by Will Justice,
Air pollution is an invisible killer—one that slowly poisons you day-by-day.
By no means is this an exaggeration.
According to a World Health Organization report from 2018, air pollution kills around 7 million people every year. Furthermore, numerous scientific studies have linked air pollution to heart disease, neurodegenerative diseases including Alzheimer’s, lung disease, and various forms of cancer.
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Why Is the Air So Toxic?
There are countless sources of pollution in the air, ranging from car exhaust to industrial waste. But one of the biggest offenders is emissions from unregulated jet fuel.
Chemical and aerospace engineers have spent decades researching and developing highly efficient jet fuel. Ultimately, this has led to them adding aluminum, barium, strontium, and several other heavy metals to the fuel mixtures to help maximize efficiency and minimize cost.
While many of these heavy metal additives work wonders for fuel efficiency and cost improvement, scientists and government institutions have turned a blind eye to their severe impact on human health.
For example, aluminum exposure can lead to birth defects, neurodegenerative disease, several forms of cancer, bone disorders, and autoimmune disease.
Similarly, barium comes with a nasty list of side effects ranging from an increased risk of death from heart disease to kidney toxicity.
Despite the known dangers of heavy metals like aluminum and barium, scientists have more than doubled the concentration of these toxic additives in jet fuel since 1996.
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How Exposed Are We?
In 2018, it was estimated that 102,000 flights occurred every single day, which means that significant amounts of harmful compounds are dispersed into the air through jet emissions – making every breath of air a toxic cocktail of heavy metals.
Toxic Effects of Nanoparticles
To make matters worse, many of the heavy metals used in jet fuel are added as nanoparticles – meaning the particle size is extremely small.
When heavy metals have a smaller particle size, this means they have a much easier time getting into your body and your bloodstream. With every contaminated breath we take, heavy metal nanoparticles are absorbed into your body and stored within your cells.
As a result, the heavy metals that pollute the air from jet fuel are incredibly dangerous to your health.
Accumulation in the Body
As you are continuously exposed to heavy metals, they begin to accumulate in your cells. This accumulation makes them exponentially more dangerous over time and with continual exposure.
Since it is nearly impossible to avoid breathing jet fuel contaminated air, the only way to protect yourself is with a consistent detoxification protocol.
While it may sound complicated, it is really quite simple.
Protecting Yourself from Jet Fuel Emissions
To protect yourself from the heavy metals in air pollution from jets, you need to chelate (remove) the heavy metals from your body on a regular basis.
But how do you chelate these heavy metals?
By far, the most popular strategy to detox (chelate) heavy metals is by using the mineral zeolite. When ingested, zeolite binds to heavy metals like a magnet and then escorts them out of the body.
It is important to choose a zeolite detox supplement that is sized and cleaned properly.
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The Bottom Line
Jet fuel contains high levels of toxic heavy metals like aluminum and barium. With over 102,000 worldwide daily flights, this means vast amounts of heavy metals are being dumped into the air every day. To put it plainly, every human being on this planet is unknowingly being poisoned by air pollution.
Despite the known dangers of heavy metals, government institutions and scientists alike are turning a blind eye to this glaring public health threat.
The only option to help protect your body from jet fuel emissions is to detox (chelate) your body of heavy metals using a well-formulated zeolite detox supplement.
Update: For those concerned about detoxing heavy metals and toxins, we recommend this premium liquid zeolite detox supplement. With every order placed from this link, we do receive a small commission that helps support our blog.
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(Photo Credit: Photo 061024-F-1234S-011 from the Edward Air Force Base Media Gallery)
About The Author
Will Justice is an independent researcher, writer, and truth activist dedicated to sharing his groundbreaking findings with the world. Over the course of several decades, he discovered the causes of worldly corruption, human suffering, and spiritual decline, which gave him the eyes to see the solutions hidden from view. He is passionate about unity, authenticity, and healing the world through forming effective grassroots initiatives.
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The preceding article is an educational marketing piece that was edited and fact-checked by the Stillness in the Storm Editor. We deem this information invaluable for those seeking freedom through healthy living and improved quality of life.
Stillness in the Storm Editor: Why did we post this?
Geoengineering, solar radiation management, cloud seeding or chemtrails is one of the many wide-scale conspiracies that have the power to activate curiosity, helping to awaken minds that are brave enough to honestly investigate the phenomenon. It is also one of the more well-documented conspiracy realities, and as such, has the power to dispel the false reality pushed by the Deep State propagandists. The preceding article reveals this agenda with substantive evidence.
– Justin
Not sure how to make sense of this? Want to learn how to discern like a pro? Read this essential guide to discernment, analysis of claims, and understanding the truth in a world of deception: 4 Key Steps of Discernment – Advanced Truth-Seeking Tools.
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this has led to them adding aluminum, barium, strontium to jet fuels…
NO, this is what and other virus’s and chemicals are sprayed from the wings of aircraft, and so far there are way more Chemtrail jets flying overhead than there are commercial jets and during the night when civil aviation does not fly I heart ofeten these jets going over on the hour every hour from 1 till 4 am sparaying, on a clear night and good moon you can see their trails, all getting ready to spread out and block the heat in for another day and drop its poison on us
This article sounds like something Gates would write, Oh blame the fuel of jets, what we need is chemtrails to protect us, while he has african women vaccinated with his population control sterility drugs., to save them from breast cancer…
Deflection and lies..