This is a fascinating post about the pineal gland and how memories are accessed via DNA.
Apparently the brain is the gateway or access point for memories, which goes hand in hand with Dan Winter and Dewey Larson’s work. Like the processor on a computer the mind reflects reality within, creating a geometry of thought that is fractal with memory patterns coming through DNA. This creates a fractal cascade which entrains the information from the ‘memory sector’ into the conscious mind. How we understand our experiences affect our ability to access this memory.
In this sense our brains and conscious minds, act like an antenna, we literally ‘tune’ it to receive memory patterns and thoughts that are already present in the mindal realm of reality, what Larson calls time-space. This concept has been popularly known as the Holographic region of the universe.
We covered this extensively in the post Precognition Explained: Science Shows How Our Body Reacts To Events Up To 10 Seconds Before They Happen.

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