I was researching the electric universe and Tesla when I came across this very intriguing deciphering of Egyptian Hieroglyphs.
A team of researchers at God Electric supposed some pictographs depicted throughout ancient Egypt are in fact referring to electrical phenomena. This is done with such a high degree of precision that it seems all but certain the Egyptians had profound knowledge of how our universe works; much more so than in academic physicists today.
This land in ancient times was known as the Kemet, ‘the black land’. The lost science of Alchemy is the study of the universe in it’s three fold manifestation of substance, thought and spirit. These ancient peoples employed a system of encoding knowledge symbolically, a more effective way of initiating consciousness into the mysteries of existence.
Related The Theory and Practice of Alchemy – “it is the process of increasing and improving that which already exists”
Related Transmuting The Symbols Of Fear Into Love | Symbolism is the Language of the Mysteries
Since egyptology and modern archeology emerged out of schools of thought divorced from this symbolic system of imparting knowledge, many of the ancient symbols have lost their meaning. Furthermore, a pictograph has the ability to encode multiple meanings within a single image, which is difficult for contemporary academy to recognize because modern schools of thought are focused on singular interpretations. In other words a pictograph has only one meaning, according to modern egyptologist, which the ancients would have found to be narrow minded and obtuse.
Errors in Modern Cosmology
In contemporary Cosmology, it is theorized that all the interactions of the very large, planets, stars, nebula, galaxies, galaxy clusters and so on, are all a product of gravitation only. All electrical explanations have been discarded on the basis that electrical forces only work at very short distances. This bias towards gravitation being the only viable explanation has created a host of skewed and erroneous theories to explain gaps in our understanding of how the universe works.
For example, the visible universe (what we can actually see in telescopes) appears to be expanding much faster then what was expected. Additionally, if the universe is only what is visible, then it should have expanded much more then it has, suggesting that a great deal of the stuff out there is invisible or dark.
Looking only to gravity for an explanation creates a few very big problems. There must be some other force or matter out there affecting the visible universe – is what scientists thought. Gravity-centric astronomers decided to invent a new type of matter and energy to explain what was observed; Dark Matter and Energy. These are spoken of in the media as if they are real things, but they are only mathematic abstractions, created to ‘fix’ the gravitation only problem. Now there are even several scientists using massive devices like the Large Hadron Collider at CERN to try and find these imaginary phenomena; failing to do so of course.
All of this to an Electric Universe researcher is unnecessary. Instead of creating adhoc solutions to fix narrow minded theories, one simply needs rethink the theory and apply the forces of electromagnetism to the very large. When one does so, some of the seemingly peculiar interactions of outer space are easily explained as electrical phenomenon.
A physicist and researcher in the early 20th century reviewed all of the scientific record at the time, weeding out errors and developing a unified and verified theory of everything. Dewey B Larson named it Reciprocal Systems theory, which has unfolded many of the Electric Universe axioms to explain nearly all the observed phenomena of Cosmology.
The Ancients Had Advanced Knowledge
Considering how profoundly society has advanced in the past 250 years (under a materialist philosophy), it stands to reason that ancient Egypt, which existed for at least 2000 years (using conservative estimates) most likely had an extremely advanced understanding of physics and metaphysics (under a consciousness philosophy). If this is true, it provides a much more plausible explanation for how the pyramids were built and even what they might have been used for.
Related Pyramid Power: Harnessing the Energetic Fields of Pyramids
The following is an Electric Universe overview followed by the list of decoded hieroglyphs. After reviewing the Electric Universe, data it should help one understand why the team chose the meanings they did for the symbols analyzed.
If this interpretation is correct, then we would do well to humble ourselves upon realizing how advanced ancient cultures really were. And hopefully this will help humanity as a whole let go of all the erroneous beliefs that hold back true progress and the development of an ethical and sustainable civilization.
Related Cosmic Disclosure Episode 9: Electric Sun – Summary and Analysis | Corey Goode and David Wilcock
The Electric Universe
The Electric Universe theory highlights the importance of electricity throughout the Universe. It is based on the recognition of existing natural electrical phenomena (eg. lightning, St Elmo’s Fire), and the known properties of plasmas (ionized “gases”) which make up 99.999% of the visible universe, and react strongly to electro-magnetic fields. Much of the material considered by the Electric Universe is peer-reviewed, but not all (see Speculative Theories, below).
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Terrestrial lightning |
Terrestrial Electricity
Terrestrial electricity is often seen in Atmospheric electricity such as lightning and the aurora, and also appears in St Elmo’s fire, and upper atmosphere phenomena such as red sprites, blue jets, elves and tigers. It is estimated to be over 8 million lightning strikes per day, each carrying an average of 30kAmps. [1]
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Electric space |
Electricity in Space
Electricity is common throughout the universe, generated by all cosmic plasma as it moves through magnetic fields. Peer reviewed papers describe electricity in the Sun, and associated with the interplanetary medium (solar wind), planets and their satellites, comets, in interstellar space, other stars, and intergalactic space. See: electricity throughout the Universe
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Sun: solar flares |
Importance of Plasma
99.999% of the visible universe is a plasma, and all moving plasmas produced their own magnetic field and electric currents. For example, the Sun (and stars) produce current loops in solar flares, and currents flow thought extragalactic jets spanning many parsecs.
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Heliospheric current sheet |
Space Plasmas
Although outer space is a vacuum, it is permeated with the plasma of the Solar “Wind”. This interacts with Sun’s magnetic field, producing the heliospheric current sheet which carries about 3×109amperes through our own Solar System. The galactic counterpart is estimated to carry of 1017 – 1019Amps. The heliospheric current sheet is the largest coherent structure in our Solar System.
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Galaxy simulation |
Laboratory Science
Plasmas are strongly influenced by electro-magnetic forces. A laboratory simulation of two interacting electric “Birkeland” currents, models many characteristics of galaxy formation. The Electric Universe is based on the known properties of plasmas, in preference to unproven theoretical physics, and consequently does not require black holes, dark matter and dark energy, neutron stars and the Big Bang.
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Crater on Saturn’s moon, Mimas |
Speculative Theories
More speculative aspects of the Electric Universe theory argue that some planetary features, such as craters are produced by cosmic mega-lightning electrical scarring rather than impacts with meteorites. It is also suggested that the Sun and stars are powered externally electrically (see the Electric Sun theory), and the behavior of comets is due to their interaction with electrified interplanetary plasma (see comet: Interaction with interplanetary medium)
The hieroglyphs are not phonetic, and thus were never deciphered by Thomas Young or Jean-François Champollion.
In 2013 GodElectric made a breakthrough successfully deciphering Electricity, Magnetism, Gravity and other principle components of the Universe as the foundation of the Ancient Egyptian Hieroglyphs.
Egyptian hieroglyphs are pictograms, special characteristics of the animals and plants on Earth are used to match functions and natural principles of the universe. The Gods are not Gods, but instead are anthropomorphic representations that explain an Electric Universe. The females Amentet, Isis, Nut, Maat, Hathor, Mut, Nephthys represent the circuitry and electric nourishment of the Universe, while the males Horus, Shu, Thoth, Anubis, Bes, Khepri, Osiris are predominantly the protective elements, dimensions and forces. Egyptology thus provides a unified theory of everything and shows how the Universe with its current cosmology exists through love.
Mainstream science largely ignores electricity and uses gravity to explain the processes of the Universe, this leads to the creation of mathematical assumptions such as dark matter, dark energy and black holes. The Egyptian hieroglyphs explain that this is not true, because the universe and the stars are Electric. To find out more start with the Egyptology drop down above and begin by clicking Aker, Ra or Horus and viewing the papyrus Book of the Suns Electric Field.
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An example of a Binary Star : Butterfly Nebula M2-9 alongside the Wing of Egypt. |
• Positive Charge / Anode
Previously defined as God or basket, this hieroglyph actually means ‘positive charge’. The pendant to the right demonstrates how the Sun is connected electrically. Kheprer the Scarab Beetle is shown supported by the ‘many positive charges’, or positive anodes meaning the stars, focusing his wing towards the Sun, explained by the hieroglyphs as the ‘Suns collector of projected push pull or longitudinal energy’.
• Negative Charge / Cathode
Sun Cartouche
• Capacitor
• Video Presentation of the Hieroglyphs that explain an Electric Cosmos.
• Ankh
Lintel from Karnak showing the Electrical Environment of Gods Planet above and a Water Planet like Earth below.
Proof that the hieroglyphs are not phonetic can be seen in Temples, such as the Lintel from Karnak above where ancient text is written from the centre outwards, and because they are pictograms it carries the same meaning whether read forward or backwards.
Decipherment by Timothy Williams now available at Hieroglyphs.info.
Negative Charge / Cathode (Bread) – An anion (-), from the Greek word “up“, is an ion with more electrons than protons, giving it a net negative charge, like electron.

There is no hieroglyph for a neutral charge or neutrino. The capacitor action of celestial bodies in space and their ability to store charge is explained in further detail by Nephthys.

Electricity was also a familiar concept to the Ancient Egyptian, who chose the Ostrich Feather when making feather dusters. Ostrich feathers are impractical for use as a fan, but make very effective dusters because of their intrinsic ability to hold electrostatic charge. The duster works because opposite charges attract, allowing for the collection of dust particles, the Ostrich feather has a tip that bends over under the weight of collected material and therefore is deciphered to mean a ‘collector‘.

The symbol of a wing made of feathers joining to a star can be seen in the records of ancient cultures residing in various regions of South America as well as Australia. It represents how the the Sun and its flight is powered by collecting charge. An example of this is shown by placing the Butterfly Nebula M2-9 with its visible glow discharge alongside the Wing of Egypt.

The electric nature of birds and their anatomy explain the founding principles of electric Stars, this concept is explained in further detail by Horus.

Plasma is the 4th state of matter after gases, made up of free electrons and ions, or positive and negative charges plasma is a conductor of electricity.

Plasma Pinch (Pinched Rectangle) – Type of plasma confinement that uses an electrical current in the plasma to generate a magnetic field that compresses it. Known as the Z-pinch because of the direction of current flow in the Z axis, it allows the formation of stars to occur in an Electric Universe and is further described by Sobek.

Support Life (Ankh) – The cross means life and the loop is the support. Whatever is shown inside or through the loop is an aspect of the Electric Universe supporting life. The Ankh shown below is an example, it shows Khepri supporting the stars, describing the electric current of the cosmos supporting life.

Weak Electric Field – The Quail is a migratory bird from the Phasianidae family, and therefore uses the electric field for navigating the Earth.

Projector (Open Mouth) – Mouths are primarily used to project sound, therefore this hieroglyph means projector.

When there are many snakes with the expanded hoods atop of the plasma rectangle it has the meaning of a high energy plasma event or supernovae explosion, the most powerful force in the universe and described by Amun where the energy released is an attribute of the Suns power.

Absorption (Cobra) – The opposite of ejection is absorption. The snake is normally encircling the surface of the sun as the corona which absorbs energy from the cosmos, as explained by Ra. The snake is shown spread out in the resting position, as a cold blooded ectotherm animal it defines absorption because it uses external sources of heat to control body temperature. These high stages of ionisation at the Corona indicate a plasma temperature in excess of 1,000,000 kelvin, much hotter than the surface of the sun.

Deposit (Slug) – An animal that deposits moisture, and therefore meaning cloud or water vapour. [Can be used near double layers of the Sun which requires further investigation]

Wave (Wave) – Vibration/Oscillation through a medium which can be electrical. Ancients would have seen waves and understood a picture of a series of waves to mean frequency rather than water. To describe water they use the duck.

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Spiritual Connection to the Cosmos from the Cassell’s Illustrated Family Bible |

Seeking The owl has extraordinary eyesight and widely believed to have the best night vision in the animal kingdom, very efficient at collecting and processing light. In fact, the eyes are so well developed, that they are not eye balls as such, but elongated tubes fixed to the head. The owl must rotate its head in order to see and has 70° binocular vision.
In owls, the fovea is on the upper part of the retina, so things below the owl appear exceptionally clear. This helps them hunt on the ground. When owls close their eyes half way, they block out the sky and some of the sunlight, but can still see the ground below perfectly.
The serrated wing feathers of the Owl enable near-silent flight because they distribute air rushing over the wing into small vortices, reducing turbulence. They also have extremely accurate directional hearing.
The Owl as part of Ammits name describe the ability for a star to ‘seek’ negative charge. Stars are only tiny sparks in the immensity of space. For example, at a scale of one inch to one astronomical unit (the distance of the Earth from the Sun), the nearest star would be four miles away and the Sun would be the size of a dust mote, about a hundredth of an inch.
Propagation – Egg is a symbol of fertility and creation.
Operate (Arm) – The arms are how objects are operated.
Attribute – Possibly meaning interstellar or smaller order attribute.
Attribute – Possibly meaning intergalactic or greater order attribute.
Attribute of the Sun – Horus
Attribute of Suns Power – Amun
Attribute of Collector – Maat
Heliosphere – Hathor is the Heliosphere or electric field enclosure.
Electric Force (Hand) – Hands are used to indicate the direction and behaviour of the Electric Force. For example the Electric Force of the Sun is displayed by Aten and Ra.
Large Absorption – Apep
Stationary Electric Force – Horus indicates the Electric Force
Electrostatic – Folded cloth generates electrostatics. Gravity is radially oriented electrostatic dipoles as shown by Bes.
Capacitor – Negative charge within an enclosure supporting a positive charge. Both the Earth and Sun are described by the hieroglyphs as spherical self repairing capacitors, see Nephthys

Djed Column (Dielectric) – The Djed Column is the Dielectric Insulator, the insulating medium that exists between the two plates of a capacitor where the ‘Regenerative Power’ is stored in an electric field.
Surplus Charge Store – creator of pots – see Khnum
Record – papyrus.
Record – papyrus.
Tyet – Knot of Isis – The Tyet represents the circuit of the cosmos supporting all the Ankhs and thus life in the cosmos, this electricity is provided by Isis along the structured plasma of the cosmos.
Watching / Vision – Osiris
Shield – The Ram only knocks head once and it holds a defensive stance, electrically it is representative of a shield for the entire planet. The straight horns symbolize a defensive, non aggressive shielding nature. Khnum
Diamagnetism – A Frog is an animal that can levitate in a magnetic field, its gravitational force is compensated on the level of individual atoms and molecules. In a similar way to magnets pushing away from each other if you bring together two like poles, for example, two North or two South poles they will repel each other. In a large magnetic field of up to 16T, all the atoms inside the frog act as very small magnets creating a field levitating the frog. The frog has built up tiny magnets all of which are repelled by the large magnet. This force which acts on every single atom of the frog is directed upwards and appears to be strong enough to compensate the force of gravity (directed downwards). So the frog’s atoms do not feel any force at all and the frog floats. It also explains how thousand tonne hard stones are moved hundreds of kilometres from their quarry sites. Seshat
Seshat Emblem – Canopy Height – Magnetic Field Strength (Seshat).

Stability – This is how Egyptians would have stabilized items they carry on their head. Therefore this hieroglyph represents electrical stability.
Received Power – For example the Jury are all holding Sceptres in the Book of the Dead. This is now accurately deciphered as the Book of the Suns Electric Field and the Sceptre indicates the procession of negative charge toward the Sun.
Projected Power – Sekhem is the word for power, and the Sekhem Scepter is described by Sekhmet as projected power.
Inscribing using Projected Electricity
[Freq of Sun?] Not yet deciphered. Desert Hares have large ears primarily for funnelling sound to aid in their survival, the hot desert environment allows the hare to support such a large surface area for their ears which is also used for heat dissipation. [[[Sun dynamics the funnelled wave from the plasma wing removes CME – “cut the head off a snake with a feather controlled by a hare” – the opposite of the lions roar magnification is the desert hares ears funnelling sound like a radar dish.]]]
… Land
Glow Discharge – Can be used to describe lightning.
? – Atum.
? – Anubis is shown on the surface of the hieroglyph.
Charge Store
Electricity Supporting Life – Explained by Nefertum.
Alternating Current – Alternating current in space functions like a lung and is what drives filamentary lighting and stars. Nikola Tesla
Star System (Cow Leg) – Resonant and connected by a plasma link, like an arm of the milky way often drawn with 6 stars inside the arm. If the arm is cut off the whole cow dies. The rear legs are the outer galaxy, and the front legs the inner galaxy.
Galaxy (Hesat the Cow) – The creator of electrical nourishment. The Ancients use milk and its creation as a metaphor for describing electricity in space and the function of the Milky Way Galaxy. Neith, Nut, Hathor, Serket and Isis provide the electrical connections in space, allowing current to flow. Because of this their breasts are normally shown exposed to represent the nourishment or supply of electricity to planets and stars within the Galaxy. The Cow is normally drawn with stars on its belly, with its four legs being the pillars that keep the cow alive, should one leg be removed the whole cow will die. The horns are present on the cow because the hieroglyphs describe a Galactic Heliosphere or electric field enclosure, also the cow is often positioned inside the hieroglyph symbol for a bipolar magnetic field.
Inner Galaxy (Hedjet) – Relative to Earths position it is the inner galactic circuit.
Outer Galaxy (Deshret) – Relative to Earths position it is the outer galactic circuit.
Cyclone (Set) – Cyclone. The Anteater uses its long nose to suck air from the ground upwards, like the up-draft of a cyclone or typhoon…Set

Sobek (Crocodile) – Worlds strongest bite, largest pinch force in the Electric Universe. See Sobek
Sew Charge (Hoe) – To plant.
Aether (Wheat) – Archaeological research indicates that Wheat was being farmed in Egypt’s Nile Valley since before 5,000 B.C. The Wheat plant is shown at different stages of maturity likely to indicate the different energy densities of the Aether. The Fields of the Duat or Aaru depict Wheat fields being harvested showing how energy is supplied to celestial bodies powering planets, stars and galaxies.
Tesla said that the Aether could be “conceived as lines or tubes of force”, creating greater ease of movement in one direction than the other. This is analogous to the tubular stem of the Wheat Plant, whereby if you run your hand up and down the plant you will experience a friction to movement in one direction greater than the other. Tesla also said that the Aether “behaves as a fluid to solid bodies, and as a solid to light and heat”. Again this would be analogous to a field of Wheat, behaving like a fluid to solid bodies that brush through the field, and as a solid to light which are absorbed by the Wheat plant. For this reason the Wheat hieroglyph symbolizes the Aether and its different energy densities.
Energy – Grain used to define energy, (like the energy projected from stars)
Bee (Makes honey from wheat, mechano-reception ).. Pollination
Flail (Flail) – Like whip used on Cow to make it plough. Vulture and Falcon/Osiris carry flail to whip the cow. Imagine the milky way travelling through space, being whipped by Osiris (cosmic grid) in the universe to keep moving …
Guide – How Shepherd guide their Sheep. See Osiris
Pyramid – Electric discharge point on the Earths crust described by Anuket, Sopdu and Sopdet.
Hieroglyph Y3 – Supporting a charge store and its electrostatic resonance using projected power. The pot is shown with a loop with the sceptre through it, showing that a charge store is supported by projected power.
Gift Pyramid
Offer Charge (Offering a pot) The pot is a charge store, or discrete unit of charge and the arm is to operate. This therefore is an offering of Charge.
Electrostatic Negative Charge Collector This is not an emblem of the West. It describes the action of the weak electric field that powers the Sun shown by Amentet.
Hi , The blog post is awesome to read and will follow up with more post
This page is a copy of GodElectric.org, and is not associated with electric universe thunderbolts which is now a trademark. God Electric is the homepage of Tim Williams and no where on that website has it ever made the claim ancient humans could read or understand the knowledge contained in hieroglyphs. To read it you need to understand the advance science of the plants and animals which we are only just today, beginning to comprehend. GodElectric.org is true physics and not myth. And it was given by the Holy Spirit for true love which was taken from me.
Much love and thank you.