(Adam Sanchez) You don’t have to study the stars to see the intensity of emotion, passion, and fiery belief surrounding the US Election day on November 3rd.
Related Trump and the 2020 Election: What Does the Astrology Say?
by Adam Sanchez, October 26th, 2020
With more than enough to consider from an astrological perspective, we are sure to be in for a wild ride. Though like many of the mystical arts and sciences, so much of the outcome depends on the input, and the power of how we choose to interact with these archetypal energies and frequencies is of pivotal importance.
With Mercury currently retrograding through the sky in the first 10 degrees of Scorpio (the sign of shadows and secrets) and the last 5 degrees of Libra (sign of justice), we are sure to see more justice arise out of the shadows of the American Nation collective consciousness, purging to the surface in transformative Scorpio style, and revealing more corruption from the slippery Scorpio gang of Bidens along with Hillary Clinton, who are all being highlighted this retrograde season.
This is a reincarnation of the same degrees of the last Venus retrograde in Scorpio, in 2018 when the content of Clinton’s emails (mercury ruled communications) was released through Wikileaks. Interestingly enough, the American Nation has asteroid Hades (darkest, depressive, hellish states of being) at 0° Scorpio, and so it is likely that when Mercury retrogrades and conjuncts (like an eclipse) the natal Hades of the US on October 27th, there will be a core level darkness that will rise to be cleared on that day or shortly before/after.
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Retrograde Ends on Election Day
In all astrological and populist likelihood, Trump will win the election on November 3rd, but there is a high probability—as well as political precedent—that there will be foul play or attempts to steal the election (Clinton & DNC, 2016, GWB Florida ballot recount 2000, etc.).
Astrologically, with Mercury retrograde stationing to return to direct motion on the very day of the election, the celestial timing of it all is enough to make even astrology skeptics raise an eyebrow. For instance, another timely aspect on election day is the current transiting north node in Gemini making a conjunction to the American Nation’s natal Mars placement at 21° of Gemini.
Sabian Symbol
The north node in astrology represents the trajectory of our collective soul’s path or destiny, and Mars represents drive, ambition, desire, will, and so on this pivotal day, the American Nation is poised to feel or experience a newfound drive and willingness to fulfill on the path that destiny is laying before us.
The Sabian symbol or basic archetype for 21° of airy communicative Gemini is “A Labor Demonstration,” signifying representation and the power and responsibility that accompanies stewardship of natural and material structures, or the loss of them through bluster and ill will or futility. As we can see currently playing out on the national stage, there is a cacophony of voices demanding for change, for the better or the worse, and as this aspect approaches the truth around these dilemmas and their path will become increasingly clear.
Eclipses Looming
And if there wasn’t enough intensity in the ethers yet, it’s sure to increase with the upcoming eclipse season starting with a partial lunar eclipse on November 29th/30th, and then a total solar eclipse on December 14th. Both eclipses feature in the sign of Sagittarius, where the US nation’s personality (rising sign) is expressed.
Eclipses are the most powerful energetic resetting points that we find in astrology, and with the first lunar eclipse happening only one degree away from perfect alignment with the American nation’s rising sign at 9° of Sagittarius, this indicates an energetic shifting regarding our collective identity and how our emotions relate to this sense of national self.
With the total solar eclipse happening on December 14th, at 23 degrees Sagittarius, and as this eclipse energy makes a trine to Mars in the sky, Mars is also perfectly aligned with the US nation’s natal Chiron (wounded healer) placement, signifying a destined rebooting of the wounds around the patriarchy, masculinity and self-assertion that have dimmed our truest self-expression as a nation.
Given that this is happening in the Nation’s natal 2nd house (ruler of resources), we are likely to see a change and new structure around American finances, resources etc. Stay tuned for the next article, “An Aquarian Multidimensional Solstice, the Quantum Mind and Humanity’s Liberation,” which will cover this aspect and Astrology in depth.
Jupiter Expansion
On December 21st, 2020, we have a major planetary energy shift and new cycle with the Jupiter (expansion, growth) and Saturn (duty, structure) conjunction at 0° Aquarius, on the day of the northern hemisphere winter solstice, indicating a massive change to the structures of our lives and how we grow and explore, particularly with technology, higher and multidimensional consciousness, innovation and the future.
Jupiter Conjuncts US Natal Node
On Jan 21st, transiting Jupiter conjuncts the Nation’s natal south node, at 7°Aquarius, completing associations from the past that now clean the slate, allowing for new expansion and alliances with fortuitous and fated friends and supporters.
Saturn Conjuncts US Natal Node
By February 15th, transiting Saturn conjuncts the US natal south node, integrating the experience into wisdom and learning what will move us forward on our path and proper purpose, releasing a reckoning of our past deeds and the alignment to the future from that past.
Natal Moon
On April 23rd, transiting Jupiter conjuncts the natal moon at 27° Aquarius, indicating an increase in self-confidence and satisfaction, warm, loving and expansive feelings, but its best to not give in to emotional excess which is the major potential downside with these energies.
Solar Return
And finally, on July 4th we have the Nation’s solar return and north node one degree from the US natal Uranus placement at 8° of Gemini, imbuing us with the energy needed for breaking old habits and making changes for newfound freedom and excitement.
The Revolutionary and Rebel with-a-cause Humanitarian energy of Uranus/Aquarius is rising, and so too is our Collective Consciousness. May we recognize our own Multidimensional Self as our access to our Highest potentials, and fully claim the power of thought to manifest the Magical Mind into the material.
The preceding is a Stillness in the Storm original creation. Please share freely.
About The Author
Adam Sanchez is an Astrologer/Yogi, published poet, voracious seeker, listener, and avid learner, committed to asking questions that make a difference with answers that can improve our lives.
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This article appeared first on Stillness in the Storm.
This article (Election Astrology 2020 and Beyond: What’s in the Stars for the US?) originally appeared on StillnessintheStorm.com and is free and open source. You have permission to share or republish this article in full so long as attribution to the author and stillnessinthestorm.com
Stillness in the Storm Editor: Why did we post this?
Astrology is an ancient form of psychology coupled with theology, based on the assumption that your life path and personality is influenced by the positions of the stars. In modern times, this ancient school of thought has come under much scrutiny, and rightfully so, given it has been the bastion of charlatans and scam artists. But there appears to be something real at work. Epistemologically, if a body of claimed knowledge provides predicting power, if it’s useful and pragmatic, then it suggests there’s some truth to it. Astrology is also a taxonomy—an arbitrary system of organizing phenomena for ease of use and comprehension in human life. The preceding article discusses astrology, providing food for thought about subtle influences. This information is helpful to contemplate because it is a topic of subtle and holistic connections, which is a topic close to the concept of the Creator and a creation made for a purpose. Additionally, because astrology is difficult to prove objectively, yet provides valid objective descriptions of reality, it is an excellent subject to study to expand one’s thinking and exercises holistic philosophy skills. With the ability to recognize subtle interconnected realities, one has the power to gain much wisdom and even approach Creator-consciousness if one maintains an open mind and a critical discerning eye.
– Justin
Not sure how to make sense of this? Want to learn how to discern like a pro? Read this essential guide to discernment, analysis of claims, and understanding the truth in a world of deception: 4 Key Steps of Discernment – Advanced Truth-Seeking Tools.
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