by Justin Deschamps,
In my studies of law and cosmic realities, I have had the chance to review several bodies of law knowledge, from the existing legal system to independent researchers focusing on divine, natural and cosmic law. One common thread that continually weaves itself through is the concept of personhood. The idea of a person is somewhat complicated yet so very simple we use it every day. A person is a kind of metaphysical technology that empowers the individual to do things in life. In the following, I’ll describe what a person is and why it is important to understand.
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Note: I have written the following as a conceptual exploration. I did not explain the concepts using established terminology, namely because in schools of law these concepts are described in different ways with different words. But the overarching ideas herein described are reflected in various systems of law throughout the planet, be they in the legal system or in bodies of knowledge accumulated by independent researchers.
Generally speaking, a person is a real thing, like a physical human being, and a fictional thing, like the name of a human being. The name is real, but in law is fictional, because the name itself is not a physical property of the human being, it is an intangible attribute. Similarly, the rights and responsibilities of a person are also fictional in that they are not physical, they are intangible objects associated with the physical being.
A person is the social and legal technology we use to interact with other free will beings, whether simply in conversation or in business and legal arenas. It is a technology because technology is the use of scientific knowledge for a specific purpose, in this case, we know with scientific precision that individuals have rights and responsibilities, therefore, we create a technology that puts that knowledge to use—a person. And like all technology, it can be used for good or not—but the technology itself isn’t evil, despite the fact the idea of a legal person is often regarded as bad.
In law, a person is defined as an entity endowed with rights and responsibilities, which could be an actual flesh and blood person or a legal fiction, such as a corporation.
For the purposes of your study, it is important to remember that a person is a character or role, much like a part in a play. For example, the king in Hamlet embodies certain qualities and has to do certain things so that the other characters in the play can do what they are meant to. In this sense, a person is not just the actor who agrees to be the character in the play but it is also the character itself. That is, when Shakespeare wrote Hamlet, the character of the king existed before an actor volunteered to play that role. Similarly, the concept of a person as it relates to law and the legal system is also a character that exists before an individual volunteered to attach themselves to that role.
In this way, a corporation can be created with certain rights and responsibilities, but that legal entity cannot “come to life” unless actual human beings take up roles in the organization. The board of directors, the CEO, the manager, the workers, all play roles in the corporation that give it life in the same way an actor takes on the part of a character in a play.
Legal System and Personhood “Uniform”
In the legal system and law in general, there are different types of persons, such as a natural person, legal person, citizen, ward, agent, trustee, and so on. The rights and responsibilities attached to a person define what kind of person it is. This is a somewhat complex concept to understand, but essentially you can think of it as the various jobs in a large company or business.
A chef is entrusted with certain rights, such as creating a menu and managing the kitchen of a restaurant, and is responsible for carrying out certain functions of the business. You know you’re looking at the “person of chef” because they play that role, they actually create the menu and manage the kitchen.
Extending this concept outward, any time an individual accepts certain rights and responsibilities they are attaching themselves to a type of person. In this sense, the person is more akin to a piece of clothing—you wear certain clothes for a certain purpose, and when that purpose is complete, you take the clothes off to do something else.
This concept of the cloths of a legal person is equivalent to the concept of an office, because an office is a place where certain things are done, and a person is a role created for some purpose. Thus, an office and a person are one in the same, although we usually only use the word office to describe highly specific functions in society. Nevertheless, an office is a role for the execution of some purpose, endowed with certain rights and responsibilities for realizing that purpose.
The divine and natural person are some of the most powerful roles of personhood because they have the most rights and responsibilities attached to them.
A legal person falls under this hierarchy of personhood, lesser than a divine or natural person because the legal person exists as a function of the society, and a society is an aggregate of natural persons with divine rights.
For example, when you pay your taxes, engage in commerce (buy and sell things) you do so via the rights and responsibilities that are created for the personhood of a legal citizen. The concept of a legal citizen is itself based on the concept of a natural person, which is itself based on the concept of a divine person.
A society cannot ignore the fact a legal person only has rights because a natural person exists, and a natural person only has rights because a divine person exists. The existing system acknowledges the divine and natural person via certain legal documents written hundreds of years ago known as Papal Bulls, which effectively recognized all spiritual beings have divine and natural rights. Later, other Bulls and Acts of Westminster further declared that all living beings are incompetent and therefore cannot be trusted to manage their divine and natural rights. Thus, while the existing system acts as though the average citizen is a thing with no rights, chattel, it secretly acknowledges that all beings have natural and divine rights.
What follows is a brief outline of some of the core concepts behind divine personhood, natural personhood, legal personhood, and the legal consequences of the failures of the existing legal system.
Divine Personhood
The divine person is a circumscribed space wherein a being is created with a unique purpose, endowed with rights and responsibilities for the execution of duties while incarnated in some form, whether on earth or in “heaven.” The soul is the divine person, created by the entry of a “person” into a divine register or roll—a divine record keeping entity. An analogy for the concept of person, as it relates to divine personhood, is a part or role in a play that was created or written before a person came to the playhouse to audition for the role.
Some concepts of the divine person, as presented in some works, is that of a spiritual office for a fleshly purpose—a time-space jurisdiction oppose to a divine or eternal jurisdiction—that requires a volunteer soul to embody, that is itself a kind of divine person with certain rights and responsibilities, namely the right to claim a fleshly role for the purpose of soul development.
Divine persons could also be thought of as a master soul group that is created for a cosmic purpose of infinite evolutionary potential and eternal destiny of action, with subordinate persons that might be thought of as individual souls. This might be thought of as a kind of corporate personhood of divine scope, much like a corporation on earth, with individual roles that can be embodied to form the whole. The divine person acts more like a container for the specific souls that embody the rights and responsibilities related to the purpose of that soul group. In this case, the flesh and blood person may die, they might forget their soul mission and have to try again (negative karma and reincarnation) but the divine person exists above this, much like the playwright’s character exists independent of all the various actors that give that role life, whether on stage or in a movie.
Natural Personhood
A natural person is the actual flesh and blood being, born via the natural birth process of a living being, which is itself evidence of the existence of a true trust—the flesh and blood embodiment of a divine trust. A true trust is created when a person is registered on a natural roll or register of existence, “recorded” by virtue of the fact a being actually exists in the flesh. One could argue the natural register for fleshly beings is the planet of incarnation and the body itself, which resonate in the heart and mind of the being—”the name of the soul is written on the heart”—for the purpose of executing a divine trust. That is, the existence of a flesh and blood being immediately establishes the fact that a divine and true trust exist, as evidenced by the fact a divine person is embodied as a soul that agrees to incarnate for a divine purpose, thereby becoming a trustee of a divine trust.
A divine covenant exists on the planet of incarnation between the society and the divine creator, for the purpose of rearing and protecting the rights of the incarnated natural persons. The divine covenant is a vast agreement with many attributes, in this context, refers to the recognition of a society that it has a duty to the Creator and creation. The recognition of the divine covenant by an evolving society also establishes the office of divine agent.
The office of divine agent is a type of legal person, an ecclesiastical person, entrusted with certain rights and responsibilities of maintaining society at a legal level as well as ensuring all natural persons are educated and given nurturing to one day become competent in law and proper use of their rights. The divine agent on earth is the Vatican and the ecclesiastical bodies associated thereto, which claim the role of agents of the divine.
However, due to the fact these self-proclaimed agents have failed to honor the obligations that are attached to the rights of the office of divine agent, they are de funct and incompetent. but, no satisfactory replacement has emerged, as of yet, to remove these usurpers and replace them with a competent body of true and tested sovereigns dedicated to the divine purpose, properly oathed to act as trustees of the divine via the divine covenant. Despite this situation, a body of individuals is slowly preparing to take on this role.
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Legal Personhood
A legal person is the earthly or societal reflection of the divine and natural person within an evolutionary legal system. In simple terms, the legal system evolves slowly over time and eventually recognizes the lawful realities of existence, creating a social version of the rights of the individual as they exist in relation to a society. The quality of the legal person, in this sense, is limited by the accuracy and completeness of that legal system in its capacity to properly describe these lawful realities. Thus, while divine and natural rights exist independent of the legal system, their power to properly shape the society is dependent on that society’s capacity to honor the rights of the individual by creating an honest, fair, and complete legal system.
A legal system becomes more perfect by way of forming better bodies of articulated knowledge, such as established cannons, axioms and legal facts that are inarguable or have gone unrebutted with a superior argument. The more accurate the body of accumulated knowledge, the more likely the legal system is to facilitate the development of the individual in becoming truly sovereign.
The legal person is the society’s explicit recognition that a divine and natural person exist, which that society is charged with describing (articulating as records of law) for protecting the rights of the natural person via social institutions. The very fact that a legal system establishes records and principles that clearly state the lawful realities of divine and natural personhood qualifies that legal system to act as divine agent. Prior to this time of legal enlightenment, so to speak, the office of divine agent is vacant, sometimes occupied by a deity personality or other stewardship entity, held and protected for the future time when humanity realizes its divine covenant and related obligations to the creation. The existing legal system acknowledged the divine and natural personhood realities hundreds of years ago but also created a slavery system for the purpose of ensuring the citizenry would never learn how to inherit their full powers of personhood created by the Creator of all things.
A natural person can interface with a society, from a legal standpoint, only if the natural person possesses a legal person by virtue of the fact the society created a version of the natural person in the legal system. This often happens by creating a legal person in the registers or rolls of the society’s legal system—like a live born record or birth certificate. The record itself creates a legal person, a name and a description of the natural person that identifies a being with certain rights and responsibilities. In this way, the legal person is the “uniform” the natural person uses in the society to interact with other legal entities in the society, such as the banking system, the legal system, the tax system, and commerce in general. When you go to a bank and use your bank account, you’re accessing the financial records of the legal person associated to it, and use that accounting system to exchange goods and services with other legal persons, whether they are corporations or actual natural persons.
The imperfection of the legal system, especially on earth at this time, relates to the fact that tapestry of legal concepts ascribed to legal persons presumes incompetence of a mental and spiritual nature—that the newly incarnated being is not capable of accepting their rights and responsibilities. Thus, the existing legal system, acknowledges the rights of the natural and divine person, more or less, but claims that the citizen is morally bereft and legally incompetent, and therefore, for the protection of their divine and natural rights, the citizen must be considered a legal ward—a spiritual child—forever incapable of managing their own rights.
On our world, the divine and natural rights of a person are held in Cestui Que Vie trusts maintained by the Bar Guilds of London for the self-proclaimed, yet de funct, divine agents of the Vatican. These false sovereigns claim ownership of the flesh and blood being (the natural person) as well as ownership of the soul (the divine person) and fail to educate the individual so that they can reclaim their divine inheritance. In other words, in the same breath that the system used to create your legal person (via the recording of your birth on a birth certificate) it also declared you dead, insane, incompetent and lost at sea—hence it is a de funt and corrupt system. And because only competent living beings can be entrusted with rights and responsibilities, your rights were confiscated from you at birth. As it presently stands, there is no legal way to reclaim your rights, which itself stands as a damning indictment of the existing legal system. However, the system can be reformed, which is arguably taking place at various levels at this time.
What a Fair System Should Do
A truer and just legal system, on the one hand, recognizes that newly incarnated beings are incompetent due to the fact they lack knowledge, but on the other hand, establishes a system of trust whereby the rights of that new being can be restored once the being has established competence. The responsibility of the trustee’s of legal system (the powers that be via Washington DC, London, and the Vatican), for the commandeering or rights from the individual, is to slowly and effectively nurture the competence of the newly incarnated being, so that they can one day reclaim their rights and embody the fullness of their natural and divine person within the legal system itself. Such a person, who has proven competence, becomes a sovereign—one of the highest legal authorities on earth, a living embodiment of evolving social culture as well as cosmic law. Such a sovereign person capable of defending the rights of others and themselves, as well as protecting the society at large and ensuring that it remains honest and honorable insofar as its duty to nurture and protect the rights of all people, especially those who have yet to establish their competence.
Vacancy of the Divine Agent
The existing legal system on earth fails to provide effective pathways for newly incarnated individuals to reclaim their rights via educating themselves in law and providing rites of initiation so as to establish an unquestioned proof of lawful competence. Due to the fact the trustees of the existing system (the Kings and Queens of the world along with the priest class that claims status as divine agents) have failed to honor their responsibility and duty to the Creator and the people, a vacancy of office of the divine trustee exists. The people, have the power to occupy this vacancy, but only if a true and competent sovereign, or body of sovereigns known as an ecclesia, can be established and carefully begin the restoration of law process that reforms the entire fraudulent system.
Divine Inheritance
All individuals are destined for playing their part in the divine purpose of creation, but only those who of their own free will, choose to do the Great Work of restoring law and order to earth qualify themselves for the high and burdensome job of occupying the office of divine agent. This is the great task and duty of those spiritually minded and wise souls who have heard the great call of creation and work tirelessly to improve themselves so as to one day take up their high office of divine person.
I hope you have found the proceeding thought provoking. This is only a small sample of the concepts of law related to personhood. I will be presenting more of this information as I am able to comprehend and synthesize it into tapestries of articulated knowledge. As always, I am always interested in your thoughts, ideas, and personal research. Please share your thoughts in the comments below to further the discussion.
– Justin
The preceding is a Stillness in the Storm original creation. Please share freely.
About The Author
Justin Deschamps has been a truth seeker all his life. He studies physics, psychology, law, philosophy, and spirituality, working to weave these seemingly separate bodies of information into a holistic tapestry of ever expanding knowledge. Justin is a student of all and a teacher to some. He humbly seeks those who are willing to take responsibility for making themselves and the world a better place. The goal of his work is to help himself and others become better truth-seekers, and in doing so, form a community of holistically minded individuals capable of creating world healing projects for the benefit of all life—what has been called The Great Work. Check out his project Stillness in the Storm to find some of his work. Follow on Twitter @sitsshow, Facebook Stillness in the Storm, and
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Mike says
The science of rights:
Marie Palmer says
I am writing an autobiographical book called, “The Gift of Will, A Road to Forgiveness, and a Passageway to the Divine.” It’s about my birth into a cult and the struggles I had as a child with sexual, spiritual, emotional, and psychological, and physical abuse.
I co-created the manifestation of an editor who unexpectedly took on the project pro-bono, which has included 2 years of work and much of her own money to edit and create this book.
My higher self, my Divine Self, is helping me to write this book. My animal self, and spirit are still in a lot of pain and anger and rage about what happened to my brother and I, among many other “second generation children/adults” born into the cult. I dedicate this book to one of their leader’s children who murdered a woman a part of the abuse, and then murdered himself, and to my brother, among any other second generation children/adults as well as any other human being who has been abused by religion, politics, parents, etc that need a voice and want to be a catalyst for change in the world: to protect and serve children and to uphold their rights to Divine connection without religion dictating who they should be to them, etc.
My higher Divine Self is helping me to see things more clearly and navigate through my dark and light human emotions: managing my light and my shadow self, like Carl Jung speaks of in his Red Book, which he wrote before he died–thinking he was going mad. It’s pure genius.
I would like to share my book when it is done with you. Can you help me market it? Or, maybe you know someone who can.
My email is [email protected]. I am a teacher K-12, mostly middle and high school–the year when my abuse reached it’s peak. It’s my way of paying it forward by being a good teacher, and someone who cares vs. someone who is apathetic, and neglectful.
I love what you do. Can you help me?
P.S. This article speaks to what I talk about in my book: unexpectedly much is surfacing that feeds my growth. I would love to communicate directly.
Marie Palmer
Great Article Justin, thank you. You really got me thinking. This helps me see more clearly how we have arrived where we are today.
We are seeing many examples in these times of the “authorities” doing what is known as ‘the pot calling the kettle black’ AKA projection. They accuse Us continually of what they KNOW (on some level at least) they themselves are guilty of. The “authorities” claiming that WE are too immature and incompetent to execute our Divine duties and responsibilities, is just one more obvious example of modern day projection. (((THEY))) are the ones who are unqualified to hold the positions they do and they further convict themselves with every selfish act they commit.
If you’re an authority who “gets it”, how do you prove your competent and qualified to be in your position? Well, I don’t know for sure, but it sure isn’t by sacrificing children to demons, or robbing resources, or lying, or cheating, or putting yourself first. It most certainly cannot be by planning to kill 90% of the Ones you’re supposed to be in charge of.