(Cristina Laila) Dr. Angelina Farella of America’s Frontline Doctors said children do not need the Covid-19 vaccine because they have robust immune systems and actually confer immunity to adults.
by Cristina Laila, June 2nd, 2021
Dr. Farella is a pediatrician based in Webster, Texas and member of America’s Frontline Doctors.
The doctor said not only do children have a 99.997% survivability, they act as a buffer and actually confer immunity to adults.
“Children have this very unique immune system, their system works a lot differently than adults,” Dr. Farella said in an interview with Rose Unplugged on 1320 AM WJAS. “Under the age of 14 specifically, they have this very robust immune system…that produces T cells…they have this awesome ability to make T cells to infections almost immediately.”
“Now that they have that immunity, every time they cough, they’re coughing their immunity on you,” the doctor said explaining the importance of not separating adults from small children.
“That’s why it didn’t make sense to me early on when we were closing the schools and the teachers were afraid the kids were going to bring home all kinds of diseases,” she said.
So basically everything Dr. Fauci and the CDC recommended to the public to ‘protect children and adults from Covid’ actually did more harm.
About The Author
Cristina began writing for The Gateway Pundit in 2016 and she is currently the Associate Editor.
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[…] Dr. Farella of America’s Frontline Doctors: No Covid Jabs For Kids – Children Have Robust Immune…/Stillness in the Storm […]