(Arjun Walia) If there is one thing that’s glaringly obvious, it’s that Unidentified Flying Objects (UFOs), or Unidentified Ariel phenomenon, are real. This is evident by hundreds of military encounters that have been documented for decades. Complimenting these encounters is a plethora of radar tracking data, photographs, and videos.
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by Arjun Walia, May 25th, 2019
Although once deemed a “conspiracy theory,” similar to how mass surveillance was until that was exposed by NSA whistleblower Edward Snowden, that’s not the case anymore.
This in large part came from all of the activists in the field sharing information about UFOs in a very credible manner. It also came from recent happenings within the mainstream, when major mouthpieces for the establishment like The New York Times and Washington Post covered the topic of UFOs.
One of the writers of those pieces was Christopher Mellon, who served 30 years in the federal government and was Deputy Assistant Defense Secretary for Intelligence from 1997 to 2002 and in security and information operations from 1998 to 1999. From 2002 to 2004, he was Minority Staff Director of the Senate Select Committee on Intelligence under Sen. John Rockefeller IV (D-W.Va.).
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Mellon’s Washington post article detailed a number of UFO encounters with the military with extreme credibility. But again, this isn’t new information. In the 1950s, President Harry Truman went on national television announcing to the world that UFOs are real, and that they discuss the topic at every conference that they have with the military, that “there’s always things like that going on, flying saucers and they’ve had other things.” (source)
The secrecy wrapped around this subject has been active for more than 100 years.
In Mellon’s latest article for The Hill, Mellon states that:
Congress need do at this juncture is require the secretary of Defense and the director of national intelligence to review the UAP issue and deliver a report providing a comprehensive assessment. This report should include not only an estimate of the situation but a description of the structure and processes required to ensure effective collection and analysis going forward.
He goes on to stress the importance of further study of what’s going on here, hinting that they could be Russian objects, which in my opinion is a ridiculous assumption. He also hints to the fact that they could be extraterrestrial by stating that:
If UAPs turn out to be toys of Elon Musk’s making, we’ll all breathe a sigh of relief. If they are Russian, we’ll be glad we took action now rather than kicking the can down the road. If we learn that someone else’s more advanced version of our Voyager spacecraft has reached Earth, then this humble measure will forever transform our understanding of the universe and man’s place within it.
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What’s Fishy About Mainstream Coverage of UFOs
Mellon is one of hundreds of “high-ranking” people who have been outspoken about this phenomenon. He’s even part of the team at To The Stars Academy, which was started by former Blink 182 Rockstar to bring the truth about UFOs into the mainstream in a credible way. On that team is a very impressive list of people including Steve Justice, the recently retired Director of the Aerospace division at Lockheed Martin.
In a quote on their website, he basically alludes to the point that these UFOs have been ‘collected’ somehow, which is evident by him stating that “we need to harvest these technologies from the Science Division to realize that capability.”
“This is a concept for an international point-to-point transportation craft that will erase the current travel limits of distance and time. It mimics the capabilities observed in unidentified aerial phenomenon by employing a drive system that alters space-time metric. We have glimpses of how the physics of this works, but we need to harvest technologies from the Science Division to ‘realize’ the capability.” – Steve Justice, Aerospace Division Director
Now, the reason why mainstream disclosure is so fishy is because we already have a a plethora of extremely credible sources emphasizing that we already know many of these objects are extraterrestrial. Take Norman Bergrun, for example, a mechanical engineer who has worked for Ames Research Laboratory, NACA (National Advisory Committee for Aeronautics), and Lockheed Missiles and Space Company (now known as Lockheed Martin). He then went on to found Bergrun Engineering and Research. When he talked about extraterrestrials, I listened. As explained in the article linked, he spoke of numerous encounters with UFOs, and even extraterrestrials that the government has had, and that these objects are known to be real within various circles.
Mellon never addressed that or how, as Paul Hellyer, former Canadian Defence Minister stated, the official policy is to “shoot first and ask questions after.” (source)
Not long ago, Dr. David Clarke, an investigative journalist, reader and lecturer at Sheffield Hallam University in England who was also the curator for The National Archives UFO project from 2008–13, uncovered documents showing how British intelligence has been desperate to ‘take down’ these objects and figure out how they work. You can read more about that here.
Evidence proving that objects have been successfully taken down is a completely different subject, but as Edgar Mitchell (Apollo 14) told the world, “yes there have been crashed crafts, and bodies recovered.” (source)
Furthermore, government disclosure has always been subject to deception and misinformation, often being used in some manner to ‘trick’ the population into justifying a specific solution or action step. Are UFOs going to be the same thing? Is mainstream UFO disclosure something for us to be wary of and take with a grain of salt?
All important things to think about, for sure.
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The Takeaway
The disclosure of a reality that’s been hidden from us throughout all of history would be huge. It would leave no aspect of humanity untouched, have huge implications, and really open up pandora’s box. There are a lot of questions to be answered, and a lot of information is still going unacknowledged by these mainstream articles. However, so far they’ve done a decent job of bringing it out in a credible way, but where do they want to take it? If these objects present some sort of “threat,” a narrative that also seems to be common amongst recent mainstream UFO disclosure, are they simply going to use that to justify the weaponization of space? There are so many questions. Although some of them could pose a threat, if you’ve looked into this topic, it seems that these objects are harmless and have probably been around longer than we have. If any type of doomsday scenario was going to occur, it probably would have already happened.
About The Author
Stillness in the Storm Editor: Why did we post this?
Unidentified Flying Objects or UFOs have captivated people for decades. The policy of investigative bodies has been to cover up legitimate reports and encounters. Despite officialdom’s mandate to suppress the truth, reports, anecdotal accounts, and declassified documents continue to spark the curiosity of those who take these things seriously. The preceding information provides food for thought regarding the reality of UFOs and what they might mean. This information is beneficial to consider because it expands ones thinking via the exploration of mystery. A mind captivated by mystery has the power to make leaps and bounds in soul growth, due to the powerful urge to seek the truth resulting in changes to the substructures of being. Thus, a mystery is arguably the best activator for the individual, quickening the mind and stimulating the soul. This information also helps dispel the false reality pushed by the Deep State, which is critically important for the activation of the freedom and justice urges.
– Justin
Not sure how to make sense of this? Want to learn how to discern like a pro? Read this essential guide to discernment, analysis of claims, and understanding the truth in a world of deception: 4 Key Steps of Discernment – Advanced Truth-Seeking Tools.
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