(Peter A. Kirby) We have passed another major turning point in our noble anti-geoengineering movement. Chalk up another huge ‘W’ for Dane Wigington at GeoengineeringWatch.org. The man is on a tear.
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by Peter A. Kirby,
On the 16th of last month, Dane published an interview with a retired U.S. Air Force Major General named Richard H. Roellig. Major General Roellig expressed that he is aware of and concerned about the current, ongoing large-scale uncontrolled climate geoengineering experiments.
Outdoing even this, on the 21st of last month, Dane posted an interview with a former employee of the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) named Michael Davis. Mr. Davis is an expert who has firsthand knowledge of the hard scientific evidence proving that we are being sprayed with massively destructive substances that work synergistically with the so-called ‘fluoride’ in our drinking water to make us die and ruin our planet.
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Davis expounds upon the abject cowardice and selfishness of the legions of chair-warmers at the EPA who are willing to watch the world burn so that they may receive a big paycheck. People like that are anathema to a healthy and prosperous society. Television controls their minds. The corporate superstate is their mother and father. Complimenting Davis’ revelations, Wigington breaks protocol and names names of people in important positions of power who are fully aware of the geoengineering situation, but do nothing about it. Listen to the tension in their voices and how carefully they choose their words. They are both fully aware of just how crucial this information is.
I don’t want to hear any more complaints about cuts to the EPA’s budget. The EPA does not protect us. They protect the corporate establishment and make sure that the citizen is effectively murdered. The entire agency should be abolished.
Buy Book Chemtrails, HAARP, and the Full Spectrum Dominance of Planet Earth
I’m so glad I never ever said a bad word about Dane Wigington. I’ve heard lots of them spoken about him to me by fellow anti-geoengineering activists; people I trust and respect. There may still be some validity to what they say, but the proof is in the pudding. My response to criticism of the man has always been to say that the bottom line is that he is doing good work by raising awareness. Before I cancelled my account, I criticized Alex Jones on Twitter for only ever having Dane as a guest to the exclusion of all other anti-geoengineering activists, but that was a criticism of Jones only, not Wigington. And everybody knows Alex Jones is an asshole anyway, so who cares?
I’m kind of jealous to tell you the truth. Don’t worry, though, my upcoming essay “Chemtrails Exposed: The Deep State and the New Manhattan Project” is on track and poised to be the definitive work exposing exactly WHO is currently responsible for this wholesale, industrial strength wrecking of our environment. Brennan’s disclosure at Pratt House was particularly telling. God willing, the article will be made available before the end of the year.
Peter A. Kirby is a San Rafael, CA researcher, writer, and activist. His comprehensive exposé “Chemtrails Exposed: A New Manhattan Project” is available from Amazon.com here.
Also, one may subscribe to his email list at his website peterakirby.com.
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