(Bruce Fenton) Early humans emerged on Earth around 4 million years ago, but new evidence arising from the study of human evolution has revealed compelling evidence that a small group of these hominins was genetically modified by ancient alien visitors to create the first Homo sapiens.
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by Bruce Fenton,
Early humans emerged on Earth around 4 million years ago, but new evidence arising from the study of human evolution has revealed compelling evidence that a small group of these hominins was genetically modified by ancient alien visitors to create the first Homo sapiens.
Homo sapiens are the creation of ancient astronauts that arrived through a wormhole from the Pleiades star cluster 780,000 years ago.
The Australian researcher, an expert in equine bloodlines and genetic expression, uncovered numerous genetic changes which mark humans as anomalous when contrasted with modern primate species, some are so extreme that they are best explained by advanced genetic engineering.
In her book, titled ‘Hybrid Humans: Scientific Evidence of Our 800,000-Year Old Alien Legacy’, Daniella Fenton highlights a series of profound changes in the genes associated with brain size, neural structures, and information processing. These changes include genes that appear suddenly fully formed out of so-called ‘junk DNA’ and fragments of genes that have been snipped out, copied and re-inserted.
Fenton points the mysterious fusion of Chromosome-2 at the same time as these other changes, around 780,000 years ago, as further evidence of extraterrestrial experimentation. This fusion is found in all large-brained human types, including Neanderthals and Denisovans, but not in any other primate species.
She explains that the fusion of chromosome-2 should have been a one-off error that disappeared in the subsequent generation or perhaps led to a small population of people with 46 chromosomes among a more substantial number of those carrying 48. Instead, all humans after 780,000 years ago exhibited the ‘mutation’. This strongly infers that there was an enormous benefit associated with the fusion and that it appeared suddenly in a considerable number of individuals, allowing chromosome-2 to become a permanent and dominant trait. This does not fit with known natural mutations in the human genome.
Fenton explains, “Somebody created an entire generation of breeding pairs that carried the fusion of chromosome-2. The chromosome modification is such that it would have impacts on the brain development, the immune system and reproductive processes.”
Humans also carry unique changes in the gene FOXP2 that changed synaptic connectivity and enhanced our ability to transform new experiences into routine procedures, this had enormous influence on our ability to produce meaningful speech. Fenton points out that this change is not observed in other primates and it appears our creators wanted us to be able to quickly form new habitual behaviors particularity language use.
Fenton said: “It is not just the genetic changes 780,000 years ago which inform us Homo sapiens is a species created by alien beings, we have also identified physical material left behind by these star people, materials dated to that same specific point in time.”
Fenton offers a detailed explanation for why these visitors ended up marooned here and the motivations which led them to modify early hominins in her book Hybrid Humans: Scientific Evidence of Our 800,000-Year Old Alien Legacy.
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I Am a Soul, that uses my mind to interact with my body (meat suit). The designers of this meat suit are NOT “The God” or “my God” nor even are they “the gods” but rather helpers, artists, or maybe even farmers producing a more profitable bread of stock.
There are those among Us that still believe the “maker” of these meat suits IS the One God . IMHO its either from lack of thought on the subject or a desire to defraud Us and control Us. We are not our bodies or even our minds we are the pure energy of Souls.
Let any who would claim to be our God/Gods face the laughter that would accompany any such claim by a mere snake oil salesmen. Looking at you Cabal.
Alexander Britton says
9/11 Disclosure/Insight:
Late summer 1999 San Diego CA Ocean Beach International Youth Hostel 4961 Newport Ave.
Corey Steinhauser NZ 1st day on job morning shift working office check-in. Cory had stayed as guest months previous. Rob Steinhauser elder brother had worked there moved to Canada. Date of terrorist checking in I had afternoon shift. We recently began photocopying all IDs of guests to be reviewed at shift transition.
I was alarmed 2 obviously fake Moroccan driver’s licenses used to check in 2 male guests of North African descent by Corey that A.M. “how did they get in this country?” I asked. That shift I called John Asher voicing concerns about “fake ID’s” and “Terrorists”. JA replied “we don’t want to point any fingers”. I was warned to back off and job/housing was at risk if I pursued concerns which I did do.
2 terrorists were rarely visible but once to stood to side of early P.M. back patio party staring with hatred. “Why do they hate us?” I had been trying to raise concern discretely no one would help initially. Two terrorists glared directly at me seeming very sensitive to my noticing them. I did not gain any supporters until thefts began. Most immediately left but one couple remained hoping I would catch them and maybe their money would be returned as well.
First week of terrorist occupancy several thefts began including cash, video camera Etc. I again phoned John Asher at home on an evening shift “they are stealing! I know it’s them!” “They are terrorists or something why would they have fake IDs” I was reminded to back off and directly warned about my being employed there with reason stated as “we don’t want the police there too much it raises a red flag on the business”. JA did however commend me in person around that time for chasing off a white male in all black attire with a heavy backpack in climbing irons who had scaled the rear wall.
End 2nd week theft had resumed. “They are doing it early in the morning” “they think I will be up late because it’s Friday night and I have long hair but we will go to bed early and wake up early to catch them. You look for them going in rooms first because they’ll be watching for me to get up in the morning”. Before Dawn Saturday A.M. Lookout positioned before me had just seen one terrorist go in a dorm room told me quietly in dark in front of office and I witnessed his exiting and returning to their room from front stairs. I immediately went into office and called 911. Female officer professional attitude I reported theft by who I thought were terrorists with fake IDs. This 911 call should still be public record especially due to content. No local police arrived on scene. My 8-hour shift started and ended. Very concerned during this time at delay of response by LE. FBI waited for Corey Steinhauser to be on duty same as terrorists had. FBI never showed anyone badges but wore standard Nordstrom’s attire. 3 white males at desk.
Witnesses seemed intimidated to know about this situation. Very volatile damaging smell burned lungs, throat, sinuses, eyes remained in Upstairs front left double room with no bathroom after FBI departed. Secondary chemical described as “synthetic body odor” applied to mask Harsh Volitile Material burning stench without effectiveness. It was commonly referred to among Witnesses that there was a “bomb in the room”. Newly-installed manager and niece of John Asher Ann-Dee West did recognize bomb materials had been in room. She had it cleaned several times and painted 2 times but 6 months later we both marveled while standing in the room how it was still un-rentable and smelled as if this had just occurred.
FBI told male witness “2 terrorists were deported to Algeria for fake IDs” and “no money could be returned unless they had serial numbers” of their cash to match terrorist cash on hand. FBI never questioned me even though I caught them violating basic investigative procedure and issued no Hazmat warning violating Public Safety. Not investigating and sneaking the explosive materials out the back both reveal illegitimacy of FBI actions among other relevant details.
I suspect a combinative attack was planned. Q’s: Why would terrorists be stealing if they plan to die in that building? How long did they plan to keep those volatile materials in that room before detonation? Did the terrorists have plane tickets? Was one of the terrorists Mohamed Atta? Why were they deported for fake IDs and not imprisoned for the explosive materials in room? Why did John Asher never thank me but later had obviously bragged about the story?
In Summer 2004 with a witness I went to O.B.I. mentioned to a male office employee brown hair who responded “that was you!” I having only begun to mention “getting terrorists deported”. I suspect reason for targeting youth hostel was many young foreign Travelers mostly Western countries of origin would have died causing International alarm especially in 1999 with America looking irresponsible implying massive political/MIC backlash.
“Simon” ex-SAS anti terrorism expert employed same office job as myself beforehand and lived in neighborhood but was given contract to teach anti-terrorism techniques to Elite military worldwide and left before terrorists arrived and whom I would have likely consulted as he was considered a friend. Not long after averted attack “Simon” returned during his contract having said to others specifically who told me with surprise “he said he came back here just to see you!”. He said men who showed up were “FBI” “they have a file on you but if you ask for it …” Raised eyebrows. “S” said that he’d “done some work for them. I have a friend in the FBI. They had me go out and get it a bunch of fake IDs then I come back throw down them all on a table then tell them how I got them”. I suspect FBI used “Simon’s” techniques for IDs w/o his knowledge for that purpose.
I did later expose FBI agents targeting me. Agent “Matthew Scul” did not admit his status but confessed his partners status as FBI agent during my being targeted. To describe the targeting I have endured as a result of this good deed would be extensive but I will say it has included numerous blatant attempts on my life as well as “Death By A Thousand Cuts”. This targeting is meant to make me look like what I stopped which represents the height of hypocrisy in my opinion. FBI and informants for example ask me “do you know what a Mercury switch is?” at laundromat in Lafayette Colorado recently when I have no interest in such things. This can be corroborated by later video evidence I gathered of attempted assault and destruction of property by FBI associate with body Cam and Mic clearly visible during attempted crime on me as FISA “Target”.
Another example referencing my targeting being made to make me look suspicious would be my one-time attorney Jonathan Seber telling me I had a settlement coming while we at that time collected video of an attempted murder on me which he had seen. I told my attorney by phone that I was fleeing state and not long after that call Twitter threat to American Airlines San Diego to Dallas national news. Kevin Gordish and I remained in contact with local San Diego Police who for the most part were very helpful in our fleeing town alive. We left Ford Explorer at airport fled California never to return. Mexican gangsters wearing brand new Dallas Cowboys attire did Menace us upon arrival in Salt Lake City Airport. There was a stabbing attempt, a poisoning attempt Etc on me in Airport by Hispanic perpetrators associated with terrorist Twitter threat as well as targeting us.
We also notified Naval intelligence before leaving San Diego. This included “911” being written on slip and fall sign on Navy Base, multiple attempts to make a Molotov cocktail from our gas tank resulting in Kevin’s resignation as he was not able to safely commute to or travel inside naval base. Worth noting also on Veterans Day at 7:51 p.m. Mexican gangsters did pound on our apartment door of veterans housing. Kevin Gordish did serve on submarine 751 indicating inside knowledge on criminals behalf.
Ted Gunderson (deceased) “the first 9/11 was stopped in 1999 in San Diego California. It was two terrorists deported for fake IDs the FBI was involved” but NOT investigating.
Twitter: @awb555