting out the system. But many don’t know How to sign their REAL name. From what I could gather is this:
By: John: Doe (in red ink)
Authorized Agent for JOHN DOE (in blue ink)
Or thumbprint(in red)
For some reason my last comment is not showing. A red thumb print will be considered a bio hazard. And blue ink is considered an original. With that being said.
All rights reserved
By:John-henry:[DOE] doing business as Authorized representative: PRINCIPLE:DOE,JOHN HENRY no recourse
This is how We autograph Our REAL name, is it not?
@Justin I see all the information here about claiming our trust. But what about our loved ones who have passed away. I’m curious how do we go about claiming their trust. You wouldn’t happened to know?
Probably very difficult. Unless you had them convey their rights into a trust that you now manage. And even here, this would have to be a statutory trust, not a living trust, which has to pass through probate, iirc.
When we are giving notice to a statutory system it must be translated so the receiver comprehends. Man uses red and the system uses black. Is it unreasonable to think that black 🖊 pen is the way to go?
@Justin I’m having a little confusion on the color of the pen. Red ink is good for common law but if the ADMIRALTY LAW system is to recognize it’s black. For maritime law use use, Administrator use purple. Do I have this color thing right?
I’ve heard purple for sovereigns (king/queen), blue for trustees and administrators, black for employees of the state or corporation. IIRC
Upon further research the PRINT must be in blue ink. But does this applies to the thumbprint as well?
I think I figured it out. In the movie they claim the only way to access the treasure chest is by your dna or blood in it. So, that means a blue thumbprint. And there’s no need for a notary or private seal. Or witness, am I right?
@Justin I’m at a lost. We’ve made Our declaration and autograph it with Our thumbprint in blue. And dated it as such:
Back of BC
Blue thumbprint 👍
13 March 2023
But for some reason our TDA is still locked. We got confirmation that it was delivered and picked up early this morning. It’s mid day and it’s still locked. We avoided titles, used registered mail and address Janet Yellen in her private capacity. We didn’t use a notary or witness because man does not need a co sign.
So what gives?
You cant access the accounts direclty. Don’t try, you’ll end up in jail. You have to use a bonding process.
@Justin All I know is God is not the author of confusion. And I’m confused. I avoided titles and I didn’t put Department of Treasury because that’s a corporation. Thought I did everything right. I know once it hits the system it is ‘done’. How long?
In this case, spiritually speaking what would you do?
The government declared you incompetent within weeks of your birth. You would have had to present yourself to the state, giving notice that you are alive, not insane, and not lost a sea before your seventh birthday..
J you want to explain this statement some more?
Everyone got the notice part. But what is the proper manner. As it stands now everyone knows stamp duty is a must. Do We need another stamp for valuable consideration and if so what is the amount?
1. Do We need to sign the 5cent stamp at angle or Will our thumbprint just work?
2. If We need another stamp, does it need to be non-defaced?
Randy for this to work. We must meet the requirements for a Contract. Which includes stamp duty and valuable consideration.
$1postage stamp
Amount Paid $
one American dollar only
5cent postage stamp w/date across it & thumbprint at an angle.
This Will do the job Will it not?
Stamp Duty protocol has proven to be an irrefutable method to establishing and evidencing any claim of right. Meaning, We must autograph/thumbprint over a $1 Dollar stamp and date it. @Justin would you mind unpacking Stamp Duty?
Correction A 5 cent stamp. Will this not make the inchoate instrument complete?
Stamp Duty is a must. But is it also necessary to have another stamp for consideration. If so, would that be a $1 stamp or a 50cent stamp. Anyone knows?
What is the amount for valuable consideration?
This is something else. You wrote a story on how to pay bills using TDA but then ask everyone for money because of expenses. That sounds strange to me.
Patrick gold is money. We use paper in place of money. But anyhow Patrick Correct Us if We’re wrong. But isn’t this how We honor a bill of exchange?
Back of BC
Accepted for value Pay to the order of JOHN DOE in “Accord and Satisfaction” with BOE Act 1908 By Accommodation: John Doe
one American dollar only
|$1Stamp| |5c stamp|
*5cent stamp dated,signed& blue thumbprint
1.Does it look like we’re missing something?
2.Do We have to write the word sum certain or amount paid on Our birth certificate? or will writing one American dollar only by itself work?
@Justin This time We want to get it right. The $1 stamp goes on the front top right, right? Of course the 5c stamp goes on the back bottom right with the date stamp at 45degree. And We add Our initials at 45degree. Do Our thumbprint have to be at 45degree as well or as long as it cover the stamp and paper we’re good?
On the front all We need to write is this
Accepted for value
Is this not correct?
On the back all We need to write is this
Is this not correct?
And then they will write
Pay to the order of…
Is this not correct?
I’m not familiar with the specifics you cite in this process. All the information here is for informative purposes only, not for use in legal proceedings and matters. Be very careful with what you’re trying to do. Remember, we don’t live in a rule of law system.
Pay to the order of
John Henry Doe
5c stamp dated, and thumbprint
1. We’re not supposed to use cursive writing so what do We do for the signature above?
2. Do We need write Our BC number on the back of it?
3. Do We need to make reference to the Treasury?
4. Do We need to write a sum certain?
What’s the correct way to do A4V?
“Accepted for value”
“Pay to the order of”
United States Treasury
So, if I got this right, this post was started way back in 2017. 6 or so years later the creator of the post still has said “his team” had things coming to help soon, which creates a sense of hope yet is still basically still at step 0. Which is, in a nutshell, “none of this stuff” works, should be used, gives no access, can get you jailed, he’s unsure of process, etc etc etc etc. Wow, just wow! 6 years and 0 progress… now that’s a track record to aspire towards that’s obviously doing nothing to gain advantage on a system that’s continually getting worse! So to simplify, bad system progressively gets worse(gaining ground), while the other side stands still(no progress what so ever). Hmmm, anybody see a problem here?
We must send a request for payment. I’m sure things will change then. I came up with one and I would like your thoughts. We get this sight draft right then we can go from
0 to 100 real quick.
To the observatiotionist, and Justin and his team. Is this the right way to do a Bill of Exchange?
NZD. 1.00/-
Wellington, New Zealand 6011 X September 2023
After sight, Pay to John Doe or sum of USD one only, for value received
John Doe 1666 cestui Que vie lane, , New Zeland
First Name Last Name(drawee)
Hi Justin. What’s the commercial reconciliation period? It’s 90 days right?
And how does this look?
Write this on bottom of birth certificate
NZD. 1.00/-
Wellington, New Zealand 6011 X September 2023
Three months after date, Pay to John Doe or sum of NZD one only, for value received
John Doe 4568 creditors lane NZ $1stamp👍
First Name Last Name(drawee)
And on back
5c stamp and 👍blue
Send via courier mail
Everyone, NESARA GESARA and the Quantum Financial System is finally here. Just be patient, we will get our abundance back here soon. You don’t have to do all this silly BS with your Social Security number. Everyone please stop overthinking this and have faith, manifest and create abundance and freedom with our minds. We all know and feel deep inside that the real game of Monopoly is over with. The rich elite billionaire deep state globalist who have stolen and hoarded all the gold, riches and abundance from humanity for 1000’s of years have lost this game. This abundance has been taken back and will be given back to humanity.
All Illegal loans and debt will be zeroed out. NESARA/GESARA
This is the greatest transition in human history. So sit back, relax and enjoy the show and be Grateful for what’s to come for humanity and Mother Earth. We are at the finish line. The Great Awakening is here, Have faith, Stay positive, be kind to each other and let’s create this 5D New Earth based on sharing, caring, oneness and Love. Not greed, fake fiat money and hoarding materialistic stuff. We are powerful humans from divine source here to create Love and Positive Frequencies. Not to worry about money and stuff. Let’s join the collective in this fight against the evil overlords so we can create this beautiful existence of healthy thriving abundant humans.
Humanity will thrive in Abundance and Freedom once again. 🙏🏻🌎
This article is nothing but a big wall of text, with a “Source” that’s an even (much) larger wall of text, but with ZERO sources.
Everybody: Spend your precious time finding any way you can to make a better living before things get even worse. Maybe invest in Bitcoin (but am still determining if that’s a good idea).
Stop wasting your time on this madness.