(Richard Enos) There are many people who don’t believe that the world’s elite have been religiously conducting Satanic practices in the bowels of their mansions and other private hideaways throughout history. Those doubters argue that if such a thing was happening, there would be no way they would have been able to keep it a secret all this time.
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by Richard Enos, March 22nd, 2019
Not that it’s a ‘secret’ any more to those truth-seekers who are open to this perception-bending reality. But let’s put aside the fact that at CE we have brought in several compelling testimonies about the practice of Satanic ritual abuse among the world’s ruling elite, not the least of which is the testimony of Anneke Lucas that is described in the article ‘Survivor Of Elite Child Sex Slavery Discloses Her Incredible Escape & Her Healing Journey‘ and captured in our 4-hour interview with Anneke on CETV.
The case of Imane Fadil, a Moroccan ex-model who claimed to have witnessed “demonic rituals” at Silvio Berlusconi’s mansion, might shed some light on how these activities have been kept secret for so long, and why some people are still able to maintain plausible deniability about their existence.
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‘I Met The Devil’
Fadil, whose testimony in 2013 helped to convict ex-Prime Minister of Italy Silvio Berlusconi of “child prostitution,” had volunteered to be a witness in a related investigation against Berlusconi that is still ongoing. This investigation alleges that Berlusconi bribed 18 girls that participated in his sexually provocative home parties to “speak positively” about Berlusconi.
She was also looking for a publisher that was “courageous enough” to print a book she was completing entitled I Met the Devil, a tell-all book about events surrounding Burlosconi’s conviction (dubbed Rubygate) as well as an exposé of his dark secrets. An excerpt of the book discussing an experience she had during a party at Berlusconi’s mansion was published in the Italian newspaper Il Fatto Quotidiano:
She saw the girls in a sort of circle, with Berlusconi at the center as a pivot: A kind of adoration, with some nude, others half-naked, and others disguised, wandering through the underground living room. It was then that Imane found courage and went to Berlusconi to tell him that she wanted to go home. But Silvio told her to wait.
In the basement, Imane saw what she called a sort of brothel with naked girls and half-naked in the pool. There were also minors who perhaps did not realize what was happening.
“The virgin maiden arrived,” Imane repeated with horror. They were announcing the very young “selection” for that evening.–from Il Fatto Quotidiano, Imane Fadil, il suo libro mai pubblicato: “Io, in quel bordello sotterraneo”, translation from Italian provided in this Vigilant Citizen article.
But she never got to reveal her full story. Imane Fadil died in a hospital room in Milan on March 1st after a month of agony. Media sources reported her death only 15 days after the fact, mostly because authorities announced the opening of a homicide investigation. Indeed, the cause of Fadil’s death is currently believed to be “murder by radioactive poisoning.” On the day of her death, the Judicial Authority seized Fadil’s body and the entirety of her medical records. Prosecutors also seized the draft of her book. Here is a further explanation from the same Vigilant Citizen article:
Fadil died on March 1st after a long period of agony as her vital functions progressively shut down. She experienced her first symptoms on January 29th. She was then hospitalized for nearly a month where she underwent a long series of tests as doctors were looking for the cause of her pain. During this time, Fadil told her brother and lawyer that she feared she had been poisoned.
After her death, it was revealed that she was probably poisoned by a “very strange” cocktail of radioactive elements that caused the progressive deterioration of her internal organs. These elements are not freely available to the general public.
This ANSA article gives greater details from prosecutor Francesco Greco as to the heavy metals found in Fadil’s body that inevitably led to her death:
Greco said that tests on biological liquids had shown above-normal levels of antimony and cadmium, and the prosecutors were awaiting definitive autopsy results. The antimony levels were almost three times normal and the cadmium was almost seven times higher than the normal range, Greco said. Partial results from a test have also confirmed the presence of radioactive elements in her body.
The difficulty the general public has in accessing these heavy metals leads to the conclusion that not only was this poisoning a clearly planned-out and intentional act by the powerful and well-connected, but that the particularly painful form of death that it brings about is likely a message to all other would-be whistleblowers to stay silent or suffer similarly gruesome consequences.
The Strength Of Her Convictions
There is currently no direct proof that Berlusconi ordered the poisoning of Imane Fadil. But as many who have brushed with these Satanic practices will tell you, these dark practices are among the most heavily-guarded secrets of the world’s elite, and they will stop at nothing in an attempt to keep them hidden from public view. As you can see in the interview below, people who are first introduced to this world only get to see and know more about these practices the more deeply they get involved in them and therefore become compromised. Those who are not tainted and make the effort to piece together and reveal what they have seen regarding signs of Satanic practice are not believed, slandered, threatened, and marginalized. Few have the stomach to pursue this lonely crusade.
Imane Fadil appears to be one of those rare people who not only resisted the temptation to compromise herself to get what she wanted, but seemed to be willing to risk her own safety and reputation to reveal practices she considered to be wrong. It is perhaps the strength of her convictions, and the ongoing threat they posed to a rich and powerful man like Berlusconi, that actually led to her being poisoned.
Berlusconi’s statement that came after news of Fadil’s death is curious: “It is always sad when a young person dies. However, I never met her this person.” This kind of denial, regarding someone he actually was known to have invited to his house party and was also a key witness in a conviction against him, suggests that Berlusconi is of the mind that with enough denial, enough money thrown at people, and enough people in high places to ultimately protect him, he will never have to pay for the crimes he has committed.
Certainly, the way things have worked out for him in the past bears this out. However, times are changing, and we may yet come to know what Imane Fadil was attempting to reveal about Berlusconi.
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Fadil’s Last Interview
Fadil’s last known interview, given to the Italian newspaper Il Fatto Quotidiano on April 2018, confirms some of the details about Fadil’s belief that Berlusconi’s “Bunga Bunga” parties, billed as a burlesque show, was just the outer layer of more Satanic practices that went on. It also shows how someone who was not yet tainted by these practices does not get to see them, but is left to deduce what is going on by observation and, in this case, in trusting her highly intuitive perception.
Imane Fadil, a model of Moroccan origin, was just over 25 years old when she was invited for the first time to Arcore, the home of Berlusconi, in 2011. She participated in eight “elegant dinners” and during some of these, according to her, she saw everything: The girls, the stripteases, and the “Bunga Bunga” parties. She then stopped attending and went to the public prosecutor’s office to reveal everything she had seen, complete with names and surnames. The result? Photographers, interviews, headlines, lawsuits. Today, Imane is 33 years old and she is about to finish a book that will reveal everything you need to know about Berlusconi.
Today, after a few years, how do you remember that whole affair?
It was a devastating thing, impossible to describe. At first I was alone against everyone, nobody believed my version.What did everyone think?
That I was telling those things because I wanted money and success.And how was it?
I used to go to Arcore because I hoped it would be enough to get into that circle and get a job (in television). Then, I understood what was truly happening and I spoke up.Were you defamed at that time?
Yes, by all. The first was Emilio Fede. But then I sued him and they condemned him, now there’s the appeal. He also sued me, but his case was dismissed because I said the truth and he didn’t.(…)
Your ugliest memory?
The last night I went there, there were all these naked girls dancing. One of them was laying on the ground and was wearing only a loincloth and she was shaking desperately, staring at me. Her eyes seemed to say: “Don’t judge me, help me!” A terrifying memory.Have you ever witnessed explicit scenes?
No, I did not.And who told you this happened?
Well, the last night a girl came to me and told me: “Look, to get something you have to do something more.” And I understood everything. Until that moment I had hoped I would never be asked for such a thing.Now you are writing a book. Why?
Because I want to tell everything. This is not limited to a powerful man who had girls. There is much more to this story, much more serious things.Explain.
It’s not easy to tell, it will be the first time I do it. But the time has come.Please go ahead.
This gentleman is part of a sect that invokes the devil. Yes, I know I’m saying something strong, but it is true. And many others know this.They know what?
That continuous obscenities happened in that house. A sort of sect, made up of only women, dozens and dozens of complicit females.Did you see these rituals?
Let’s say I have many clues. In that room where Bunga Bunga was held there was a small room with clothes, all the same, like tunics, about twenty or thirty. What were they for? And then there was another small underground room with a swimming pool, with another room next to it, totally dark, without any light. An underground pool and a room without lights? Why?Weak clues. It could be a relaxation area. Is it a fact that you have not seen any actual Satanic rituals or anything like that?
Look, I’ve seen worse. Things that are difficult to explain briefly.Please try.
I saw strange, sinister presences. I’ve been a psychic since I was a child due to my father being was sanctified. And I tell you that, in that house, there are disturbing presences. There’s evil in there, I’ve seen it, there’s Lucifer.Do you know that saying such things could be perceived as crazy?
Of course I know, but I don’t care what people will say. I never said anything because I had no evidence. Now I have it.Do you have proof? Please show it.
No, not yet, I’ll do it later. I just have to finish this book. And then the world will know.– Il Fatto Quotidiano, Imane Fadil: “Le notti di Bunga Bunga a casa di Berlusconi. Ad Arcore una setta di Satana con tuniche e riti” (translation from Italian provided by the same Vigilant Citizen article)
The Takeaway
We are entering a time in our history in which all that has been dark and hidden for centuries, even millennia, is coming to the surface. This is coinciding with the surfacing of our own dark, hidden feelings that we inevitably need to confront. Let’s not resist this crucial stage in our awakening process, and be open to these difficult revelations both inwardly and outwardly. That way, the courageous efforts of people like Imane Fadil are not in vain.
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About The Author
Stillness in the Storm Editor: Why did we post this?
Various historians, insiders, and whistleblowers claim that dark occult groups and forces have long controlled the planet and shaped its history. The preceding video offers some of this history in an effort to substantiate the notion of a powerful group working behind the scenes, sometimes called the Illuminati, the Deep State, the Order of the Black Sun, and so on. Properly identifying causes in reality is essential so as to lead a fulfilling life and work constructively to improve the world around you. We need accurate and complete knowledge. With this knowledge in hand, an individual can contend with the realities of malevolence, which will inexorably lead to an activation of the truth-seeking and freedom craving urges.
– Justin
Not sure how to make sense of this? Want to learn how to discern like a pro? Read this essential guide to discernment, analysis of claims, and understanding the truth in a world of deception: 4 Key Steps of Discernment – Advanced Truth-Seeking Tools.
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Thank u and awesome work!!! Xoxo
They are living in a Fool’s Dream.
The Satanic Party will not last Forever.
There is No Escaping God.