(Roy Green) President Joe Biden’s extension of the national emergency due to the Wuhan coronavirus (COVID-19) pandemic runs counter to the prevailing situation and stinks of a hidden agenda.
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by Roy Green, February 28th, 2022
Dr. Robert Malone, known as the architect of the mRNA vaccine technology, expressed this opinion as he called for an immediate end to the emergency powers first granted to then-President Donald Trump on March 20, 2020 and would continue in effect beyond March 1, 2022 as per a recent White House statement.
“There is no medical emergency, and [therefore] there is no medical justification for this [extension],” Malone told award-winning anchor Kristi Leigh during a February 24 podcast interview shown on Brighteon.com.
“They must have some other agenda. And I can only speculate what that might be,” said Malone, who represents over 17,000 physicians and scientists from all over the world as head of the International Alliance of Physicians and Medical Scientists. “But from a medical standpoint, there is no justification for continuing these emergency powers.”
Besides, Malone stressed, the government is using the Emergency Powers Act to suspend key aspects of the Constitution and the people’s rights.
To bolster his argument that the national emergency is over, Malone cited statements by Bill Gates, who has donated $10 billion to vaccines research and development, asserting in December that “at some point next year [2022], COVID-19 will become an endemic in most places.”
COVID can be treated more like seasonal flu
Gates then tweeted on Jan. 12: “Once omicron goes through a country then the rest of the year should see far fewer cases so COVID can be treated more like seasonal flu.”
Malone backed Gates’ observation.
“We are literally all vaccinated through infection and our natural immunity. I don’t think there’s hardly a person left in the United States that hasn’t either been infected with omicron, one of the prior variants or been vaccinated. The emergency is over,” Malone told Leigh. “Omicron is not delta; it is not alpha. The people that seem to be at most risks for omicron are the people that are vaccinated. So this has just got to stop.”
Although views against the vaccines are rarely, if ever, covered by mainstream media, Leigh and Malone noted that the New York Times came out with an article on February 21 headlined “The C.D.C. Isn’t Publishing Portions of the COVID Data it Collects.” (Related: CDC hides COVID data from the public in order to whitewash dishonest COVID narrative.)
For Malone, however, the NYT still found a way to bury the issue by having it publicized on Presidents’ Day.
“You know, fascinating strategy in terms of the info wars aspect here. The New York Times (NYT) dropped this on Presidents’ Day. So that’s an even better way to bury a lead than it is to drop it on Friday night. Everybody’s off celebrating Presidents Day, I guess, and, and not paying attention to the news. So that’s when they decided to disclose this bomb, this truth bomb.”
Malone also observed there were Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) scientists interviewed in the background, but none of them are willing to give their names.
CDC has been hiding a large amount of data
This means, Malone surmised, that “the CDC has been hiding a large amount of data” throughout this outbreak.
Upon scrutiny, it turns out the CDC completely “cut out all data on booster efficacy,” or risks in those aged 18 to 49.
“They just decided not to disclose these data arbitrarily. They decided to disclose the data for the elderly, and the young, but not for the critical block of 18 to 49,” Malone stressed.
According to a CDC spokeswoman, the agency was concerned that the data would be misrepresented, pointing out that it was incomplete and not verified.
For Leigh, what the NYT did is “so disrespectful to audiences,” basically saying “the audience is too stupid to figure it out.”
While Leigh looked at it through the lens of journalism, Malone looked at it through the lens of his profession as a pathologist and physician.
“The public should feel dissed because the CDC is overtly acting in a political sphere, by basically, fraudulently deleting access to data because of the political implications. That’s propaganda. And it’s scientific fraud, Malone said.
“But as a physician, and as a scientist, what this means is that public health decisions are being made with insufficient data, with edited data that’s being spun. And so you can’t have good public health policy.”
Malone believes legal consequences are in order “for what’s being done to the American public and because we are talking about lives here.”
Justifying his decision to extend the national emergency, Biden stressed the U.S. remains the world’s second worst-hit country in terms of confirmed cases with over 80 million. According to the US Health Ministry, over 51 million have recovered, and 958,300 have died.
The latest data from the CDC, however, showed declines in the number of COVID cases and deaths last week. From an average number of 120,761 cases, it’s now down to 75,208 for a 37.7 percent drop. From 2,063 daily deaths, the number went down to 1,674 for an 18.8 percent drop.
Also, most of the states are easing their restrictions and mandates. No wonder, Malone is certain Biden has a hidden intention in the national emergency extension.
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– Justin
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There are still people who prefer listening to flip flop Fauci. SMH