Five Lives Remembered was
actually the first book Dolores Cannon wrote even though it was not
published until 2009. It chronicles how she and her husband, Naval
Officer Johnny Cannon, were first introduced to past life regression and
reincarnation using hypnosis in 1968.
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Source – The Event Chronicle
They were able to take a woman back to 5 previous lifetimes all the way to the point where she was created by God. What began as an experiment crossed the boundaries of imagination to open up an entirely new way of thinking!
Five Lives Remembered by Dolores Cannon
Five Lives Remembered by Dolores Cannon
What do you do when you discover information that is before its time?
What do you do when your curiosity takes you on an adventure that is so
bizarre that there is nothing normal to relate to? This is what
happened to Dolores Cannon in 1968, long before she began her career as a
past-life hypnotherapist and regressionist. Travel back with us to that
time when the words reincarnation, past-lives, regression, walk-ins,
New Age were unknown to the general population.
This is the story of two
normal people, who accidentally stumbled across past-lives while
working with a doctor to help a patient relax. It began so innocently,
yet it crossed the boundaries of the imagination to open up an entirely
new way of thinking at a time when such a thing was unheard of. It went
totally against the belief systems of the time. It was so startling that
they should have stopped, but their curiosity demanded that they
continue to explore the unorthodox. The experiment changed the
participants and everyone involved, and their beliefs would never be the
same. The book was written in 1980, her very first book. It has laid
dormant, gathering dust, until now, waiting. Now is the time for it to
come forth. Enjoy the adventure!
Five Lives Remembered is Available on Amazon.
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