(Cara Castronuova) Retired Army Sargeant, Vietnam Veteran and January 6th detainee appeared on “Greg Kelly Reports” last night.
Related How to Mislead People About Misinformation
by Cara Castronuova, November 11th, 2021
Coffman sent us an exclusive letter from prison detailing his January 6th journey and his horrific experience in DC Jail where he is being held unconstitutionally with no bond.
The 71 year old pleaded for America’s help for himself and the other prisoners in DC Jail, saying to the audience, “We are not domestic terrorists like they are saying, we are patriots and we love America. We need your support.”
When Kelly asked him the first thing he would do when he got out of jail Coffman said- “I’m gonna get me a Mountain Dew and a smoke.”
You can find Lonnie’s crowd sourcing page here.
January 6th Prisoner Lonnie Coffman before his imprisonment at DC Jail.
See Coffman’s letter below:
To all my fellow Americans in God’s beautiful world out there,
On January 6, 2021 I was arrested and taken first to this place I can only describe as a dungeon. But Websters definition does not do it justice. It says, “A dark cell for prisoners”. That is just a start. Its dark alright. With 2 people in a cell about 5×7 with a commode, no sink, no water, and no toilet paper. If you needed a drink you had to get the guards attention and at his pleasure, he would bring you a 6oz cup of water. If you needed to poop you had to call the guard and ask for toilet paper. The guard would take a roll of toilet paper and depending on the roll size, he would roll off maybe 5 or 6 loops and he would leave. If that wasn’t enough, you had to call him back for more. The food, if you were there long enough so they felt they had to feed you, was a cold dry sandwich. The bed was a flat piece of sheet metal with no mattress or bedding of any kind. It was rather dark and the entire place was infested with huge cockroaches. I am a citizen. I am a veteran. I am a patriot. The cockroaches have infested this place so bad that at night you would feel them crawling all over you.
Luckily, I only had to spend one night there. The next day they moved me to the DC jail. Well, at least here I have a cheap plastic mattress with no bedding. I had toilet paper but I could not flush the commode. They had put me in the mental ward, and even though I am not a mental patient I must be treated like one. The mental patients would put anything in the commode to stop it up and then flush it over and over until the whole place flooded. They had put me here for their stupid 2 week quarantine. I had to use my toothbrush handle to eat with while I was here. The guards were so used to just tuning out these nuts and that was how they treated me. They almost drove me crazy because they were treating me as if I was. For 2 weeks I could not even call my family to let them know I had been arrested. Finally, I was moved out of quarantine and in here with the rest of the Jan 6ers on 23 hour/day solitary confinement, but the fun for me wasn’t over. Now I had to try to get these people to get my medication. After being off my medication for 2 weeks, I was suffering from withdrawal in some serious ways. I was taking oxycodone 15 mg four times a day, and I was being treated for depression with symbalta 60 mg a day before I was arrested. I had to get this medicine back in my system.
I spoke to a psychiatrist here and she asked me if I had ever considered suicide, and I simply said yes. Well, here we go again! The psychiatrist said protocol here is that I must be put on suicide watch for a few days. How insane can these people be? So I am traumatized again. I beg the doctor not to lock me away. Instead of doing things to make me better they are pushing me towards suicide. So for about 3 days I am put in this cell that hasn’t been cleaned after the last occupant left. There is food on the floor and food on the walls. There is only one thing in the cell, an awkward looking bed with no cover. I had to remove every stitch of clothing and put on this big heavy robe, no underwear, naked as a jaybird, and a guard at the door to watch me to make sure I didn’t figure out some way to kill myself.
After the 3 days was over, which seemed like 3 weeks, I am returned to my home unit for 23 hour/day lockdown. So now I am thinking that maybe I will get a break from all the stress and anxiety, but no. Because of the lack of a proper diet and the inability to keep myself clean due to the lockdown, it appears that I may have contracted serious skin conditions and jock itch. While these things can be uncomfortable and embarrassing, they are things I know I can deal with once I get my freedom. The food I am being forced to eat is not what I need to keep my immune system at a high enough level to resist virus and pneumonia which tend to kill elderly at a fairly high rate. The cost to the taxpayer is very high for each inmate, and is very adequate to pay for 3 meals a day that are much, much better than we receive. The greed of these contractors is the issue. All we ask is to be treated as humans. Lonnie Coffman 376190
You can help Lonnie with his legal and personal costs here.
Lonnie Coffman’s current mugshot and stats during his unconstitutional detention at DC Jail.
Coffman enjoyed writing us a letter so much that he sent a second shortly after:
Letter #2
To all my friends again out there in Gods beautiful world, my name is Lonnie Coffman, I am 71 years old, and I am being held in the DC jail after being arrested on January 6. I was supposed to go to court yesterday and as the minutes and hours passed by and no escort guard came to take me out of my cell and to court, I began to feel very low and depressed to the point of total surrender. At that point you are ready to end it all, if you only had an easy and painless way to do it. Then I found out that things were not near as bad as I first thought. The problem was a very minor one, even though I had sat there all day letting the possible problems grow inside my head. The problem was just some missing paperwork that had not been received from the court in Alabama. My court for 9/29/21 was rescheduled for 10/26/21.
One of my charges was for weapons without permits. My court being canceled just may be a blessing because today is September 30 and today the DC district court just struck down the unconstitutional gun laws. I don’t know how much it might help me, but it has to be good. Give God the glory, for he blesses us in many ways.
I want to take those who may read this back to my past. I was born at home way back in 1950. My birth was never recorded, so I never had a Birth Certificate. I was the 6th of 9 children. There were 6 girls and 3 boys.
Back to the present now and my current situation. When I came to DC on January 6 I had no idea that the cops would find any reason to seek entry into my vehicle. I parked in an area I had never parked in before. Unknowingly, I was parked right by the DNC office building. This was quite a ways, about 12 blocks from the Washington Monument which is where the rally was to be held. When I found out how far I was from the rally point, I should have went back and moved my vehicle closer, but alas, I did not. After I spent a fair amount of time at the rally, I started back to my vehicle.
On my way back, I stopped at this very small, but lovely little church building. I was only there for a couple of minutes. Little did I know at the time, but that couple of minutes had just cost me 9 months and still counting. So, I left the little church and headed on to my truck. I walked on for about 15 minutes and there was my truck, about 50 yards ahead. All I had to do was cross the intersection and walk another 120 ft, but just before I got to the intersection a police cruiser with lights and siren on came flying from out of nowhere and blocked the intersection, and would not allow vehicles or pedestrians to go any farther. I could see my truck but I couldn’t get to it. I thought to myself, there is only one officer so maybe I could walk by her but I decided not to try.
I started asking some of the other people what was going on and someone said a bomb threat had been called in to the DNC building so they had sealed off the building and my truck. If only I had not stopped to rest at that lovely little church, I would be in my truck and on my way home. I knew there were a few items in my vehicle that the police might have problems with me carrying, but I didn’t think the items were of great concern (wrong). Anyway, I decided to just wait till they cleared the bomb threat.
Lonnie Coffman (376190) CTF 1901 E St SE Washington, DC 20003
You can help Lonnie with his legal and personal costs here.
Coffman before detainment at DC Jail.
According to Mellis, the government is overcharging his friend who has a public defender and desperately wants to get out of DC Jail and back to his regular medical care at the Veterans Hospital.
According to Coffman’s Indictment papers,
“On or about January 6, 2021, within the District of Columbia, the defendant LONNIE LEROY COFFMAN knowingly possessed a firearm, namely a destructive device, that is, eleven Molotov cocktails and any combination of parts designed and intended for use in converting any device into a Molotov cocktail, not registered to him in the National Firearms Registration and Transfer Record.”
Listen to his fellow inmate Jonathan Mellis’ account of Lonnie Coffman’s case and accusations direct from DC Jail:
It is interesting to note that no suspect was ever apprehended relating to the alleged planting of the DNC or the RNC pipe bombs on January 5th that granted police the permission to search all of the vehicles in the vicinity on January 6th with no warrants.
According to an article on NPR,
While the suspect’s motive is unknown, former U.S. Capitol Police Chief Steven Sund testified before Congress that he believes that the devices were planted as a possible diversion ahead of the events the following day. “We were dealing with two pipe bombs that were specifically set right off the edge of our perimeter to, what I suspect, draw resources away,” he said in a congressional hearing. “I think there was a significant coordination with this attack.”
The FBI has since admitted no one group or person conspired to “coordinate” January 6th, so exactly who is this U.S. Capitol Police Officer referring to under oath in his statement? By the FBI’s own admission, it certainly was not Trump supporters or any protesters there that day.
“Please help us and share our story,” said Coffman. “We all need the America people to know we are not the things we have been labeled since January 6th. We are not terrorists, we are not insurrectionists…none of those things… we are Patriots and we love our country- we even sing the national anthem every night at nine o’clock and we just need the American people to know that is the truth of the matter. And we need the American people to support us.”
Listen to Lonnie and the DC January 6th Detainees sing “The Star Spangled Banner” just last night here:
Lonnie Coffman with his family before his imprisonment with no bail at DC Jail.
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