(Brian Shilhavy) A federal judge in New York earlier this month (March, 2019) denied the parents of 42 healthy, non-vaccinated students, the right to attend the Green Meadow Waldorf School simply because they were not vaccinated for measles, even though no cases of measles had been reported at the school.
Related Are There “Sleeper” Vaccine-Caused Mutations That Are Deliberately Ignored?
by Brian Shilhavy, March 5th, 2019
During the same time period school officials across the country in Los Angeles sent home 50 fully vaccinated sick students at Harvard-Westlake School with the contagious whooping cough. See:
Harvard-Westlake students were vaccinated. Dozens caught whooping cough anyway
Buy Book The Peanut Allergy Epidemic, Third Edition: What’s Causing It and How to Stop It (Vaccines)
These two schools on opposite sides of the country clearly illustrate the absurdity of vaccination policy currently being espoused in the United Sates: fully healthy non-vaccinated students are denied an education, while sick, fully vaccinated students are allowed an education but then sent home because they are too sick to stay in school.
As state legislators across the U.S. are considering new laws to take away parental exemptions to childhood vaccines, the very premise being put forth to deny children a right to education is the “greater good” of public health, with the assumption that unvaccinated students present a public health crisis because of the belief that vaccines prevent diseases.
However, the facts and science behind vaccines clearly show that this belief is not valid. Vaccines are not perfect, and in fact some vaccines, such as the pertussis vaccine for whooping cough, are not even effective any more.
While this fact is not even in dispute, the pertussis vaccine for whooping cough remains in the CDC recommended childhood vaccine schedule as Big Pharma seeks to develop a new vaccine to replace it.
The current vaccine trying to be mandated across the country is the measles, mumps, and rubella (MMR) vaccine, and this vaccine has issues also.
Buy Book The HPV Vaccine On Trial: Seeking Justice For A Generation Betrayed
The Vaccine Reaction has reported that he U.S. Navy’s amphibious warship the U.S.S. Fort McHenry has been quarantined at sea for more than two months due to an outbreak of a mumps-like disease known as parotitis among its crew.
The ship’s crew is fully vaccinated with the MMR vaccine, and one of the side effects listed for the MMR vaccine is parotitis.
In addition, Merck, the pharmaceutical company that makes the MMR vaccine, has been fighting a fraud lawsuit in court for over 8 years against its own former scientists who developed the vaccine, and claim it is ineffective. See:
Merck Fighting Fraud Lawsuits in U.S. Courts on MMR and Gardasil Vaccines
As Dr. Meryl Nass recently testified before the Maine Educational Committee, diseases persist today because of vaccine failure, NOT because of unvaccinated children. See:
Medical Doctor to Maine Legislators: Diseases Persist Due to Vaccine Failure – Not Unvaccinated
Statistics analyzing these measles “outbreaks” also reveal that a significant number of those contracting measles are already vaccinated, and the MMR vaccine is a “live” vaccine that can “shed” and infect others with the vaccine-derived measles virus. See:
Fully Vaccinated Children Actually Spreading Measles – And the Government Knows It
Stay informed about efforts in your own home state to make vaccines mandatory or remove parental exemptions to vaccines by signing up for the National Vaccine Information Center Advocacy Portal.
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Stillness in the Storm Editor: Why did we post this?
The preceding information reveals the corruption, malpractice and incompetence of mainstream medical institutions and related organizations. This information is important to comprehend so as to dispel any false trust you have with these institutions—which could cost you or your loved ones their life. That said, one should be intelligent with their health choices. We are not advocating for completely abandoning all modern medical services. We are simply encouraging you not to trust the system blindly. Be sure to ask plenty of questions, get second opinions, and do your own research as much as possible. We do not live in a world where one can blindly trust any government-dependent institution. With this hard truth firmly understood, one can begin the slow process of developing their own expertise insofar as health.
– Justin
Not sure how to make sense of this? Want to learn how to discern like a pro? Read this essential guide to discernment, analysis of claims, and understanding the truth in a world of deception: 4 Key Steps of Discernment – Advanced Truth-Seeking Tools.
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Somebody is outright INSANE. If vaccinated people are getting sick the vaccines are NOT WORKING.
If ONE person gets a vaccine, say for mumps, then that person should be able to circulate through a Mumps Ward with no fear of contracting Mumps. So why are these Thugs soooooo worried about Everybody has to have the Mumps vaccine? Get all the shots you want and you don’t need to worry your pointed little head about ME.
“Children who are not vaccinated are in danger of catching diseases and can spread them to those surrounding them and be the center for outbreaks of serious diseases that can have tragic results,” Moalem-Refaeli noted.
Government proposes obligatory vaccines. Note logic failure above: if vaccines are effective, what danger do the vaccinated risk if some among them are not vaccinated?
The obvious reason to try and get this Fascist Mandatory Vaccination for EVERYONE into law is because UNvaccinated kids have so much stronger immune systems, that they can shed all the millions of bacteria’s virus’ we come across each day with absolute no problem the body does its job and easily fights them off, but these same kids meet Vaccinated kids with their suppressed immune systems that are barely functional and then all this usually non dangerous everyday bacteria etc, are now toxic. So healthy kids and any thing else naturally healthy is a threat.
So instead of having HEALTHY KIDS with healthy naturally protective Immune systems, these inhuman’s want every one to have broken sick immune systems by being poisoned by Vaccines…and a life of chemicals to fight any and all symptoms.Even the Aluminium in the Geo Engineering makes the vaccines more destructive, and they know it.
These inhumans need to be vaccinated with every vaccine they insist our kids or we adults must take, and all at once , and lets see them fade away real fast, enough of this one rule for you and another for us..